MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > IMO, I think in order to become a mod, J...



A way of verifying this is to have them update their profile page on IMDB with a code or phrase which ensures who they claim to be here is who they were there.

Seems like a good plan to me.



Just going to say that #1 isn't quite necessary. There are plenty of people here who were just lurkers on IMDb or never even had an account, but that doesn't make them trolls.

The other two could be useful, though.


So #2 then?

Within a month of posting you are willing to let them decide what is and what is not acceptable here?

Seems ludicrous to me!


I'm just saying that #1 is far from a perfect indicator of troll-behavior. I'm not claiming to know what the best solution is, only trying to help. This site is relatively new to begin with, anyway.
And by "the other two" I meant #2 and #3 seem fine to me.


I understand. I just think that if we do have long and trusted IMDB members who can still update their personal profile and link to it from here then we know we are getting in trustworthy people.

To accept someone's one month of posing as someone isn't the same as knowing who they use to be on IMDB.

I get the politics and other nonsense boards but I also think that refers back to IMDB because they are hardly used here.

I just think we should proceed cautiously when it comes to moderation here and trusted IMDB ex's who can update their old profiles with a phrase or code which verifies them to Jim would be the best way forward for now.

But, what do I know? I've been called a troll here already and so therefore I must be.


Actually, that's for Jim to decide, the mods just reinforce it. right?

Mods shouldn't start making up their own rules.


More boundaries and more reasons why they should be discussed.


Yeah, but even applying for jobs, one needs references.


True. Just saying there are people who seem trustworthy on here that didn't necessarily post on IMDb.


Which is unprovable and therefore untrustworthy.

One month versus plenty of years is a big deal to those who keep an eye out.


It might be unprovable, but that doesn't always mean untrustworthy. Yes, experience matters, but it isn't the only quality to look for. A month is better than a week, anyway.


And a kick in the ass is a kick in the ass.


I absolutely agree


Don't pick someone too eager to become a mod, maybe it should be invitation only instead of people applying. The ignore button is working great, after just one day, I hardly see any trolls anymore, well done.


I'm a mod on one of Swedens largest boards and our policy is "don't call us..." We think it works very well.

And thank you for pointing out the Ignore button, totally missed that one. Usually, I'm not a fan of ignore functions but on pages like this, I just wanna have somewhat serious discussions about films and shows without a-holes being a-holes.


I reckon mods are already in place


Damnit Jim, I'm a movie fan - not a moderator!


Great Star Trek reference.


Is a joke Jim, but not as we know it.


Or just rely on the ignore button. If you leave it to the people, things would get sifted according to who they want to see. All you would need to do is make the ignore cover all the threads and comments, posted by that said individual. You would never need mods.


Some stalk with socks(multiple usernames) even after being put on ignore or they'll pose as others using duplicate usernames..
Or they like to spam the board with super old threads..they'll just keep bumping countless old threads, in order to interfere with new conversations.


If they stalk with multiple usernames, you could ignore all of them. If they pose as others, you can ignore them too.

Now, if the ignore feature allows us to ignore threads that they create; threads popping up would not be that big of a deal. If they keep bumping old threads, I see what you mean. The ignore feature would ignore comments made by them; however, not the action of a thread being bumped.


The problem is that serious trolls have MANY account. One bragged here that he had hundreds. Why should good users here have to play Whack-A-Mole by putting hundreds of accounts on ignore, while knowing all they'll do is create new accounts?

I do agree that if anyone has put an OP on ignore, the rest of the thread shouldn't be blocked, only the OP.


Because by putting the ignore feature in, it gives that said person control over what he/she wants to see. One troll may not be another individual's troll (weird right?). If the OP makes a thread and the OP is a troll, it would be to your advantage that it was also blocked. If the troll is just commenting on that thread, all those posts of his/her troll account would be blocked as well.


It does, except when it comes to trolls having *many* accounts and being able to create new ones at will, so one would have to keep blocking/ignoring, blocking and ignoring to be rid of them, and that's not even taking into account the new people who arrive here and see the same sh!t they saw on a regular basis on many IMDB boards.

A troll isn't simply someone with whom one disagrees, although some may deem such a person a troll. I saw that often enough on IMDB. There was, for example, a poster here who wanted to debate with me on a topic it was evident we'd never agree on, so I simply stopped responding. I felt no need to put him on ignore because he wasn't trolling, merely being a contrarian.

You have to know that often enough posters aren't aware of who's trolling and who isn't, especially if the poster is new and the troll is temporarily on good behavior. Sometimes good discussions can come out of such a thread where a troll is the OP. If a blocked troll is commenting on an OP by someone else, the ignore feature works just as it should.


So having a mod would fix this is what you would think right? The troll would create many accounts regardless; although, the mod could definitely sniff them out and block them before everyone has to block them.

Really, for me, it would not be any harder to block an account name, when I see that it could potentially become trolling.


Obviously there has to be something substantial in place at the registration level to prevent the creation of numerous sock accounts. One of the main trolls here has stated he's already registered many of them, so it's too late for that (which I'm sure he knows), unless the current restrictions are someone applied retroactively. This could easily cause problems with legit accounts as well, which the trolls well know, which is why they did this to begin with.

A mod, or team of mods, no matter how good, isn't able to fix everything. However, between fixing registration so it's difficult for trolls to create a multitude of accounts, and mods being aware of the behavior of trolls and taking care of them before they're allowed to create momentum (which has already happened here, same as it did on IMDB), that should take care of the problem for at least the most part.

The occasional troll will invariably find their way under the wire, but they're not the real problem. If you were on IMDB for any length of time, you're already intimately aware of what the real problem was, and will be here as well, unless concrete steps are taken to prevent it.


I think positively. The mere existence of mods will be enough to make trolls think twice before starting shit in here. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully, mods will be "street wise".


I hope so. I'm glad to see Jim not only implemented an ignore feature in response to many of our requests for it (despite one egomaniacal user's need to claim the credit for her own), but has also followed up by appointing mods. So far, i like the one he's appointed, and have faith in their ability to moderate this site.

Yeah, I do hope the mods will be "street wise."


Fuck of Betty. Go back to your IMDb2. What you are describing is how you are doing things there and furthermore people are stopping to visit that site. You want to finish this site too. You insidious POS


I think it's hilarious you think most people here have any idea of who "Betty" is, let alone whatever your reason is for wanting to tell "her" to fvck off."

… Eh, I was about to go on, but really, what's the point? None I can see.Troll on..


The problem with relying on "ignore" is that MovieChat is brand-new, and its culture is still developing. If new, unregistered users come over to lurk and check it out, and all they see is a flood of troll activity, they might not come back. Then the community won't grow as we all want it to, and it may attract more of the troll element.
