MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's your favourite video game ?

What's your favourite video game ?

For me,

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Great story, fantastic graphics for the day. On the PC at hi-res it's really beautiful to look at, and lots of sheer unpolitically correct fun.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour Editions 2004 through to 08 - Also on the PC. For someone who used to play golf this is the closest I can get to it now. The bonus is that you get to play on so many of the best courses in the world that you would never get to do in real life.


Anything tomb raider
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil Revelations 1&2


For me it's The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
It's a thing of beauty. There are many other games that I've enjoyed but this one is my favourite.
Dungeons, swords in stones, time travel, great puzzles, horse riding, ghosts and mummies all in a huge world.
There are other notables like Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie and of course Conker 's Bad Fur Day.


The Last Of Us and Uncharted 4


Fallout 3.


Gran Turismo 2. I like cars.


For me it's Until Dawn.

Eight friends go to a cabin in the Canadian mountains when they are set upon by an evil presence.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a fantastic game! The neon lights, the 80's soundtrack, Hawaiian shirts. It's like you're living in the time period.


Smash TV


Heck yes! Would play this beat 'em up side-scrolling shooter with twinB on our Super NES. The cultural references to other violent forms of entertainment such as 'ROBOCOP' are sweet too, "I'd buy that for a dollar." By the same makers of Contra.


Great game, I still play it on my son's Xbox from time to time. Talking of Robocop he's got that on there too, the old arcade version. It's modded with hundreds of games on the hard drive.


GET THE FUCK OUT! My favorite or maybe tiger is probably my very favorite.
Got an arcade model in storage!!! Big money big prizes..I LOVE IT!!!!


Classic game feet, You've got good taste 👍




The most fun one can ever have even if they are terrible at it, like me, haha!


Play the B mode until level 9 and you'll witness the big rocket being launched into space. It's magical!🚀


Thanks for the tip. It's been a long time since I've played the original game.

Did you know the Russian man who invented Tetris received very little income from the Soviet government who distributed it to the world market? Not to worry, the inventor now earns royalties off his concept, a stoic but very cheery person who dreams about math.


Got his number?


Maybe? I'll need to scavenge through my Nintendo Power magazines.


Let me know when you've found it! Also, a picture maybe?


Oh yes, there's a picture. though don't hold your breath, might take me a while to find it. Sure, there's the internet. The magazines have extra tidbits that can be hard to find elsewhere.


Exactly! Ah, the good old days! Playing Tetris on the tiny green screen of my Gameboy classic!


Mickey Mouse Magical Tetris on PlayStation 1 is my favorite Tetris game. It has crazy non-standard shapes, can attack the other player, and more innovative modes. And it has beloved classic Disney characters like Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Pete. So much fun!
