MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Notifications v2.0

UPDATE: Notifications v2.0

In addition to email notifications which were added 2 days ago, we will now also have notifications on the website ("on-site" notifications, similar to Facebook, Twitter, etc.). You'll notice a bell icon in the top right corner (if on mobile, you'll need to click the hamburger icon first). The number of unread notifications you have will appear in a red badge over the bell icon (if you don't have any unread notifications, there will be no red badge). Click on the bell to be taken to a list of your notifications.

I know there was demand for both kinds of notifications (email and on-site), so now we have both. I also know that email notifications can be spotty (depending on your email provider, sometimes email notifications get blocked by the spam filter, or take longer to arrive, etc.), so hopefully the addition of on-site notifications is a welcome feature.

EDIT: Real-time notifications have now been added (so you don't have to refresh the page). Due to cached assets, the layout might look a bit weird now (e.g., double search bars at the top, etc.) - you can clear your browser's cache to get rid of this immediately (or just wait a bit and things should sort themselves out).


Oooo... I see them! Looks fantastic, I love it! Thank you so much Jim! You're site is more amazing with each passing day and I always look forward to seeing what new treats you have for us next. Thanks again! 😄👍👍




Yep, their loss!


Sometimes when I try to bring the site up, I get this error like it ain't here. Is that something happens when you're installing the updates?

One feature I hope to get here is the boards you've clicked on highlighting like it did back on IMDb so you see where you've been and can quickly find old conversations.

Great work Jim! It's coming along killer.


I think in Jim's, "just a heads up," thread he did say he was working on some big updates so there might be more hefty ones coming our way along with these notifications and that's what's causing the site to be a little spotty right now.

Just the way it goes when building a website that's already in use, right?


Damn, that notification bell is slick! I LIKE that.


Yeah, I'm digging it!


I'm hoping for that highlighting feature too. I keep forgetting where I


What a delicious surprise! Thanks a lot, Jim! I noticed this new feature right away after logging in!


Thank Jim, really appreciate you installing on-site notifications. Great update.


You da man Jim!!!!
P.S. I like having both notifications. I like email because I can read most of the reply right in the email itself. I like on-site as well, in case I miss delivery of an email. 😃😃😃😃


I didn't know one was able to read most of the reply in the email notification. What a great improvement over IMDb!

I always used the email notifications, but am glad to hear there are also on-site notifications for those who don't want the email.


Yeah it's great to not have to click on the email link in order to read the reply. Most can be fully read within the email (then you can decide if you want to reply or not). Unless it's a long one, then you only get a portion of it.


I agree, it's a great improvement over IMDb.

Much as I still mourn the loss of the IMDb community, I look forward to the improvements in this community, and can only hope that those whose presence on many boards I miss will find their way here.


I think they will in time. It would help if we try to use the same user name that we used on IMDb. And I truly think that given enough time and revenue, this site has the potential to outshine IMDb eventually. And we can all do our part to help it to grow and getting more people here by regularly posting the link to this site in all of our social media circles. 😊😊


I hope you're right For myself, I'm using the same name as I used on IMDb, in the hope that those who knew me there will recognize me her, and vice versa.

I agree that this site has the potential to outshine that of IMDb. From what I've seen, it has the most to offer. Personally, I never cared about the general boards that have been replicated here, but can certainly see a use for such boards as I Need to Know, etc. I'm glad these boards are here, even though I didn't personally use them myself.

Ultimately my wish would be that all of us who've contributed to the various boards and connected, would continue to be able to do so, as we have done for many years. IMO, IMDb made it impossible, or next to, to be able to do this. I won't forget this anytime soon, if ever. Amazon/Bezos doesn't care? So be it. Live, and die, by the sword.


They don't care, but we do, that's what counts. As far as the general boards, I never used them either on IMDb. I only went to specific movie/tv/actor boards. But for now, they are really hopping!! And I think the best way to use the site right now is, if you have a question for a specific movie etc, I think it would be best to post the question twice. Once on it's specific board, and once to this general discussion board. I feel that this general board is more busy than most movie specific boards, as of now. So you'll probably get an answer to your question faster here. Then as more people sign up, the movie boards will slowly get busier and busier. Long live!!!!


Why do you mourn the loss of IMDb community if it was full of trolls?


EDIT: Real-time notifications have now been added (so you don't have to refresh the page). Due to cached assets, the layout might look a bit weird now (e.g., double search bars at the top, etc.) - you can clear your browser's cache to get rid of this immediately (or just wait a bit and things should sort themselves out).


I repeat... You Da Man Jim!!!!


Just a note of appreciation for all of the hard work you've done, Jim.

As you no doubt know, the many members and contributors to the many IMDb boards have been left adrift and homeless, with less than two weeks to regroup. Why IMDb and Amazon considered this to be insignificant is beyond me, but obviously they did and still do.

Communities are important. connections are important. They are the very fabric of our (human's) existence -- be that virtual or face to face. Face to face connections and communications have become unceasingly uncommon and less important in this digital age, unfortunately, for they are all the same very important. IMDb saw it fit to decimate the community that had been built for a decade and longer, with only two weeks' warning.

I applaud you for realizing that communities -- virtual or not -- ARE important, and doing what you've been able to do (with a LOT of hard work) to retain and or maintain this. I am deeply grateful to you for this, and know I'm only one of many who feel this way.




Thanks again, Jim! Everything looks great on my end!


Thank you so much Jim for all your blood, sweat, tears, love, heart, and soul that you've poured into this endeavor. This site is going places, no doubt!!!! I made a little something to show my appreciation... For you Jim Smith


I've seen the notification come up a few times, works like a charm, thanks.


I've finally signed up today, and so far, have gotten all notifications. Thanks. This is an important feature for me.


Love the real time notifications addition. Great work Jim.
