MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why Are Older Movies SO Much Better?

Why Are Older Movies SO Much Better?

Many, many reasons.. Rank them in order.


the business has changed


can you tell more about the business? i don't know that much about it


While that poster is responding to you kindly respond to my query please

Particular genres, eras or budgets would help me narrow down what you're talking about Orson so I can honestly respond to your OP with some level of knowledge as to what you are talking about


no CGI


Name 5 'older' movies you really enjoy so I have some basis to post a response

Genre, years, Indy or Big Studio...please be more specific Orson


last 40 yrs vs. the previous 40 yrs.. any genre. commercial, etc etc.. every aspect of film-making was better. besides what hownos said, CGI, which i dont like anyway

when i watch random recommendations, all the best seem to be from the "hollywood classic" times, golden years


The Town and The Departed in the crime genre...both were amazing

Blackhawk Down and The Hurt Locker...scary war movies for sure

As to horror we have Get out, It Follows, Mr. Babadook and Green room

Don't breath and Good Time were super thrillers...

Escape at Dannemora was an amazing cable mini-series as was the Ted Bundy Tapes documentary

I honestly think movies are doing just fine...there is often too much to watch


Agree with the too much to watch. I think the last time I posted numbers I used a year in the 80's but today I picked 1962. There were 2483 movies released that year. Compared with the 12,169 movies released last year.

I think there are still a lot of great, quality films being released. You just have to search that much more to find them.


because it focuses more on character development, situational humor and it also has more of a laid back feel to it.


Nah, newer movies are as good as older movies.


The good ones are.


Well, newer bad movies are also as bad as older bad movies.


Because they are dead or not in in touch magazine or in media in general

You modern celebs mean nothing to me. Suck it




Back then, the ideas were fresh.


-They didn't try so hard to be different
-Cinematography seemed more controlled like in film noir movies
-Lack of diversity wasn't great but they also didn't try to add diversity for the sake of it.
-Rarely did they have political agendas.
-The use of dolly/tracking shots
-Sequels were rare
