MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Apparently there are people upset that t...

Apparently there are people upset that there are no LGBTQ characters in Avengers.


I hate the Avengers films, but I'm not sure why they're being picked on. You can choose so many other franchises, too. It's not like they have a responsibility to do so. Being filmmakers doesn't mean they have to be a voice of social justice and representation. Where do we draw the line? We could choose almost any race that's not white. We can choose Muslims, people with disabilities, homeless people, immigrants and so on. It would be great if they could, but it's not as easy as saying "just do it".

I mean, there are going to be countless children watching this movie, and there are no children in it either. Where is their representation? And I'm not talking about a high school Peter Parker where he could pass off like he is in college. Some could say that in itself is a lack of representation.

Don't get me wrong, if they're actively avoiding it, then by all means, criticize them endlessly. No one should be looked over through ignorance, but I scratch my head how people can think it's someone else's responsibility to represent me. We can all watch The Lion King and enjoy it even though pretty much none of us can see ourselves in Simba or Scar.


I think this is really a non issue. I think that if we look we can find people that are upset about any little thing out there and with the internet they have a platform to voice that opinion.

It's when people share and bring it up that give those opinions power. Both to those who are for and against said opinion.


Often the people expressing these views hold institutional power. Politicians, university professors, even industry leaders.


Superhero movies are gay in of themselves. So every characters is actually a homosexual


Near the first of the movie with the people in a help talk that Captain America was in,a guy talked about losing his boyfriend.


I got an ad for an all gay cruise when I hit on this post. LMAO.


All I got was an ad for the new Renault Captur SUV ☹️


The real question is... are you going? You can't pass up that amazing offer.


It says "do you cruise?" And I know what that implies.


I guess that's better than "expand your horizons".


Apparently there's cruise control on the Renault - does that count?
