MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you imagine yourself having conversat...

Do you imagine yourself having conversations with people in your head?

To prepare for a potential conversation, I often play out the conversation in my head, imagining possible different things the other person might say and how I will respond. Sometimes I'll imagine a conversation I know is never going to happen, just to test out my conversational skills. The problem is that conversations never go as smoothly as you imagine them. In your head you articulate your words flawlessly, but in reality you stumble on them.


To the extent of sounding out ideas and ideas that may pertain to that person then yes. Otherwise, no.


Sure, I think that is pretty common.


We probably all do.

My wife does it and sometimes gets confused and thinks the conversation really happened. Sometimes they become imagine arguments and she'll suddenly get really any at me for no actual reason. I believe she holds grudges from imaginary arguments that happened years ago.


Yes women do this, they have mental issues


The brain doesn't seem to like to be quiet and still. I have constant thoughts, sometimes conversations, mostly thought, day and night. Dreams are a mystery to me. From the time I was a kid I dreamed every night. Like I said, the brain is mysterious.


All the time -- many times with people I won't see, and some who are already dead.


I do it out loud, not just in my head, lol.

I will actually "rehearse" out loud what I want to say to the person; I find it helps me more to speak the words as if the person in question is already there, rather than just play out the conversation in my head. Speaking out loud to practice the conversation or my responses is like a more real "dress rehearsal."

It helps that I live alone and someone isn't there freaking out that I appear to be talking to myself in the next room, lol.


I rehearse it out loud as well sometimes, but I keep my voice low. Sometimes others hear me and it's embarrassing.


Oh yep, it's incredibly embarrassing to find you've been overheard, lol!

And then have to explain that you're not actually talking to yourself or hearing voices in your head and responding to them!


The phones of today have completely cleared up any issues I have with imaginary conversations or even talking to myself. I do it all the time.. No one gives me a second look.


All the time. I go through every possible outcome too. 😅
