Old Flames

Its a cold crummy weekend here so i leafed through some old photo albums just now out of boredom...
To my shock i came across two photos of dear Patricia...a sweet but tough Irish gal from the Bronx i dated for almost two years long, long ago
Shes dressed as a lady vampire in one pic (i went as a lumberjack to that H'ween party...crossed wires/ no wonder we didnt work out lol) and we are both at a museum in the other one
Weird thing is id totally forgotten about sweet Pat until i happened across the photos
When i recall my dating days one thing was always a constant...when we split up every last reminder of them went out with the trash...photos, perfume bottles, jewelry, 'unmentionables,' love letters...it all went to the curb for the garbage man
How i didnt destroy these two pics is beyond my ability to explain

Maybe im a tad 'off' but i never kept a single reminder of my past sweeties...i thought it best to just move on

Do YOU hold onto old momentos of past flames and flings or do you toss that crap out like i always did?
Share if you care to...


I throw stuff away. But sometimes I regret it. I went through a painful divorce and tossed everything. But now I wish I hadn't. My relationship with my ex is good and there were a lot of clever, artistic notes that I wish I'd kept. Or maybe I was right to get rid of them.... my heart kind of hurts as I'm writing and remembering.


How long ago has it been since you split?


Oh, wow, it's been 18 years!


Im very sorry to hear it
If it means anything i wish you the best and im very pleased to meet you
Thank you for your thoughtful response...that actually beat me up a bit too


Thanks, you're very kind. As you can see above, it's been a long time.


What stuff,if any,did you keep from your youth?

I've kept 2 concert T shirts both from David Bowie concerts,ticket stubs from gigs,my old school reports from junior school.I'm not sure if you guys call it a report? You know when your teacher tells your parents how you're too quiet/noisy/clever/stupid etc
I've kept a couple of beautiful letters that were sent when my mum died nearly 30 years ago.
My books and LP's but I did thin them out when we moved in 2016.
Some of the kids pictures,cards and stories they wrote which are hilarious and they love seeing that stuff.
I even kept a Halloween costume I made of a ghost which my granddaughter now has in her dressing up box!


David Bowie concert...
Nice! That had to be amazing!!
I never got to see him live
Prince either...im really f'ing up this 'life' thing!

Im guessing you mean what we call a 'report card' here in the 'states
And yup...all of my teachers were quite harsh...to be honest i probably deserved it

Very sorry about your mom
Ive not had that experience yet...i often think id like 'to go' before anyone else i love...then i feel really crappy because thats cowardly...death of a loved one simply freaks me out

Ive kept nothing from my youth but my comic books, BB guns and records...
Im wearing out my Billy Joel albums at this point

Love the 'dressing up' box comment
My sweet baby girl (10 now!!) has one too
Little kids crack me up😀


From the days before the Internet (became widely used) I still have some letters from a woman I knew from college that I was fairly serious about but not in a relationship with. I also have some items that were left for me such as an expensive pen but no lingerie, clothing, or extremely personal items.


See i would have tossed that pen out or given it to a buddy
It was very cleansing to chuck the remainders...sometimes i think i should have kept some of it though
I went with a pretty girl named Adele in my senior year of high school
Cant even remember her face anymore but she was a tall blonde girl
I miss this one photo of her ...she was in a pink prom dress and went to prom with another guy...i did not attend prom, saved up my money to fix my '67 Mustang
She eventually married a dude from the neighborhood and had a real nasty divorce with him a few years later
The guy she went to prom with became an abusive asshole towards his first wife, a girl i knew quite well
Im thinking im glad i tossed all of that stuff out
No looking back


It's very complicated as I never had a simple breakup or difference of opinion. Hard to describe unless you knew the women in question. I would very sad when the day comes when I could not remember a woman even if the outcome was not what I had hoped for. Even the woman whose dad (this happened more than once) did not approve of me did not make me that mad or emotional. He never met me (he knew financially what I was worth (or more to the point not worth) but she was very warm in the month that we had a relationship in. By the way we were both students at a major university so it was not like I was earning a big paycheck. At least I learned from every relationship I was in and learned in this case this woman in part expected things to move a lot faster than I planned to go which did not help. It made me realize with other women that they are not creatures of patience. I think part of my problem was confidence that I figured I would go slow and make the time last but I think most women want to make a quick assessment. I never had many involved relationships but I have plenty of stories to tell nonetheless.


Im not happy that i no longer remember them...i just always 'closed the door' and found a new room to be in with a pretty new face
It was a constant adventure and i sometimes miss the revolving romance game...but wifey is awesome so...

Confidence was not your problem
You need to maintain that confidence...frankly a man with no confidence would be like a man with no man parts...utterly useless to a fine gal and not so popular around the boys!
Hold onto the confidence man


I did not so much make a deliberate point to save things but at the time I tossed whatever into a desk drawer, closet, whatever and many years would go by. Then lo and behold I would come across that item. I'm kind of a saver in general. I think that you had more success in playing the field than what I did. At the same time I would admit that I am not the most patient in that if something fizzled I wanted to be into a new woman within days. I just did not have the social network to make that happen. This kind of leads into one of the interesting stories that I previously mentioned. Things were drawing to an end at college and this woman who lived in the same student residence shows a very strong interest that was never evident before. Maybe she was just looking for a fling without any attachments. Anyways, while not directly involved she kind of helped cover up some serious criminal activity (embezzlement) that had gone on there by another student. I was pretty pissed as I had nothing to do with this but since I was on the council there I suppose I could have been dragged into it depending how a DA would look at it. The "move" happened just 3 months after the "confession" to the rest of us in this student unit. As much as I was looking for a woman even for a fling at the time I could barely stand the sight of this woman never mind getting aroused by her. I thought to myself that "You really kiss guys on the lips with that mouth?" I regret this now but maybe it was appropriate when I told her to do herself without my participation but in more vulgar language.



'Not the most patient...'
Oh my word these ladies require patience my friend!

Id like to hear more about the embezzlement...a good crime story would be fine reading and im frozen in over here

What did she look like?
Im picturing psycho Sharon Stone...oh tell me she crossed her legs during the investigation!!


I'm not sure that I should say much more about the crime even though it was interesting because I don't want to hear from her or a couple other people again. I will say that the money was returned but the risk was there in that the university could have audited the accounts while this went on and for the amount of money involved it would have been turned over to the DA. I will say that based on other embezzlement incidents that were public knowledge at the time that if convicted any such person would have done prison time. About the only "lucky" thing out of it was if convicted New York did not typically send light weight criminals to maximum security prisons. Not that other states do not have rough prisons but remember New York had Sing Sing and Attica. Attica leads me to tell about a man my wife knew (the families knew each other) who was sent to Attica on a drug dealing charge for 30 months of which he served 24. The guy was in his early 30's and thought he was a tough guy. Anyways, 24 months goes by after he arrives and according to my BIL this guy physically looks like he is pushing 60. Not only that but he slept with the lights on and jumped at the slightest noises. Not that I blame him.

Anyways, about the woman she was around 5'6" decent proportions and OK looking but dressed like chit. No Sharon Stone moment but made it known she was open to me "tapping" her. A better female moment there was when this other woman who normally dressed kind of bland shows up for dinner in tight jeans and tight black full sleeved top. I knew she had a rack but darn who knew just fine it was until then. Then there was the woman who worked as a call girl to put herself through college. 6-8 guys showing up at a female student's room on a weekly basis and she had a roommate to boot. I always wondered how they worked that out but some of these people lived at the various libraries when they were not a class. Some people I barely saw over a semester.


I’m from Calgary, my favourite old Flame is either Lanny McDonald or Jarome Iginla.

Canadians will get this reference 😆


Do you like Terrance and Philip?


Sure, buddy.


I'm not your buddy, pal.


I’m not your pal, guy


I'm not your guy, friend.


I buy a can of gasoline and laugh maniacally while watching all that crap burn to dust!


I get it
Ive pitched stuff in the fire before as well
Im locked into the marriage deal now but i remember the times of broken hearted nights and new lover days...
No better feeling than laying down in a cozy bed with the newest one...each one was a special gift and you wanted to be really sweet and love them really hard!
It often got very sweaty
Guess those days are over now
No harm in remembering tho
Fine times


Come on, it can still get sweaty! Just do some push-ups before going to bed. Or turn up the thermostat.


Got sweaty 3x this past weekend😜
No pushups needed but i kept a cozy fire lit...
Good times




You know i have to google half the stuff you post...

Pronounced 'he-sell-ing'
Its a term for cozy company and a big word for The Dutch...also considered to be untranslatable...much like you my dear😘
According to my brief research it means a lot of things...a house can be Gezellig, a cool car, a person too...im confused but smitten!
That gypsie woman at the carnival warned me about Dutch girls but did i listen?


Pretty much everything can be 'gezellig', Shogie. As long as it gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside! And yes, that could also be those Dutch girls that gypsie warned you about!😘


Ive been accused of a lot of things but taking the advice of carnival Gypsie women wasnt one of them


That's just silly, I live by the advice of gypsy women at carnivals.


Well thats really odd...
The last time i spoke to a Gypsie woman i woke up as a 10 year old the next day
That was a crazy week i tell 'ya!


AS a 10 year old or BESIDE a 10 year old? Just want to be sure I'm not dealing with Kevin Spacey here.


AS a ten year old you crazy dame..
Reading comprehension classes are available...ill check out the Pennysaver and find one for you
Least i can do really, right?


Besides my balance, alcohol also seems to affect my reading comprehension, unfortunately. But I'm glad to know 10 year olds don't get you all sweaty.

It's an interesting story. Maybe you should sell it to Hollywood. I don't think there's ever been a movie about someone waking up in a kid's body. It'll be a blockbuster, I tell ya!


Im never not sweaty for you

Just got off the phone with Tom Hanks' agent
Hes ready to start shooting...
Im over the moon here!

And ive penciled in a small role for you...the cranky, bossy lady next door
Keep the wooden clogs (they are hot) but maybe a sundress would be better than your jeans and Ramones tee?


Ramones? Why the hell would I ever wear a shirt of the Ramones? It's Iron Maiden, okay! And the shirt stays on!


I get it
Maiden is awesome

But im pretty sure that shirt is coming off


Only if your pants come off.


Im totally pantless...its just how i roll

Now...regarding that 'killers' tee...let me help you with that

Im very thoughtful😜


Then we've got a deal, sugar!

Should I shave my moustache?


Nah...youre totally rocking it!


I'll try to keep this in perspective.

I think it's natural for people to hang on to mementos.
These are often no more than memories. We will always have those memories no matter if
we keep something or not. The memories will never leave us.

Family and friends are more difficult but it's basically the same formula.
I've lost countless people in my life and have learned that over time you don't need mementos to remember.

It can often be painful to look back on things you saved.
It's just better to move on.

This is just my opinion of course.


Very kind and well written my friend

Youre not wrong...memories are momentos too...but im a damned dunderhead and usually forget them
Maybe im lucky

Lost a few very important people
One very recently
Hard to pick myself up afterwards
I love these people of mine...im tough but damn it can be a heartache...a terrible feeling
Condolances brother

Your opinions matter greatly...youre one of a kind


I appreciate it and don't mean to be a downer.

I've just learned the hard way that sometimes holding onto mementos
doesn't always have a good ending.

It's never easy losing people you love.
We all learned so much crap in school I often wonder why they don't teach these kinds of things.
These are the things we all have in common. Everybody will lose people eventually.
We're all kind of left to figure it out on our own. Like a lot of things in life.

Like I said , don't mean to bring anything down it's just the reality of life.

So go fuck yourself.
Ahhhhhh, that felt better. ;)


That did feel better jerkface!!
I was getting all weepy and shit
Well played as usual wiseguy


I meant what I said but it was just too damn depressing.
I was a pile of tears and Kleenex.

I had to do something.
Thanks for being a sport.
Desperate times you know.....


No worries
I thought that was great!

Lets make some magic happen here on MC this year pal
You are aces dude


I'm in.

Come a little closer, then you'll see
Things aren't always what they seem to be
Do you understand the things that you've been seeing?
Do you understand the things that you've been dreaming?
Come a little closer, then you'll see


That got me weirdly excited
I think i may need a break


I was already there.
Talk about too much Kleenix.

We may all need to take a break.
Or just amp it up.

Whatever!!!! It all works.


Amp it up i say💥💥💥
You wont catch me running away bud

Weve got a proper cast, fine script, im working the camera and you are simply owning the score!!

Globes and Oscars next year...they are gonna fall on us like rain
It might even hurt a bit...they seem rather clunky

MC got no idea about the heat gettin' brought!


Let's do this!!!!


Over the next several days we will open up a can that few have been
privileged to witness.

And the shadows you leave behind you
Are like the rain that's crashing down
When there's no one left around
I'll be the rain that's crashing

I'm all goosepimply !!!!!!!!!!!
