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Vicodin and Oxycontin

Greatest thing about Americans traveling here in France is that they have these amazing painkillers we don't have.


Problem with these drug is they have cool names. if vicodin was called bogspalm no one would take them. and also oxycontin sound like it is a space station so instead call it something like dogshit not something cool like name of a transformer. Is simple


Yes, very delicious.


A Canadian company created Oxycontin and have been sued over and over. I am surprised Oxycontin is still available.




They have paid out at least $600 million and are still making the stuff.


tldr all of it, but it's the same with big tobacco, incredibly high fines and lawsuits but still making money, lots of money.


Took oxy after surgery. Good stuff


that was the purpose. sadly too many people got addicted.


Pills are bad. Keep it green.


Are you trying to say that France has oxy and vicodin and America doesn't?


I think you can get them without a script


Wow. Last time I was in Canada you could buy codeine over the counter but that hardly compares.



although codeine never did anything for me, it IS surprising you could buy it over the counter.. But then again, in Australia, they had something over the counter that had some (Panadol i think). On two separate occasions, a nurse gave me a morphine pill, and on both occasions, they didn't work, so it must be the codeine-base..


Bad stuff!


Don't do it.


I had a minor operation on my knee about 7 years ago
No big deal...all cool now, just a shredded knee
The Doc gave me a 60 pill prescription for Oxys with a refill option
He told me to take no more than 4 per day...!
4 per day?!? I couldn't handle one

What I learned was that pills will sap your strength, destroy your awareness and leave you broken up on the couch watching re-runs of old shows for days

Pills are awful, I tossed those little bastards on day three (I felt like I was in space and not in a fun way)
I found Rum and weed to be excellent for pain

Pills are very bad...I lost a good buddy to pills


"What I learned was that pills will sap your strength, destroy your awareness and leave you broken up on the couch watching re-runs of old shows for days"

I managed to do this WITHOUT pills.


