MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden to shut down border today.

Biden to shut down border today.

Why wasnt this done 3 yrs ago??? Please tell me NO ONE is buying this BS?? A little too fkin late. This shit pisses me off and should do so for everyone else. They think theyre playing us like a bunch of fools. AND THEY ARE!!


Funny, when I called for this years ago, I was told by libs it couldn't be done. Oh, and that I was racist.

Guess its different when they do it. Cause, know, reasons.


Racist, Xenophobic Etc.. Nonsense


And now since Biden is doing it you won't be happy. You are only happy when Republicans do what you want.


Well, I'm not really UNHAPPY about it, note that I am not attacking him for doing it.

I am NOT giving him much CREDIT for doing it, because I believe that he is doing it as a desperate measure to deal with his falling poll numbers, not because he actually supports the policy of a secure border and as soon as the election is over, he will start rolling back the crackdown back to the norm for him, and dems which is an effectively open border.

Now, if he had done this when he first CAME into office, I would have been more impressed and open to the idea that he was doing it because he really wanted to.


I actually agree I don't think Biden is doing it for genuine reasons.

The difference is you come unglued anytime someone questions Trump's motives or actions. You can question Biden but no one can question Trump.

Trump has done many things with an ulterior motive and he gets a free pass from you.


Biden cracking down on the border, clashes with decades of dem policy and ideology, so questioning his motives, makes complete sense.

Give me your best example of Trump doing something, that you consider... in any way similar.


So does tons of stuff Trump does yet you don't question anything he does.

Trump statement about how he would put Hillary in jail suddenly fell by the way side once he got elected. That was done just to get more votes from people. He had no intention of following through with that idle threat. All just lipservice. Had this been a Democrat who did this you would call them out constantly.


1. Give me your best example.

2. Yes, it seems that was nothing but hyperbole when he said it and that he had no plan to really follow though. Personally I was not too unhappy about that, as I thought going after leaders once they are out of office, was a bad precident.

It is a real flaw of his style of speaking, to know when to take him seriously or not.


I just did.

See and I truly believe had this been Biden or a Democrat you would pounce on this without hesitation.

So when do I take him seriously and when don't I?


1. Nope. you just made a vague claim, with no example.

2. I've spent a lot of time on here. Way too much obviously. And too much of it talking to you. So, can you think of one time I've pounced on something like that?


That claim is not vague. Trump did state he would throw her in jail. That never happened. How is that vague?

Oh yes many times actually.


1. Jailing/no jailing Hillary does not conflict with long standing gop policy or ideology. Please stop playing dumb.

2. I don't think you can, or you would have already led with it.


Sure it does. Why did he say he would do it if he didn't mean it?

Oh I can I just know you will bypass it like everything else.


1. You've lost the point.

2. Whatever.


The point stands Trump lied about putting her in jail.


We were discussing how Biden's actions conflict with long standing dem policy and ideology.

Trump's bit about jailing Hillary is not a long standing republican ideological position.

Are you like insanely old and having memory issues? Cause it if you are, I can be understanding about that. We all get old. I am well on my way myself.

But, if you are just... playing dumb, then you are being an asshole and a moral coward.


You dismiss Trump's lie as saying it's hard to determine when he's serious or not. This was a test. It's a pattern. If you dismiss this you will gladly dismiss even if I show Trump being inconsistent on his ideology. If I provide solid proof you going to bypass it like you did with his lie about Hilary? If this was Biden you would latch onto any lie he tells.


i admitted that he said it and didn't do it, and that that was a flaw on his part, an overall flaw bigger than that single issue.

How is that dismissing it?

When biden or any dems, and really a number of rhinos, talk tough, or even GET a little tough on immigration, it raises the question as to why, when they have long standing policies and ideologies that contradict that.

That raises questions as to his motive.

That's the point.


You addressed it now. If Biden did that you would hyper focus on it. I don't trust anything a politician or Trump does simply because it aligns with policy. I question everything.


Your weird claims about me are noted and dismissed.

In the real world, Biden is talking tough on the border issue.

When Trump talked like this, Biden and his partisans claimed it was only because, racism, and that the illegals were a benefit to America and shit talk like that.

Suddenly, now, ,that the polls aren't looking good, Biden is suddenly willing to do his ACTUAL JOB and secure the border. At least until voting is over, then it will be back to normal, ie FUCKING AMERICA.


And your dismissal is noted and dismissed. You got called out and had to concede that Trump lied. First you attempted to downplay it by saying it's hard to understand if Trump is serious. That's a bullshit excuse and your attempt to dismiss.

I don't support immigration or the wall non matter who backs it. I've called Biden a piece of garbage long before this issue. I don't support deporting immigrants or the drug war. That's your gig.


1. Conceed? I agreed. It's clearly not good that he said it and never seemed to even try to follow up on it. I'm not sure what more you want from me.

2. This thread is about Biden's uncharacteristic tough action on the border and what it means. you say you don't support Biden but your every action is to distract from a valid look at him and his policies.


No you tried to downplay it by saying it's hard to understand if Trump is serious or not. You should say he lied and was wrong period. No gaslighting or downplaying.

Nope I've called Biden shit from the getgo. Thing is Trump is garbage also. It's bad when Everytime we go to vote prole argue s out the lesser of two evils. Why don't we actually have a good candidate for once?


You say that, but every thread you are in degenerates into you talking shit on either Trump or the conserative you are talking to, while the topic that you don't want discussed gets buried.


Same goes for you about liberals. Nowhere have I ever said Biden was good.


I'd be happy to disscuss the stories or issues without getting bogged down in partisan politics or personal attacks with stupid troll bois.


Okay then no throwing out insults at anyone who is liberal or left leaning. Discuss honestly and I won't insult the right and be civil.

Watch this is where you will deny that and say no lefty is worth it blah blah blah.


I always try to return the level of civility that I am given.

THe problem is that most liberals are incapable of being civil. They have been taught that they have the right to make the most vicious slurs or the rudest behavior and expect their enemies to just take it like bitches, and they whine like fags when they get the pushback they deserve.


I don't believe that at all.

You told someone to kill themselves. I'm never going to let you live that down. I have never done that. It's why I am not going to hear you preach about Christianity, you clearly don't follow it at all.


The troll boi deserved it.


No he didn't. I read through your exchange, you are full of shit.

You lost credibility once you did that. I hold that over you since I've never done that. I have moral high ground and act more Christian than you ever will. I won't ever do that to someone. Wishing suicide is evil as I've lost a family member to that. Truly despicable and not something to take lightly. Keep it classy though. You are a prick.


The vile shitty behavior that you trolls do, deserve and need pushback.

Your defense of "him" and yourself is... just you spamming shit talk.

Go fuck yourself.


Pushback doesn't mean wishing suicide.

You won't do it again trust me.


And now you are trying to provoke me.

Typical libtard troll boi tactics.


Conservatives are trash human beings. Much like you.


"Trump statement about how he would put Hillary in jail suddenly fell by the wayside once he got elected. That was done just to get more votes from people. He had no intention of following through with that idle threat. All just lip service."

This is absolutely true. It's a frustrating tendency of Trump's. His instincts are usually quite good, such as when in late March of 2020 he indicated that this "two weeks to stop the spread" couldn't and shouldn't become a permanent state, and that we needed to return to normalcy. But he allowed himself to be talked out of it by the "experts".

Same thing with Clinton. That was a great line in the debate, about how she'd be in jail. You could see that it actually rattled the witch. But nothing ever comes of it. Now maybe, after going through what he's gone through for the past 8 years, he's finally had enough and will fight fire with fire, but I wouldn't bet on it.


I see your world is oddly upside down.


And now since Biden is doing it you won't be happy. You are only happy when Republicans do what you want.

I wouldn’t have a problem with it, if it was his actual stance on the immigration. But he has called Trumps immigration policy racist more than once, and he has repeated the kids in cages talking points that the media uses. Even though that started while he was vice president. So it needs to be called out, because the liberal media will not call him racist the same way they did trump.


I don't care about people calling it out. I have an issue with double standards. Plenty will gladly let Trump slide because he is part of their group. Either everyone gets called out or no one does.


It wasn't done 3 Years ago because Biden would've had to admit he along with his Administration were wrong and Trump was right and Biden would rather take a page from The DARK KNIGHT and rather watch the World burn then agree with Trump. Remain Mexico worked and was effective and Biden did away with that!! He's done everything out of spite toward Trump and now, 4 years later in an Election year no less, Biden is going for a Hail Mary and hopes this turns his shitty Polling around, but it's too late and America has grown tired of the Biden experiment, tired of the Title IX upgrading bullshit allowing males in female restrooms and locker rooms along with Transgenders who can't hack it on their own male biological sport's team and have to crash the female sport's team to make them feel and look inferior..


Whoopdee-doo. He's also trying to illegally push through his amnesty bullshit that was porked into the BS "Border Bill" from a couple of months ago.

It only happens if its 2500. Which is a small fucking town. So a small town has to cross illegally before its shut off? That is insane, this is not a fucking solution. DEMOCRATS HAVE NO SOLUTIONS(even when it's right in front of them).


Haha I was just going to say the same thing. And we are all supposed to believe he is going to go through with it, and also that they wont fix the numbers or just let the ones that dont cross one day in the next day.
He is flying and busing illegals all over the country by the thousands, he is taking down border wall, blockades, and fencing that states put up. This is just something for the media to repeat, and in a month everyone will figure out that he did not do anything at all and the border patrol is still just releasing thousands a day into the country. Nothing will change, this is what they want and that is why it wont change, it is not even worth discussing because NOTHING HAS CHANGED.


Wasn't it just a few months ago that the drooling mutants of the left insisted that it was those devilish Republicans who weren't allowing the border to be closed because they didn't give the Biden crime family another blank check to launder in the Ukraine?

Turns out it wasn't such a challenge after all.




Exactly why he is unfit for a second Term RFK Jr 2024


But keelai assured me that Trump was the one holding up the border closure. So it was the dems and Biden all along. I was actually right. Hmm.


If it pisses you off, everyone else should be pissed off. Why not ?


Becuase misery loves company.
