MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Well I ain't superstitious...

Well I ain't superstitious...

Black cat just crossed my trail...

Howlin' Wolf knew what he was talking about way back in '61!

I'm not superstitious but certain conversations and events put me on edge

When someone mentions how fair the weather has been I expect a massive storm within days
This happens very often:(

While they are lovely and majestic forest creatures and serve a purpose, I quite dislike seeing Owls...They seem a sinister bunch to me and I have had awful times after seeing them in the trees
I love/hate owls...they signify death in my opinion (I see an owl and I assume somebody has died...this has been a pattern for me)

Ask me how my car is running and I change the topic immediately...talking about the vehicle is a certain jinx!
NEVER inquire about the vehicle:/
I don't need a blowout or crash and I must get to work

Do you have dumb superstitions too?


You sound like a character from Twin Peaks.



I never saw Twin a loss here


Owls were a whole strange sub plot in the overall strange plot of this magnificently weird series:

"The owls are not what they seem."



Looks pretty interesting
I gotta watch this one sometime
Thx for the link Amigo👍


You're welcome, Bro.



I always keep some lights on even when sleeping. Keeps the demons away. That's not superstition, it's science.


Can't argue with science!


Nope, but you mentioning owls reminds me of a very brief story. Me and a buddy were hanging out in a wooded area of Idaho when he spotted maybe a Great Horned Owl in a tree. He points it out to me, then before I knew it, he chucks a rock in it's direction. The owl silently flew further away. I was surprised he did this and asked why. He said, "You wanted to see it fly didn't you?" Yeah, I guess so, but the funny thing was it was a huge bird and made absolutely no sound, like an Avian Prius.


Some experts claim an owl makes no sound in flight, that owl feathers are constructed in such a fashion as to be silent to make them a perfect predator
I do not agree

Some years ago I was deer hunting with friends in the town of Greene, NY
I was completely camouflaged and in a shooting stand and not moving at all
Right after sunup (maybe 6 Am-ish) I heard a great big 'whoop-whoop' sound overhead
It was a very large, yellow-eyed owl flying by!
He flew just over my head and we looked right at each other!
Silent? Not at all!!
Owls make noise when they fly, the 'experts' are wrong

I shot a very large doe about 3 hours later
50 pounds of meat, all of it delicious

Owls always seem like an omen to me, I see one and I just assume something is going to happen...that's probably silly but it has been my experience


Contrary to depictions of owls being an academic or an intelligent animal, they are actually the dumbest of all winged species, almost entirely driven on instinct.

Who's the most intelligent? It would be the one physically able to demonstrate the mastery of tools to create a solution to a problem, the vulture, dropping a rock on an Ostrich egg in order to break it open for food. Bird nut alarm off! (^_^)

How heavy do you think that doe was? Miss the taste of deer meat.



Turkeys are pretty clever too
They can spot you a hundred yards away and scoot off...they are nearly invisible in dense brush
Nearly impossible creatures to hunt!

That big girl had to push 200 lbs
Biggest doe I ever saw
.35 Marlin (pre-'73, all metal chamber, 200 grain Remington Core-Lokt bullet) did the job
It was quick and clean
She did not know what hit her
I gave lots of good cuts to my hunting pals and I ate the rest
Venison is tops!


That's one helluva' haul, Shogie! Cool that you shared the spoils. Would have been hard storing all that meat in one spot, preserving and draining it of fluids. My family would save deer meat for Thanksgivings and Christmases when my dad was still able to physically hunt in season. His eyesight and hearing is still laser sharp to this day from all the many years he enjoyed the activity since his childhood.

You do like your guns. Even though my family is fond of them, taught to handle firearms with responsibility and oversight, I won't pretend I'm an expert on their stats, more in Twin B's department.

Mom likes handguns. Dad, the occasional rifle but more into shotguns. He used to have one such shotgun that belonged to my paternal great-great-grandfather, the one from Denmark, Rough Rider who fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. It was an antique, nickel-plated, still in mint condition due to regular use and proper cleaning. Hope to be able to retrieve it one day.



If that's how you perceive owls, you should watch You'll become even more convinced. This is one movie where they really creeped me out. It's found footage schlock but right up your alley.


I will seek it out!
Obliged db


Your friend was bold to do that. I would have left that Great Horned Owl alone. They're cannibals. Eat other owl species smaller than them.



He lives there and worked for the US Forest Service, so I guess he's pretty comfortable in the woods. I think that area of Idaho was the first time I saw an Osprey. Definitely one of the only times I saw an owl in the wild. Once saw one in an open air warehouse, and it did give me the creeps. I was alone and at night and I figured the thing could dive at me and I wouldn't know what to do, haha. Most animals don't really care about people, although getting between something and their little ones might cause a confrontation.


Your friend knows what he's doing then. What makes owls seem creepy are their large eyes to body ratio. I always found them to be harmless and a welcome sight for eating potential pests.

Your story made me smile, thank you.



Glad you brought up the song. I think the classic version is Jeff Beck Group with Rod Stewart singing.
