MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you'll win at the lottery...

If you'll win at the lottery...

...what you are going to do with the money? I'll quit my job,make a partnership with my friend,buy some good computers,hire some good PC progamers and start working in computers graphics.What about you?


Get a financial advisor and a good lawyer. After that maybe a trip to Greece.


After the win I won't touch that "prize" for 5-6 months. When the euphoria is gone, I'll be ready to make clever decisions. A few steps: put some money on deposit, put some money to the church, cure my sight....

Anyway, I will never win the lottery. I don't have luck


I have glasses,too.


Two things basically:

1. Party all night
2. Party all day


I sold my bitcoins recently which made me a millionaire. I still work although I don't have to (and my kids won't ever have to either), and my life's pretty much the same. But any money concerns are gone, along with my mortgage.👍




how do you buy bitcoins? and how much money do you need?


You certainly shouldn't buy them now! If they drop significantly, most Swiss banks sell and buy. Buying can be done online, selling can be a bit of a hassle if you stand to earn a fortune as I did. My Swiss bank insisted on a personal meeting so I had to fly to Zurich.


Thanks for the info, never knew about them till someone brought it up on this site.
late to the party again, why didn't you call me?


I will likely buy a new car as my first act, something I have never been able to do for myself yet. After that paying off debt, get a new home, help out some family members etc. I might try my hand at some sort of business, to sustain myself rather just whittle away the winnings.


First thing i would do is buy mother her own house.Something she's dreamed of having for many years.Then maybe start my own business.Not sure what it would be though.


If you are good with the computers,i may have an offer for you😉


Unfortunately no.I know how to use a computer but that's about it.I am by no means an IT guy.When ever i run into a technical issue i have to refer to my nephew for help.


I would get new tires for my car


Is your car a Bugatti Chiron?


Oh shit...ride or die,isn't!?!


"Is your car a Bugatti Chiron"

No, it's an old Pinto


Cabin in the woods for hunting and fishing...25 acres would do
I think i should keep my annoying job
It gets me out of bed at a decent hour


4 am?


5:15 here...
4:00 AM would be the death of me!


You're lucky,sir


Luckier than you know friend😉
