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A pressing movie/TV question


When do you make your bed, or do you?

First thing after you get up? Never? Whenever you do laundry? Does someone else do it for you?

It's now 4:30 PM, and my bed remains unmade. Usually I do it within a few hours after I get up, because it helps set the tone for the day.


I don't sleep in a bed...


Futon, floor, coffin, hyperbaric chamber?


Draculier, moi !? No I sleep in a rocker recliner so it is a bit of a makeshift effort. I put some cushions and pillows and blankets on it every night and take them off every morning. So I suppose you could say I make my chair every day.


Hey, even Draculier's gotta sleep somewhere.

I'd ask why you sleep in a rocker recliner, but don't want to get too personal. Unless you *want* to get personal, then all bets are off.

Making your rocker recliner every morning it is then.


No problem. I'm a bit of an old wreck and sleeping on a flat surface is too uncomfortable for me these days. So it was either $7,000 for a super duper bendy electric bed or $1,500 for a rocker recliner and make do with that. It wasn't so much the cost as the sheer size and weight of those electric beds that put me off.


Sorry to hear that. Must have taken you a while to get used to sleeping in a chair.

Yeah, $7k for a big, HEAVY bendy bed vs $1.5k for a rocker recliner, no contest.


You would ask that question on a day I didn't get around to making mine! I usually make mine after I get dressed, or sometimes after breakfast.


Ha! That's why I asked, haven't gotten around to making mine either today. It's still nagging me from across the room. So far I've managed to semi-ignore it.

BTW, how did you fare yesterday? I've been wondering. Did the mercury hit 94?


It has been miserable for the past week! Yesterday, officially it hit 96° At my place it hit 98° both yesterday and today.
Finally, I think this historic heat wave has been broken. As usual, a cool front spawned some serious thunderstorms, both yesterday and today. The wind was crazy, we had hail, and it looked like it was snowing because the wind stripped all the seeds from the trees. You know, all those whirlybirds from the maples, and the ones I describe as oatmeal because they look like little flakes of oatmeal. It is now 70° and that almost feels cold after the past several days. Ah, relief!


Jeez...awful weather out there!
Sorry Glen
It doesnt seem fair


Hey, it gives us something to talk about! Some schools in the state let students out early because most schools are not fully air-conditioned. I saw a report that in one classroom it was already 95° at 11 am.


Too high...i remember classes and nobody was paying attention anyway!
Im skipping to go pool hopping


Good grief, even higher than predicted?! I thought today was supposed to drop to a fairly reasonable 88 😬

I don't understand how hail is even possible in heat that high, even with a cool front coming in!

Well, I'm happy for you that finally it's broken and you're down to a comfortable 70.



But of course! 👍



So, you don't pull the sheet over -- with or without effort -- or, you don't want it to count? ;)



Can't argue with that logic. Well, I could, but what would be the point?



Well, if you insist! :D

It's psychological. It feels much nicer to get into a made bed at night (or whenever) than it does to not. This is why hotels do it.

It also feels nicer to walk past your bed and see it made, and it gives you a feeling of satisfying minor accomplishment as a way to ease into your day.

All this said, it's after 6:00 PM here and I still haven't made my bed!


I don't make my bed and wait to the last possible moment to do the laundry, usually when the basket is totally full. Sock laundry is probably done for a few months since I've switched to sandals. I've also never been to a laundromat in my life except once to get change for the parking meter.


You've never had to use a laundromat? I envy you!

Until renting my last place, and now this one, it'd been decades since I had to go to one, and thought those days were long behind me. HATE going to them. Waste of time, and depressing, plus the washer and dryers usually suck and wreck your stuff 😐

Now, naturally, like you, I'm waiting until the last possible moment to do laundry, but for a different reason.


I've never used a laundromat either, although I have used the laundry room at a couple of apartment buildings I lived in years and years ago.


A laundry room at an apartment building isn't exactly fun. You have to keep running back and forth to check on your laundry. But using a laundromat is worse.

Load up laundry, load up car, unload car, might have to wait for an open washer because they're usually busy, wait wait wait. The dryers here are terrible. You've a choice of air-only or high, and $.25 buys you only 8 minutes, so you have to be there to babysit the whole time.

It takes 2-3 hours of sitting in a depressing environment until you can pack up your car and unload it.

I can think of worse things, but not things you have to do every few weeks!


25₵ gets you 8 minutes??!! Yikes! I agree that apartment laundry rooms are a step up from laundromats. There's one a few blocks from me and the folks across the street - even though it's a house, once a week I see them hauling out the baskets and duffel bags and heading for the laundromat. I feel for them because I know it can't be fun. I don't blame people for putting it off.


I know, 8 minutes for $.25! Can you believe it? You can't even put in $.75 so it'll run for a whole 24 minutes [eyeroll].

But the worst is almost all of my clothes need to be washed in cold and dried on cool, or they get ruined, but I have no way to do that now. My choice now is air/no heat, which would take hours if they ever did get dry, or high, which takes much less time, but wrecks them :|

I feel for your neighbours too.

When I moved last year from a house with a washer and dryer to the first rental (which I loved!), that was fine because there was a small nearby shed sort of building with a nice washer and dryer I shared with my landlord. That was great! No problem at all; I didn't mind sharing.

But to then move into a place with no washer or dryer, and now into this one, 😬. Although I really do like this place a lot otherwise. (Not so much the other one.)


Do you have room for any kind of drying rack in your place now? A lot of my clothes shouldn't go in the dryer (shrinkage). In nice weather I hang them out on the clothesline. In winter I hang them on my collapsible drying rack. It's great because it takes all of about two seconds to open or collapse it, and it's easily stashed on a corner of my tiny bedroom closet.

Bed Bath & Beyond has a two-tiered model (also twice the price of mine) if you need more hanging space.

Another nice thing is you can easily move it to a different spot in the house to catch the sun or a breeze, often without removing what you have on it. The only thing you have to remember is not to overload it since parts of it are plastic (wet clothes can weigh quite a bit).


Unfortunately no space for a drying rack. I don't even have one single closet! 😂

That would be a good solution, otherwise. I love you for having a clothesline! They are great to have. If I could have one here, I would.


I run a load or two of wash most everyday...i always fold on the bed so in the afternoon i make the bed

I also think a bed should 'air out' during the i leave the blankets and such lie until after work

I dont like getting into an unmade bed so i make it everyday


I'm a believer in letting the bed air out for a little while at least, which is why I usually make it after breakfast. Today is the exception since I never got around to making it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It was too hot, I guess.


Holy cow!!!
You are over 4k posts!
Oh man have i been out of it with the long family weekend...Congrats Toots😘

Sorry about your crummy weather, i think we are all having a lousy Spring if thats any consolation lol!


Whoa! You're right. A few days ago I noticed I was getting close, but then forgot about it. Thanks for the nod.




😁 🥂 Back at ya!


Woo hoo, congrats! 🍾


Oh, and I think Spring forgot about us. We sort of went from winter right to summer.


Our 'Spring' in New York included heavy snow, low temps and brown lawns...
Total bust
I am resolved to grab the next few weeks by the neck and wring a proper season out of it-
Summer and ghastly humidity will be here soon and i WONT be robbed of Spring
Im planting and busting butt in the certain we will make it happen🌷🌼🌺🍀!!!


I'm going to grab the next few days to get some stuff done in the yard now that the temps are much better. Among other things. my lawn needs mowing and I have some weeds to deal with.


Go for it Glen
A pretty yard is so satisfying


I envy you too! Not that I'd do a wash that often, but it'd be nice to if I wanted or needed to.

I don't like getting into an unmade bed either. It doesn't feel very nice. I also have a lavender/geranium linen spray that I spray onto the pillows and sheets before I get in, because it makes getting into bed even more of a pleasure!


Same here - getting into a rumpled bed is not cool. It's kind of depressing and makes me feel slothful.


It's like the short version of when you get sick and by the 2nd or 3rd day straight in bed, you start feeling weird and depressed. Slothful too.


Spot on!


when expecting company and when I launder the bedding- wasn't always this way - used to make it when I woke up every day - which varied because I used to work different shifts


That makes sense, the change in shifts creating a change in your bed-making.

I have to admit I feel better when I make my bed early on in the day. This thread has guilted me into finally making it, even though it's 7:00 PM!


I had a job for a while that had me starting work at 5 am. Most of the time I never got around to making my bed. When I worked 3rd shift for a few years, bed-making was way down the list of priorities.



I'm laughing at the 27 pillows! They may look great, but are a pain when you have to find a place to stash them at night, and then putting all of them back in the morning.

I only have 5, regular pillows, and every night and morning I think that's 3 too many.


Putting the bed back in shape is the first think that I do upon awakening, unless I am not sleeping alone. Making the bed is part of my waking-up calisthenics. People will warm up before exercise, but not warm up before going out into the world and living, and that’s never made sense to me. Jack Lalane, one of the pioneers of the fitness movement, was often asked why he looked so much younger than his age. He would say, “Look at how most people start their day: a cup of coffee, a cigarette, and a doughnut. No wonder they feel so bad!” So I never SPRING! out of bed. I warm up progressively. What better way than by folding sheets and fluffing pillows. Except for when I’ve not been sleeping alone. That is a better way.


It is a nice, easy way to ease into the day's activities. I also simply dislike looking at an unmade bed.
