MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Not enough people here

Not enough people here

I really like this site but the biggest problem is that few people seem to know about it, same problem for themoviedb and chataboutfilms. On the IMDB forums you could ask a question about an obscure film or show from the 60s, 70s or even earlier and someone would answer the same day but here, even the most popular and recent shows and films are a ghost town in the discussions. There needs to be some advertising to bring in people, I hope it improves over time but the few people here won't stick around long if it stays like this for a long time.


I don't know, I'm fairly optimistic more people will come. Ya gotta remember how new this place is and that over time it should grow, at least a little more.

Waiting is the name of the game, right now, however frustrating that might/will be. In the mean time, to inject some more life in it I'd encourage people to go to their fave boards and just start posting to get things moving along, however slowly. If people are worried about it being inactive than give them some activity to see.

I also just think it's because everyone is scattered across different places. I doubt there will be millions of people like IMDb had (plus they had corporate backing too), more like they'll each have their own cluster of loyal posters, but it still has the potential to be a nice community.

So basically, I just say, wait and see! Once the site develops more, and more people learn of it it'll be more than what it is now, I believe.


Re: << I'm fairly optimistic more people will come. Ya gotta remember how new this place is and that over time it should grow, at least a little more. >> IDK, I also kind of like the WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE type possibilities, where no one else ever shows up and the initial core group is still stuck together 20 years later, like (now) unglued caged animals! Or conversely it could get a little like WAITING FOR GADOT, with us all ancient and whispering, "Well, let's give it just another 5 years....maybe someone will come tomorrow...."


Feel like we'd be just one step away from some creepy janitor going, "but've always been here..."

*cue dramatic music*




<< Feel like we'd be just one step away from some creepy janitor going, "but've always been here..." >>

Yes, or


the family -- huddled together in confusion -- figuring out they're ghosts at the end of "The Others". ("This is OUR house...this is OUR house...this is OUR house...!!")


@treeroped, I was curious and looked up the two movies you mentioned. The IMDB threads did happen to transfer over:
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) were talking about this version right?
Citizen Kane (1941)

It is slow right now, but I'm also new seeing people trickle in every day. As long as people keep mentioning this place on social media and other forums, it should grow at a nice pace in the next 2-3 months. People have a driving need to talk with like-minded people about their favorite movies and shows, and they will naturally look for substitutes. Hopefully this place will become more well-known and even show up on a Google search. The more people that come here, the more likely that will happen.


Thanks for that piece of advice, anuser! I edited my post over there and used that particular sentence, a good one!

Also, this site really needs an edit button asap!


TMDb is bustling with lots of ongoing activity, and more movies/shows/actors getting posts started on the corresponding boards there all the time. The boards there never really had been used by the pre-IMDb TMDb regulars, so had just been sitting empty, till now. But IMDb exiles are now steadily getting threads started all over the place (efforts still in progress). This site here is nice, but TMDb has been around since 2008 and has all the bells and whistles nicely in place already.


Sadly, the IMDb exile community is so extremely fractured now, spread across several sites, that no one site will ever have as big or successful of a message boards community as IMDb did prior to their boards closing. As time passes a lot of people will meet back up, though it'll never be the same, thanks to IMDb.






Oh, that sounds so depressing! I really get what you mean, but I do hope and think that somebody else will be so frustrated with this situation that they will succeed in creating another boards forum as wide and popular as IMDb was while the boards existed.

Is is true that IMDb has got a lot of backlash on social media for closing the bards?


my post was directed at "genplant29" just to clarify..
