MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Cease and Desist

Cease and Desist

Since there is no way to contact the owner of this site I'm posting a cease and desist order here to remove all archived posts under my IMDB username.
You have no right to reproduce anything I said on another site
To the owner please leave a contract email here
I will also be contacting your hosting company Namecheap to make them aware of your copyright infringement




I never could understand why people feed trolls, sigh...


Same here.


Relax people! He is a troll from tmdb who wants to make life difficult for Jim. That's all.

See the link below. He is Markoff.

Let Jim deal with him as he sees fit and let him go back to Tmdb for the time being.


More like JackHoff


Thanks for letting us know. Sadly, I expected something like this to happen eventually. During my time with IMDB, I just learned to ignore them.


The thread isn't a loss....I think a lot of the answers were funny! Plus now we can just link to this thread when people bring up the (non)issue

: o



reply does provide for some great entertainment! ;)


Thanks for posting this link, Moviefan, it was quite I loved how Markoff whined to everyone about his posts being "stolen"...he whined to everyone EXCEPT Jim. What's more, I love how Jim ignored him. All he had to do was ask a civil remove his posts, no problem. I'm sure he's whining about it all over the net for attention. People like this crack me up...LMAO! Hey, cathal? Thanks for the laugh, dude, you're hilarious!! 😂😂😂


Oh god. I think I know who Markoff is from the original boards, and he's known as I've witnessed to be the biggest pain in the ass aside from a penis.
I can't deal with him so I'll leave it with you guys as he's of the delusional cretin breed. You cannot reason with insanity.


Thanks for the warning, Babe, hopefully he won't be bothering us here if he's busy on other sites. If he does come here and starts spewing shit, I'll just put him on ignore whenever we get that set up, or whatever Jim's going to decide on. There's always ways to avoid the insane. 😉


Well if he does venture on here and decides to stay, it might do better than bad in some ways. You know what they say... bad publicity is better than no publicity :P


Yep. But we don't want to be infested with trolls like IMDb was...maybe a few of them is ok but that's about it...especially if they create multiple accounts. Hopefully Jim will make it hard on them to do that...if he can.






You're hilarious!!!! 😭

Nobody knows who you are 'cathal', so what right have you really got? Zilch me thinkest.


Just a curious observation....Cathal/Markoff never uses a period. Not a single post in the other thread (where he posted as Markoff) has a period, and just the first post here has one period.




I don't understand why someone would get so worked up about it.. I don't know whether the original poster is even a man or a woman let alone who they are (nor do I really care) for them to get upset about me potentially seeing their posts. I always say - never post anything on the internet that you're not willing for the world to see because once it's on here, anyone can potentially read it if they want. I'm sure Jim will eventually allow people to remove their posts, he has mentioned as much in other messages, I just don't get why anyone would care.


Fairy, he's just a troll trying to stir the pot.


Yeah, he's long winded and never stfu so there's no room for


From experience, if you tried to make him stfu, he responds with 10 paragraphs outlining why he shouldn't. My eyes died and brain imploded.


Haha! What a jerk. I just can't understand why people invest so much time in doing shit like that. Obviously, they have no life...nor any intelligence what so ever. Hope you recovered quickly.


And I'm glad I never had the pleasure of meeting him on IMDb!


Once you push the return key, everything belongs to the internet. Tough cookies.




cathal, I hope your posts are removed ASAP!
I doubt you have anything substantial to say given how small minded you seem to be, so that would spare the rest of us


Sorry but you posted to a publicly available website and I doubt you would have standing to get a real c&d from a court. You also have no copyright infringement claim.

Maybe make a petition under the Geneva Conventions, or perhaps the Treaty of Versailles?
