MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Not enough people here

Not enough people here

I really like this site but the biggest problem is that few people seem to know about it, same problem for themoviedb and chataboutfilms. On the IMDB forums you could ask a question about an obscure film or show from the 60s, 70s or even earlier and someone would answer the same day but here, even the most popular and recent shows and films are a ghost town in the discussions. There needs to be some advertising to bring in people, I hope it improves over time but the few people here won't stick around long if it stays like this for a long time.


Well i'm here now. The party can start.

Whatever site is the new place to be, it's gonna be years before it's up to speed the way IMDb was. Anyhow, I like this site best. This is where i'm hanging my hat.


Golly! Well, welcome. The beauty here is also that we can quickly become Village, GODS AND GODDESSES...who were here from the site's inception. This will give us imeasurable "site cred" (rubs hands craftily). We'll be like, "LISTEN, I remember when this place had NO NESTING!!"


I had to walk 8 miles in the snow just to figure out who was replying to me...and then I found out, no one did and it was just a general reply!

It was madness! Chaos, I tell you!




"You know, kid, you WEEK THREE Johnny-Come-Latelys are all alike! You don't know what suffering IS!"






Y'all gotta be giddyupping on here 85 replies in 11 hours? woohoo


Everyone who has not been here to offer opinions, , please do.


Yeah, it's diappointing to come here to look at message boards for recent movies and see that all the messages are 2 months old (from imdb). The main forums seem alive, but I only care about discussing movies after watching them. The archived imdb discussions are still valuable at least.


Go to the home page and look at the Trending section on top. Those are the boards with the most recent posting activity. A lot of people look at Trending and then go post their own posts.

There have only been a few films and shows boards I've posted on where I haven't gotten any responses.

Another bonus is I see films and shows I've never heard of before on Trending, which sound interesting.
