MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you think of gifs ??

What do you think of gifs ??

We don't have the ability to use them here and that may be a good thing. A sports site I often visit has banned them. The guy who runs the place said people who have nothing intelligent to say use gifs. They do seem kind of juvenile.


They can be really cute, though!🐰❀


I think it can be overused which happened on the sports site I referenced. It has caused quite a controversy.


Mixed feelings
Sometimes a really clever gif which is appropriate to a thread can be a great laugh but some people post them with zero thought or any value at all


I'd love to be able to tell you what I think.

But unfortunately we can't post gifs. :(




Sometimes they can be fun. Some people abuse them though.


Distracting and annoying. I don’t like having a hundred things moving on the screen when I’m trying to read something. I hate websites that have a video automatically playing as soon as the page loads and then it moves down the screen when you try to scroll down.


I agree. I get annoyed with all the clutter. Who wants to be stalked by an auto-play video??


good point


Just in case Mr. Jim is listening, I think it's probably a good feature to add. I know how to block them on my end if it ever became too annoying.


I think gifs and pics can be fun, but I HATE being stalked by those videos. What's the point? Either you wanted to watch when you first saw it, or not.


Stalking is a good way to put it. It really feels that way sometimes. The Daily Mail (UK) is a great example of it.


It is. I can't take credit for it though. It was GE who came up with that πŸ‘

Remember those cursor trailing things people used to put on their web pages? They were fun to play with for the first 30 seconds. Then it was like having gum stuck on your shoe on a hot day. GET THIS THING OFF MY CURSOR 😠


Sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're not. Like everything in life


Which sports site is that? A lot of people around here are into sports and might be interested.


It's a local Toronto one. No one here is interested


Bloody Elbow (mma blog) solved it by allowing gifs but displaying a β€œshow image” button in the post instead of the gif itself, so you can see it if you want to without leaving the page. Seems like a good compromise.


I guess sites are dealing with it in different ways.


even this dinky Toronto media site can do videos and pics/gifs


You never know. We've got a number of Canucks here, and some are even from Toronto.

What's up with that site? It says it has forums but I can't click through to get to any actual forums.


It’s a blog site. The comments are attached to each post.

I’m surprised at your level of interest in Canadian sports. You running an underground sports book?


I missed the comments. I wonder why they use the word forums over and over, when it's just a blog.

Well, you found me out. I am running an underground sports ring! Just keep it on the downlow.


I knew it! When customers are slow to pay, do you send Mijo in to handle collections?


You trying to bust my entire operation or something?

Fine, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Yep, Mijo's my muscle. Sure, sure, he may look and act like the sweetest guy ever, but if anyone tries to skip out or string me along with payments, ... put it this way, I wouldn't want to be them. They don't live to tell the tail.


Who knew the Raptors, Leafs, Blue Jays and Argos had such a following.


A lot of kids today seem to be more fans of individual players than teams, especially for the NBA. I see Kawhi Leonard jerseys around here all the time.

I often watched the Blue Jays when Clemens was starting. He had his two best years up there, just destroying opposing teams.


Clemens was great for those two years. Not sure how "clean" he was.


Everyone was juiced back then. McGuire hit 58 home runs in β€˜97, and 70 in β€˜98, with Sosa right behind him with 66.


It did make for a great 1998 season.


Mostly annoying, occasionally funny.


they do seem to be divisive.


Luckily, my friends and I rarely use them. I reckon I probably receive maybe 3 or 4 a year.


sounds reasonable
