MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > After 2016, We Need a Woman President

After 2016, We Need a Woman President

The US needs to finally break the glass ceiling.

It's a disgrace that the last 45 Presidents have all been men. Surely, 50% of the population should represent 50% of the Commander-in-Chiefs, and you guys have a long way to go, so maybe you should start sorting it out from 2020.

I don't know who the best female candidate would be out of all the ones who have put their hats into the ring so far (I still maintain that Hillary Clinton would have made a fine POTUS, and her defeat is the world's loss). I'm not too sure about Elizabeth Warren. I support many of her views, but her self-aggrandizing style might put a lot of people off (it certainly isn't to my tastes). But maybe one of the other female contenders like Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand or Tulsi Gabbard might be worth a shot (as a woman of colour, Harris is the one that would instinctively get my support).

I certainly don't think some smiley gawky former skateboarding dude-bro celebrity-approved white dude with a stupid name that sounds like 'beta', who recently lost his Senate campaign, should be the front runner in the DNC race.


I'm not American, but I find pretty much 90% of American politicans male and female to be extremely unlikable. I hated Hillary because people said she was progressive, but I remember years ago when she made a racist joke about Indian people and the time she got boo'ed on stage for not supporting same-sex marriage. And I also don't like how she says she's a feminist when she is with a man who has been accused of sexual harassment over 20 times. And what Bill did in the oval office both sucks and blows.

I didn't mind Barack but I hated hearing people say they voted for him just for being black like Steve Harvey did.

Jill Stein seemed pretty cool, but seeing how she was for the Green Party, she really had no chance of winning.

I think the best bet is for America to open up to other parties to give them a chance of winning. The same TV time, the same campaign opportunites.


Nikki Haley


President of Israel maybe.


Nikki Haley 2024


Conservative women don’t count as women in politics.


Elizabeth Warren stands zero chance against Trump. Kamala Harris stands zero chance against Trump. Tulsi Gabbard stands zero chance against Trump. These and all the rest of the otherwise, granted, fine upstanding women have zero clue how to tangle with Trump. After 2016, what we need is a serious course correction, Bernie. Bernie Sanders offers the highest likelyhood of ousting Trump, followed fairly far behind by Joe Biden.


Bernie would win. Biden wouldn't. The others wouldn't come close.


I wouldn't give Trump that much credibility. I know politics is a mean and weird business and campaigns can manipulate great numbers of people, but in the long run there is no way Trump will be looked upon favorably compared to Barack Obama. Trump is simply a creep a whole bunch of people got behind for a variety of reasons, all bad reasons.


I think it would be great to see a female president.


I thought you were British? Is it really your business telling the US what it needs?

Like any country, the US just needs a good leader regardless of gender or race.


But US politics has such an impact on the rest of the world (see the Paris Climate Change Agreement, to give but one example), and you're perfectly entitled to talk critically of British politics. :)


One, EU politics. Two, I'm not telling you what to do or what "we" need. Three, the impact of US politics on the world does not depend on the gender of its president.


Right on, Sarah Palin in 2024!


I think it should be illegal for a women to be president. You can't criticize a woman without being accused of sexism. Having the woman-card is too much power. She could get away with anything.


I would like to see Kamala Harris as president. If not Kamala, then I'd go for Bernie.


Out of all the posters here, I think you are the closest to my own mindset on this issue (I agree about Kamala and Bernie).*

*I agree with Allaby too, but his comment, although extremely welcome, was less specific than yours.


She'll lock you up.


Hey Pimp, you are a riot! LOL
