MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Jim, We Really Need An Ignore Button...P...

Jim, We Really Need An Ignore Button...PLEASE!!!

It's starting to get very trolly here and there are some users that are talking about leaving because of troll harassment. We really need some protection against these trolls now, before they completely flood the site and chase us all away. Actually...according to many, they already have flooded the site.

So it would be ever so helpful if we have something to shield ourselves from these relentless trolls that attack us wherever we go. It isn't fun anymore! Please hear our cries. We don't want to be chased out of our lovely home! 😢

Thank You Jim.


If we assigned another comma separated value field to a users account and send any ignored members ID to it with post visibility and notifications (Both email and the bell on the top right here) set to off then ignored users would no longer be visible to those who didn't want to see them. Since JavaScript seems to be what this site is running on it shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

Other users could still see them off course and reply to them but the member who set them to ignore wouldn't be kept abreast of any ongoing conversation with them by others.

I'm sure there are better ways to do this on the platform Jim at the moment is using but this is easily achievable following these instructions if a quick fix is what is needed for now.


Also Jim, if you do read this - is it possible for you to move the reply hyperlink to the far right of that element and keep report and ignore (Should you implement it) on the far left.

It is better design for functionality and will stop people accidentally clicking the wrong one when replying (Although there is a handy failsafe which prompts you that you are reporting which is handy).


It would be useful to have the buttons spread out a bit more, but when things get nested too deep that might cause some issues.

On the subject of an ignore button, I think it's a good "band-aid" solution. Certainly not a bad idea, but far from the perfect solution. As others have mentioned, a block feature might be even more useful: so whoever you choose to block can't see/comment on your posts either.

Then again, I could see this start to get a bit confusing... Having the deleted posts still show messes with the flow of conversation to begin with, having blocked/ignored posts hidden might eventually get a tiny bit annoying. Just saying.


It's Jim's site of course and so he can do what he'd like but I think an ignore (Or block) feature would help some of those thinking people are trolls when they are simply just people who they don't like.

IMDB had an ignore feature but I didn't know how any of that worked and saw everything. The only trouble I really saw was the flame wars on many boards, the links to pirated streams and legitimate threads be removed by automated report responses.

If people could curate their own content here there would be less work for the mods when they are finally chosen.


Good points. As you said, though, in the end it's all up to Jim.


I used ignore for 6 people on IMDb...imagine that, 10 years there and only put 6 people on ignore!

But it worked pretty good, I had no problems with those trolls ever again. It DID leave open spaces but that surely didn't bother me nearly as much as the trolls did!


I got an account to I could log in and see more posts on a page.

I think I posted a couple of times early on but didn't quite know how to put myself across and so just read lots of different message boards and found my favourites.

I'd watch people troll, be trolled and all sorts of hybrids in between and was properly entertained (And educated) about movies and some of the people who like them.

I reckon when these boards get up to the popularity of IMDB I'll go back to lurking, it's safer there and people don't shout at you for asking them to think about their willingness to forego critical thinking and knowing from experience.

That all said, back on topic - I think those who need the ignore function would enjoy having it and those who don't won't even notice it.


Yeah, I had my account there for 10 years but lurked more than I posted. It was definitely full of entertainment alright. Trolls fighting with their own THAT was hilarious! But, mostly, I just went there to check out films and actors. I DID post but not a whole lot...nothing compared to here!

I hated those wise ass critic type people there that would act all smart about a film and try to confuse you with their big questions as to what my take is on something that I know nothing about. They would do that just to make you feel stupid and boost their OWN ego at the same time. Just because they're more knowledgeable doesn't mean they have to make other's feel stupid like that.

And yes...I think you may be right cause, if people don't want an ignore button, they'll never bother looking for one.


Naw, don't revert to lurking! If too many people do, we'll be back to where we started...😰

I just lurked on IMDb for roughly a year before the boards closed down, mostly because I didn't see any reason to make an actual account. But I'm here to stay, and will keep posting as long as I have something to say. 😌


A band-aid solution is it...have the ignore button until he gets the mods set up. That way we'll have something to protect ourselves of unwanted pests in the meantime. 😊

I'd much rather have spaces from ignored posts than I would a troll following me around everywhere. Empty spaces I can handle.


I agree. Just stating some pros and cons. c;

We could probably keep the ignore/block button around even when mods are set up, depending on how well it works.


Agree. We shouldn't let go of that button until we know things are running smooth with the mods.


Agreed. I'd rather have a block button than ignore, and think it'd be a good idea to keep around whichever one Jim installs anyway.


Personally, right now, any button sounds long as it's effective. I actually think that if Jim installs a button, he might as well just leave it there permanently.


True, any is better than none, Styx.

I mentioned a block button rather than ignore now, since as far as I can see, the former would be more effective, and would create less work for Jim, as long as he's going to be on it in the near future.

reply bell quit working and I got about 5 people in my notifications that didn't show up at all on my bell. Is yours working ok??


It seems to be working for me... Jim said he was going to be working on more updates, though, so that might have done something...


It finally came back on. It's been off for at least 1 hour.


That sucks. Well, at least it's working now!


I know...go 😉


Here's a test ring for your bell Styx. Bounce one to me so I can check my end.


Thank you bwbphile, much obliged my friend. It's working again. It kicked the bucket at least an hour ago. Glad it's back on cause I was getting confused with all these new notifications piling up in my notification page. Thanks again! 😊


Well you just rang my bell. LOL! Tag you're it.


Awesome! You're it!


Watching Longmire. Then will Play catch up with Outsiders season1 tonight. Wet and cold here In Michigan tonight.


Cool 😊 I don't watch TV but I'm trying to think of what movie I wanna watch. I need take a break from here and rest my hands...arthritis, uuuggghh!

I thought is was going to rain here in California but the sun decided to come out instead. It's been cold all day though, been in the low 50°' 64° right now but I'm just frozen to the bone! You're probably what? About 20° or 30° there? Michigan is freakin' cooooold! After being stuck there for 3 months, I couldn't wait to get out...bbbbrrrrrrrr!!!

Well, enjoy your shows, will see ya later. 😉


Welcome to the club of arthritis. Remember it's better to be seen than viewed. LOL!


Yeah, fun club eh? LOL!! 😄


When my neighbors hear snap, crackle,pop in the morning. It's just me getting out of bed.


OMG! LMAO!! 😂😂😂😂


Lol. I don't have arthritis, but I can just imagine that. 😂


Yes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes we do.


Is this harassing happening here in General Disc, or in another board?
I also haven't seen it in the movies and shows where I post.
I just haven't seen it, but maybe some other boards are worse than others.
I am fine with an ignore button.


No, not here on this board, Popcorn, but apparently at random boards. I got hit by batma6 on "The Exorcist" board and finally just left him hanging. I've not seen many other's as I've been mostly here on General Disc. board. But other's here say they're seeing a lot of them all over and some have had run in's with them so, I'm just going by what they've said.


I've heard they seem to just pick a movie or show and congregate there, like at the old IMDB it was The Walking Dead boards. I guess I've been lucky so far.


Yeah, they like to do that. I heard about The Walking Dead boards, never saw them though. I was pretty lucky on IMDB too...surprisingly.


I would say people like batman6 should not be banned but ignored instead


Chase us all away?????
Come on! If you encounter a TROLL , IGNORE the SOB!
If you encounter a troll skip that thread. Why continue talking to this person? If you do you are only going to bump the thread.

I find it to be stupid behavior if you feel that you are being "chased away" by some idiot.


Well, I, for one, am not running, but some other's are not so happy with the trolls. I'm just the messenger. No one chases ME away! But trolls DO put a damper on things and some people just can't ignore that fact! 😠 Anyways, I failed to realize who I was speaking to when I was on "The Exorcist" board, until I read his name more carefully. After which...I left.

We are all just trying to get what we need, for a peaceful environment, so we don't have to trip over the garbage! I don't think that's too much to ask.



That's why we have the handy little edit button. c;


Remember back in the day when we didn't have the edit button? So many typos! For an OCD person like me that was excruciating.

Feels kind of funny saying "back in the day" since this site has only been around for a month lol.


Lol, I do. The edit button is extremely useful. Especially when Autocorrect thinks it's smarter than you. ;3


LoL batman89! I know you're the nice one...not that annoying batman I'll talk to you! 😊

But yeah, "back in the day", 😉 I was a mess without the edit button, oh my word! I'm a great speller, but my fingers aren' 😉 As soon as we got the edit button, I was running around looking for all my posts so that I could edit them...I couldn't bear to leave them with a bunch of typos! 😲😲



That always happens to me, too. XD


Yeah we need ignore/block feature. I am sick and tired of people following me around and accusing me of things i didn't do. I think they are just trolls trolling me
