MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hey I think I realize why people don't l...

Hey I think I realize why people don't like the StarWars prequels.

It's the CGI. The movies themselves are actually pretty good and creative but with CGI standing in for everything it feels more like an artist representation of Star Wars backstory as oppose to viewing the real thing.


No, the movies were equally bad. One Word: Midochlorians. [facepalm]


It's been a mystery this entire time but you cracked the code. Congratulations!!


MBC! unite!


I think it was more Anakin's whining that the problem. And Jar Jar Binks. And maybe the dark themes.

I didn't hate the prequels, but I didn't like them that much either.


I actually never liked Star Wars period. The only movies I liked, from George Lucas, were Indiana Jones and that, only Temple of Doom.


All the things I love about Star Wars are missing from the prequels. The prequels don't have the great characters saying interesting lines, the pacing and editing is bad, CGI has replaced physical effects, digital cameras have replaced film, great camera shots have been replaced by boring camera shots, you can't change everything that made Star Wars great and expect it to feel like Star Wars.


No, it's laughably bad saber-fighting choreography. I think Lucas saw too many Bollywood movies at that time. People jumping to 2nd story, while fighting, on a platform, then continue swinging lightsabers randomly. Bollywood physics at it's finest.


I hear you. Did you like the Obi-wan vs Darth Maul duel? I thought that one was pretty good.


Disclaimer: I don't want to give the impression that the prequels have nothing to offer, the story is there but sometimes it's hard to picture as real.


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Nope. It was because they sucked.

