

You're asking me that after the funeral home caper? LOL! Apparently it was everything and anything I could grab with my sandy hands! Whatever the substances were I do not remember. Oh, Good Lord, just thinking about what I can recall makes me shiver!

I do recall one time getting blitzed on schnapps. If I never see a bottle of schnapps again, it will be too soon! Afterwards I felt like a Mack truck had hit me!



Vodka and any other strong drinks, cheap beer like Bud Light, cheap wines from gas stations.



There were also"wines" such as MD 20/20, Night Train, Old Judge, Boone's, Wild Irish Rose, etc. I gag when I think of them today.


Cheap scotch, flavored brandies, gin, cheap beer, to name a few



COLD DUCK! How in the world did we forget Cold Duck? That nasty stuff will give a hangover which doesn't go away! You feel like you've been chewed up, spit out, then stomped on!

An episode of Frasier had him and Miles choking it down! Oh, glory be, Cold Duck!



Dregs of other wines. Well, no wonder I was dragging thinking "Is it my time?"



We have it on every night starting at midnight Central Time. We watch the episodes over and over. Some of the best writing ever and the cast just seemed to mesh.

Frasier is in the clown suit and make-up at the hospital after giving Martin a heart attack. Miles finds out the circumstances and with an angry retort says to Frasier "And you! And you just stand there with that silly grin on your face!" Frasier, flustered, replies "That's make-up you fool!"


I'm not a big drinker generaly, but I've had a couple of... unpleasant brushes with alcohol.

Vermouth - Not a pleasant New Year's to say the least! Neither for me, nor my best friend, who was stuck in a toilet with me at the stroke of midnight. Just the thought of Vermouth makes me sick...

Vodka - A whole bunch of 1st year University students were given cheap, counterfeit vodka. The next morning most of the breakfast hall looked half dead.



The vodka an the varieties of that drink,i have some bad memories about this😉


Gin. Even one shot/drink gives me the dry heaves for HOURS!!!!



Me too! I had an incident at grandmother's from drinking gin martinis. Brought the douchebag boyfriend for a weekend visit, so between the heaving and dealing with him I can say gin will not hit my lips again. Poor Mee maw did not need to witness all that. :/


007 would never drink lemonade.



Beer. I don't want gyno.
