MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What did you watch this week?(04/30-05/0...

What did you watch this week?(04/30-05/06)

Movies, shows... Let's discuss what we watched, please comment on mine and I'll comment on yours


Judge Dredd (1995 TV): Last year I saw the remake, Dredd, which I found to be a good action movie and gave it a 6.5. Twenty years ago I saw the original one and found it to be also a solid action movie, no more no less. But as I rewatched it, I realized that it was way funnier and way better than I remembered. The poor special effects are delicious, the one-liners are hilarious and the over the top acting was perfect. I think the French translation made it all even funnier. If you watch it with the right set of mind I don't see how you can hate this. 7.5/10

The last of Mohicans (1992 DVD): It was my third viewing and it was as great as always and I still discover some new details. I can't say that it's Daniel Day Lewis's best performance, far from it, but everything about this movie is good. That last seen on the rocky cliffs is mesmerizing. 8.5/10

Y tu mama tambien (2001 bluray): OK , so the first few minutes of this was literally teen porn and Later on, there's a scene of the two boys jerking off at the pool, topped with a close-up off the sperm dropping in the pool. Not the kind of image I'm looking for but The goal was to provoke an they sure succeed. Then, if you stick with it, you're in for a little gem of a movie. Really. The main quality is that it feels so realistic and genuine. It's like the director just told the actors "OK, so do whatever you would do in that situation. Action!" It's the same thing for the background action. Everything that happens on the screen seems like it's just real people doing real things. When the movie is over you feel like you just traveled to Mexico, it's amazing. The editing and voice over were very original, liked it a lot. The narrator provides countless random off-screen details that you just end up craving for. Overall, it's very sexual but also passionate, it's a wonderful road trip drama that takes you on an exotic voyage. I wished it last a little longer and not just because I loved it so much, I'm sure any movie lover can tell that the ending felt rushed. It's too sudden, too abrupt . Still, I'm very glad to add this to my collection and will rewatch it many times I'm sure. 8.5/10

Warcraft: When I was a young teenager, this was the game I played the most on my computer so I was a bit scared of being disappointed going into this. Fortunately it was not the case, as they represented the game very nicely, but the second hour of the movie contained some pretty awful scenes. Also, The main things I was hoping to hear were not there; the classic "Yes my Lord? Aye Captain." from the humans and the "shtruck dhart." from the orcs. It would've been so easy to just insert those lines in the movie. The acting was decent but the guy playing Lothar looked at times like a wannabe Leonardo DiCaprio. In the scene where his son dies in front of him, he makes the face I would make if someone stole my dessert. Then later on, he articulately explain his emotions by saying "i've never felt so much pain in my life as I do now." Deep stuff. Ben Foster was great and he's also a childhood memory of mine so it's always nice seeing him. What really made this movie was the more-than-acceptable graphics and the entertaining action. 7/10

I also watched the first three episodes of The ultimate fighter season 25 redemption. All the fighters were in past seasons and have a shot at $250,000 and a chance to fight in the UFC again. Up t'ill now it's great and promising. The drama between the two coaches is laughably childish. And it never stops.



We are all looking for people that will help with boosting the individual message boards of this website. Actually, it was kind of started by MovieManCin due to his "# of posts" and then we fell upon the idea of people, who want to discuss movies, to draw as much attention to the individual messageboards as possible. Since you do your weekly thread, make sure you link every movie you write about with the url and /url method. If you do not know that method, let me know. This is so people can actually go to the movies you describe and start discussing it on those message boards. If you have time today, do that to all your threads. It would be a huge help and you never know, you could be a major contributor in jump starting the actual point of this website.

Good luck!


It might be harder for me because I'm doing this from my phone but I can give it a shot. How I do it ?


You just have to put brackets "[]" (not paranthesis) around the letters "url", then the link to the specific movie message board, followed by "/url", with brackets around it. This is so all the movies you have listed, can be clicked on to bring the responder to that messageboard.

You write and discuss movies/shows on your weekly posts anyway; however, think about how much traffic this would generate on the individual boards of these and you can still discuss them with people who reply to your thread.


StoneKeeper has had a great, ongoing weekly thread going on without your meddling. And why are you crediting MovieMan so much when he actually has had very little to do with promoting individual message boards. From what I've seen, he's never provided the slightest input to Stone's thread although he's profusely claimed to love discussing movies; seems like this would be the thread in which to do it.


Because the whole point of this site is to promote traffic to the individual message boards. I am not forcing Stonekeeper to do it, he is all ready doing it. If he wants to put links up, he only needs to do that one more step before his thread contributes to what this site was meant for.

MovieManCin2's thread actually gave me the idea to use his spamming to generate more traffic on individual message boards. Because he wants the general discussion to reach some high number, I wrote to him about using it instead bring awareness to the individual message boards.

There is no point is using just threads on General Discussion when there is the whole rest of this site to utilize. You could help too by promoting individual message boards as well. Why fight it, when you can be a part of it?


Apparently you're not very aware ; I've been significantly posting elsewhere on the site.


But have you been posting the movie titles, you have been posting on, so that other people on the general discussion can join you? It's not everyone for themselves. It is more of, if you all ready do it, be a promoter for other people to do it and hope they become promoters. It is a pyramid scheme of sorts, that grows by people using the general discussion, as a way to get people to the individual message boards.

Additionally, no, I did not know you were posting elsewhere because only the trending section would give that away and it is not like the trending section is clear enough to where it tells you who is posting on what movie/show message board. This is clearly the reason why we have to spell it out for people, so they can join in on it.



Use your inference techniques.


The keyword in your nonsense being "scheme, " which is revealing.
The exact opposite is true. The trending section IS clear enough. Pretty condescending of you to assume people here need to be herded like cattle and have the obvious " pointed out."


So I am guessing that you are not willing to contribute and will write every post in trying to prove it does nothing? Yeah, I do not want to waste time on brick walls, we have a website to increase traffic on. Continue doing what you're doing, but I believe it does not work. This is why we are looking for alternatives.


I've usually posted about the movies I've watched on their boards also, but you're right that including the link would be helpful to get more participation on them. Im going to edit mine to include links.


Thanks Jack.


I really do not see any harm in his suggestion. I don't want to have to come to this weekly thread just to discuss with him all the movies I have watched.


Whoever said you HAD TO in the first place ?


Nobody has to do anthing but it would be nice to have more choices of chatting with people about movies.


This guy db20db is starting to look more and more trollish.


Oh, that's rich! I disagree and assert my individuality and immediately the 'troll card ' gets pulled out.


So tired of hearing about 'cards'. No one is playing cards.


Well then, apparently you're easily worn out by a random comment.


The comment is the most overused.


It's the first and only time I've used it here, but whine on you poor thing !


So you're saying that you haven't heard the term used before?
Yeah right.


You've got a real reading comprehension problem. I never said that at all.


And you have an attitude problem. This is the second thread where I see you being a jerk to other users.
It doesn't matter how many times you yourself has used the term, what matters is that it is an overused term period. Why do I need to explain that to you? You must be stupid or something too.


Hey, if you're going to make an allegation against someone , make it lucidly and don't expect that person to be a mind reader. Your stupidity has become blatantly obvious.
And I don't care what you think you've seen. Like I said, you obviously have a problem with comprehension.
I thought you were interested in more opportunities for discussing movies here. Instead, you keep coming across as a pissing and moaning time suck and I don't want anymore of mine wasted with your inane bs. Do us both a favor and stop baiting me.


Whatever. I don't have time for this crap. Drop dead jerk. Goodbye.


Terrygg also thinks you are a troll 2/2. ;)


Oh, wow ! I'm really troubled by two chronic whiners labeling me as a troll.


Just wanted to let you know....


There ya go Dumbo, attempting to point out the obvious again.


Yeah he's definitely an annoying troll and not very interesting troll either. We should ignore him.


It's weird. I mean he was fine when this site first started out and then he became all trollish. No idea what happened.


He was hiding his troll behavior at first?


Its not just with me btw. As you can see, there is always many interesting conversations here.


When I was a kid I was a huge Stallone fan, if a movie starred him it was automatically awesome, but even back then I hated Judge Dredd. I haven't seen it since so I don't know how I would feel about it now. I thought the remake was much better. But even that pales in comparsion to the Raid which it kind of ripped off, intentionally or not. Last Of the Mohicans has always been a personal favourite of mine and the soundtrack is amazing. I've never played Warcraft and I pretty much only wanted to see the movie because it was directed by Duncan Jones. Didn't like it. All I can say that I hope that Duncan Jones sticks to making more original stuff. I'm looking forward to Mute.

I watched:

Airport 77 - Your standard 70's disaster movie. If your Into these types of films you'll have a good time. It looks surprisingly good for the time, the effects have held up well. 6/10

A Dogs Purpose - I'm a dog guy so this movie really got under my skin. It get's a little too cute and sentimental at times but overall it's a movie that every dog lover should enjoy. Yeah, I cried like a little girl at the end. 7/10

Public Enemy No.1 (part 1&2) - Vincent Cassel is one of my favourite actors and this is my favourite film from him. It's the true story of French gangster Jacques Mesrine. It's filled with action, drama and some really funny moments. Judging by this movie the real Mesrine wasn't the brightest guy around which makes this film all the more enjoyable. 9/10

Hacksaw Ridge - I saw this at the theater when it came out and I absolutely loved it. It didn't have quite the impact now when I watched it at home. Still a very good WW2 movie. Andrew Garfield and Hugo Hugo Weaving are outstanding in their roles. 8/10


You couldnt be more right about The Raid. Although I enjoyed the drug élément they added.

You really made me want to watch Public enemy No1. Ill look for it.

What do you think of Irreversible? Personally, its one of my favourite movie and you have to watch the final scène in the dark at least once. Its triiiipping!

Hacksaw too I want to see.


I've just watched Nightcrawler (2014) starring Jake Gyllenhaal in a superb performance as a sociopath whose activities escalate into ever-deepening moral bankruptcy. He should have gotten an Oscar.

The discussion board is getting some fresh posts besides my own:



7/10 for entertainment.
Directed by James Mangold
Summary: Logan and Professor X adopt a mutant child and have to protect her from harm. I liked the old skool feel of the film's cinematography. The action sequences and acting are pretty good as well. The ending was unexpected.

Jungle Fever
Directed and written by Spike Lee
Summary: Flipper Purify, an arrogant black man working for a architect firm decides to get into a sexual relationship with his Italian secretary.

Released 26 years ago and still a very relevant story about race relations between blacks and whites. Most of the cast members went on to have very successful film careers too.


I can't wait to see Logan.

I also like jungle fever a lot. Great directing, good story, solid acting. 7.5/10


Not to give anything away so I'll just say that the mutant girl is a badass.


Onmyoji (2001, Japan)
Set in the Heian period of Japan, an eccentric Onmyoji ( named Abe no Seimei (based loosely on a real historical figure) serves the imperial court and defends the capital from evil spirits. A minister and rival Onmyoji named Doson (played by Hiroyuki Sanada, one of my favorite actors) is plotting the overthrow of the emperor by manipulating evil spirits, including that of a vengeful prince who was wrongfully executed a hundred years earlier. Seimei, together with a court noble whom he befriends named Hiromasa, is the only one who can stop Doson and save the city. A fun, surreal movie.

Onmyoji 2 (2003, Japan)
In this sequel to the first Onmyoji film, Seimei and Hiromasa are called upon to investigate the disturbing deaths of court nobles who are being dismembered by a demon. It turns out that the last survivors of an independent people conquered by the Yamato state are attempting to acquire the powers of the gods to exact their vengeance and bring down the Yamato.

Police Story (1985, Hong Kong)
Jackie Chan plays Chan Ka Kui, a cop who's tasked with trying to catch a crime lord named Chu Tao. After a chaotic shootout in a Hong Kong shantytown, Chu Tao is arrested. Chan is then tasked with protecting Chu's secretary, who's supposed to be a witness for the prosecution, and getting her story on tape to convict him. But she decides not to cooperate, tampers with the tape and disappears, which enables Chu to escape conviction and go free. Now Chu is out for revenge on Chan and frames him for a murder, and Chan is forced to take extreme measures to clear his name and bring Chu down. Lots of action and humor in this movie, very entertaining.

I also watched several episodes of The World at War, the excellent British documentary series about World War II.


Police Story might be my favorite Jackie Chan movie! Up there with Project A. 8.5/10


I've just seen Ouija, a haunted house genre horror. It was okay -- not the best spooky movie I've seen but not the worst either. For those, like me, who like more subtle, eerie scares more about atmosphere and anticipation rather than gore or slasher, it was worth watching.


like me, who like more subtle, eerie scares more about atmosphere and anticipation rather than gore or slasher

That's what I like. Which have you seen that you think are really good? My (too short) list:

- The Haunting (original version only)
- The Changeling
- The Others
- Most versions of Henry James' The Turn of the Screw
- The Woman in Black (original and remake -- both have good things about them)


Of those, I've seen:

The Haunting -- vastly prefer the original over the Lily Taylor one.

The Others -- very good, very spooky, unsettling atmosphere. And also, call me dumb but I didn't actually [spoiler]see "the twist" coming! I really didn't know. [/spoiler]

The Turn of the Screw -- the one with Deborah Kerr. I like it.

The Woman in Black -- I've own the Daniel Radcliffe one, it has wonderful tension and eeriness. I also thought Radcliffe's performance was excellent.


Right, despite having a great cast, the remake of The Haunting was terrible.

Ha, I didn't see the twist coming in The Others either! Very effective, and yes, unsettling atmosphere.

I like all versions I've seen of The Turn of the Screw. The Deborah Kerr version is the oldest I've seen, and it was good, even though her voice gets on my nerves and I'm always aware of the fact that she's acting. Still, a good film, and I like some of her others too.

The Woman in Black remake got a lot of criticism, but I liked it and agree it had great atmosphere and eeriness. I also liked Radcliffe's performance. It was the first thing I'd seen him in since Harry Potter, and while it took me about 10 minutes to stop seeing him as Harry Potter, soon enough he sucked me into the character.

If you haven't yet seen the original Woman in Black, it's good. It's different. The main character is very different, with a completely different back story. I like them both. Some things I like better about the original, some things I like better about the remake.


I'll check out that original Woman in Black for sure!

Yes, I thought Daniel did a great job of [spoiler] playing a grieving husband and father[/spoiler] for a young actor with no experience of anything like those real-life roles. Even though "it's acting" that still must be tough to muster up out of nothing, and he did a great job, with a lot of depth.

I think it was my first time seeing him "not" in a Potter movie too!
