MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Something you probably have too many of?

Something you probably have too many of?

I probably have too many clocks. There's at least one in every room in my house, including the laundry room. The kitchen has three, if you count the ones on the radio and microwave. I prefer analog clocks, so I have a wall clock in each room. In the bedrooms, wall clock plus digital alarm clock. Hmm. 🕙


I had about 150 business cards at one time.


Empty wine bottles 😞


Probably board games. I love them, but no one ever wants to play them.â˜đ


That's a shame that people don't want to play. One set of my grandkids has an entire closet full of games. And it's a big closet, too. I'll bet that all together, it's a 30-foot run of games, stacked to the rafters.


Coffee mugs - I kind of collect cute/different/quirky ones.
Cuddly toy stuffed animals. I'm in my second childhood (when you get older you don't much care what people think anymore if you do silly things, lol!). And I don't date anymore either, so there's nobody to freak out if they get back to my place and see a giant faux fur goose, lion, Easter chick etc, lol! I know people hate this in a grown woman but I've decided if they make me smile and I think they're cute to have around, I don't care. :)


when you get older you don't much care what people think anymore if you do silly things, lol!...I've decided if they make me smile and I think they're cute to have around, I don't care.

Yes, yes, yes. Too bad it takes us so long to figure out that others are not thinking about us as much as we think they are.


Thanks for this support! A bit of what brightens your day can't be a bad thing, in my book.

I've heard stories about girls/women bringing a date home, and the guy gets freaked out about her having cute stuffed animals on her bed or something, like it can only be a bad sign of her having some sort of strange issues, lol. It's just....cute, to me! Not that I don't still have strange issues, hahaha! ðŸĪŠ

And maybe just a wee bit too many in my collection...!


Cardboard boxes. I always keep them for future storage, shipping, or traveling, but I have way more than I need.


Me too!! For me I think being a renter is what started this - even though I've always stayed in one place for many years each time, there is always a time I'll be moving again (rents going to too high, move on to the next cheaper place etc) so I've always hung onto cardboard boxes.




Clothes, comics, movies, and Video Games.


dry roasted peanuts
