MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > A Film That Best Represents The 1970's ?...

A Film That Best Represents The 1970's ??

What do you all think?


The Bad News Bears (1976)


Is there a film that has a more stereotypical 70s feel than Saturday Night Fever?


depends on where you lived I guess. I get it b/c I'm from that area -- but it's hard to represent the decade across the country. I picked the Bears b/c it captured so much more than little league baseball -- but it's still limited to the suburban feel.


That is true...the 70s were a magical time when a man could drive down the street with an open container of beer with 8 unbuckled kids in his car and not be overly concerned with getting pulled over lol


no romanticizing at all on any level. and they lose the big game.


It's a great movie for sure!


Taxi Driver
Dazed and Confused


The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)


The original “Smokey and the Bandit” resonated well at the time when CB radios were popular.


Silver Streak (1976)!


Rocky. Maybe M*A*S*H.
I think the anti-establishment behavior of the characters of M*A*S*H is an example of how people felt going into the 70s with the turbulent 60s wrapping up but the Vietnam War still very much in the public consciousness.
I was pretty young at the time but M*A*S*H has a very 70s attitude that I recall my older siblings and their friends having.

And perhaps Rocky represents the optimism some people were starting to feel again by the end of the decade. Vietnam was over (as far as the public was concerned). We still had a lot of problems but we all wanted to believe we could be an underdog and still make it in America.


Dog Day Afternoon
