MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What did you watch this week? (09/24-09/...

What did you watch this week? (09/24-09/30)

Hey you, yes you, how you doin’?
Have you seen these movies?:

The Terminator (1984 DVD): It had been so long since I saw it that I realised I remembered nothing from it, only scenes from the sequel. So it was like a first time for me. I also realised that it’s not really a great movie. We are obviously in it for the action but the shooting was not even that good. I can only take so much of futile shotgun’s shells. Bottom line, it’s an average chase-and-run story. The special effects on Terminator’s face and body were the best elements of the film. The actors were ok but the characters were only mediocre, the pacing was good but the plot was thin and I think it could be a contender for the worst sex scene in cinema. 6/10

Terminator 2: Judgment day (1991 Bluray): Now this one is where it’s at! It’s b-b-b-bad, b-b-b-bad to the bone! I’d say 95% of the scenes ae iconic, the action is off-da-hook and the special effects are revolutionary. Rewatching it on bluray after so many years was one of the coolest experiences. 10/10

Chinatown (1974 TV); Watching this was a real pleasure. Nicholson is formidable, the story moves along nicely and I just loved every exterior scenes, what with the summer sunshine and bright colours of the city. The movie reminded me of the good times I had watching Colombo with my mom. It was a lot of fun to follow the main character as he progress in his investigation. To me, the only problem was the ending. It could've been a little bit more elaborated. (does the grandfather get arrested and if so, with what proof? what will be his sentence? Etc.) 7.5-8/10

Barking dogs never bite (2000 DVD): This is a wonderful little gem. A masterpiece in its simplest form. A simple and captivating story with simple but memorable characters. I literally loved every single one of them. (from the dog-loving old lady that likes to play in the park and spit on the ground to The "dog-loving" janitor) Plus, the movie manage to truly depict important themes like love, friendship, karma, fame and...dogs. Especially the little annoying ones. A lot of people have been offended by this movie apparently, but I am a Huge dog lover and I had a husky for 13 years and this movie did not shock me. I know none of them have been injured and everything is done with humorous taste. That's another positive point of the film, I laughed many times. This is the kind of movie that keeps my total attention from the first to the final scene, so much I don't want to miss even a second. 8.5/10


I did get the chance to watch Gerald's Game on Netflix. I discussed this a bit on the individual board with a few people.
While I thought that the book was good, I thought that the movie was only OK. It started off well, IMO, it just wasn't that great.
My personal thoughts are on the individual board if anyone is interested in reading....


thank you!


Gotta watch it this week
Then check your comments
Thx Miss!


I'll be interested in what you think.



Mulholand dr. 7.5/10
Cpt AMerica: 6.5/10


Hey, Stone,

I've seen Chinatown at least twice. It's indeed a good watch. The scene featuring Roman Polanski with the pocket knife is forever etched in my memory.

Mine was ' Breach, ' an interesting and absorbing fictionalized account of the eventual take down of FBI agent Robert Hanssen who has been dubbed as the most damaging spy/traitor in U.S. history. Also a good watch. 7/10.


Chris Cooper was great in Breach as Hanssen.


Agreed ! I'm tempted to say, an Oscar- worthy performance.


at least a nomination


Thanks, I didn't know about this movie but I added it to my watchlist. It has good reviews and Cooper is a reliable actor.


Sat out a few rounds but here we go. Out of your movies, T1 and T2 are solid 8/10, Chinatown a 7. May I also suggest the TV series Sarah Connor Chronicles, really loved that one, 8.5/10

For me:

That 70's Show: Binged all 8 seasons plus bloopers and specials, the whole shebang :) Great show! Season 8 a bit of a downer but with every episode only running at 20 minutes, no biggy to brush through 8.5/10
Pontypool: interesting take on the zombie genre 6/10
Paul Blart Mall Cop: watched it with my kid, forgot how bad it was 4/10
Gaga: Five Foot Two: new doc about lady gaga up to her superbowl performance 7/10
Meet the Hitlers: doc about people with the surname hitler 7/10
Auschwitz (2005): mini BBC series about the camp. focusing more on engineering and its actual history 8/10
Bad Teacher: re-watch after several years, still funny, 7/10
easy A: another re-watch, 7/10
Alien Convenant: GET OUT!!! 4/10
American Vandal: mockumentary about 27 spray-painted dicks :) 8/10


Ohhh shiiiiiit! That 70's show is my #1 TV show of all time. It's like a medicine for darker days to me. I saw every episode at least twice and I know some of them by heart. 10/10

paul Blart: I think its innocent fun, not too bad. (The sequel though...) 5.5/10

Bad teacher: only saw some parts


Bingewatching Shameless and Regular Show
