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DEI was created by the oppressors/corporate America

When You’re Accustomed To Privilege… Equality Can Feel Like Oppression.

He makes a good point and I agree on his position ever since I noticed that the only reason certain far-right complain is because they're opposed to hiring POC as any hiring based on DEI is not through merit. (PJW is a fine example of DEI whining)


Yeah no, racism doesn't solve anything no matter what way you direct it.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


That's why I think they should get rid of DEI and reframe it in the hiring process as meritous. Your assumption is that NO POC hiring is of merit if DEI is involved.


No white person in America, is "accustomed" to privilege. Even teh elderly who might remember having nicer bathrooms or schools in their childhoods, have had decades to get used to equality.


And lots of them wish it could go back to the way it was. So you are full of crap.


The last time a real w.s., who really supported such a move, ran for national office, he got .04% of the popular vote.

Why are you pretending that this country is racist, or at least that white Americans are racist, when clearly, we are not?

That is very insulting and hurtful, to a lot of good people. Many of which are on YOUR side, on many issues.

(please do not play like a retard, and pretend to not understand that I am speaking GENERALLY of the GROUP, "American whites", and respond by citing a few very isolated exceptions)


Numbers don't determine how people truly feel. I didn't say as a whole this country was racist. I said there are lots of folks who would be more than happy to have stuff return back to the way it was. They might just not be as vocal about it, but if it went back to that way they either wouldn't care or would be happy. Often times people only care about what affects them. If it doesn't they couldn't care less. Some do care but many do not. Numbers aren't going to showcase how everyone feels.


You are denying that the people in the 1960s, that voted for pro-civil rights politicians did so because they felt like supporting pro-civil rights policies?

(and the 70s, and the 80s, and the 90s, and the 00s, and the 10s, and 2020)

SO, if they were truly racist, then why did they vote for anti-racist politicians and policies?


I never said they were fully racist. So I'm bypassing your point on this because it's bullshit.


So, what the fuck do you even mean? What is your fucking point?

My point was that teh OP is stupid, and I explained why.

What are you doing in this thread, other than burying any real discussion in meaningless static and filler?


Are there people who aren't vocal who wouldn't care if black people's rights got taken away?


THAT is your point?

Sure. I assume there are some. In a nation of 300 million, I'm sure there are some.

There, you made your point.

So, how is that relevant to the topic? What does it mean in the context of this thread? Why should anyone care about that point you just made?


If you are sure there are some then what numbers would you use to prove that? The point it proves is not everything can be proven by numbers like you are trying to say. Numbers aren't everything. You seem to think they are or are calculated in total.


1. I have no need to prove that. No serious person would deny it. Anyone that demands evidence of that I would ridicule with vulgarity.

2. I did not claim that "everything can be proven by numbers". My point was based on generations of political, legal and cultural consensus and practice. I offered no numbers to support it. It is a historical fact that I cited. No serious person would challenge it.

3. The existence of a fringe in no way challenges my point about the consensus. You did NOTHING to support your claim. There is NOTHING in your posts to explain how the exitence of a fringe supposedly undermines the consensus of the vast majority.

4. The fact remains. THis country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid 60s. THe left's constant pretending that the mainstream Right, or Trump or the GOP or ect, are somehow AGAINST this, is false.


I call bullshit again..plenty of people willingly deny it. So no bullshit and I don't believe you.

No you acted as if the numbers proved your case completely.

Yeah it does. Just because something is a consensus or law does it mean it's honored. As I originally said.

Not equality. You misspoke again. According to you in favor of bld jd not equality.


1. I have never heard anyone deny that there are some people that would not care if legal equality for blacks was removed. I do not believe you.

2. No, I acted as though the generations of consensus proved my case.

3. YOu are not making sense. The tiny isolated fringe does not make policy or drive the conventional wisdom or the culture. The vast majority consensus does. Your claim otherwise, is senseless.

4. i explained the contradtion of the idea and the practice. YOu understand it. Stop playing stupid.


I have heard it plenty of times. That's fine I don't believe you. So the feeling is mutual.

No you didn't. Consensus is not always honored just like the law.

So a law or consensus is always honored and followed?

Then voice it correctly prick. I want people to know exactly what you are saying.


1. I bet you didn't. I bet you "misunderstood" someone and they corrected you but you pretended to forget the correction and are now shit talking.

2. But, it was. As I explained, EVERY actual president supported or "honored" the consensus with policy and practice. As I already stated. So, address that.

3. My position is not based on some...weird claim that consensus is always honored. This one was. A small fringe does not disprove that. YOu are being senseless.

4. YOu are nitpicking to justify being a fag.


So you throw out another assumption when you whined about me doing it? Comical irony alert!

As we have discussed before if you had done nothing you think that would have gone over well? You think there is outrage now? Take no action at all and see how well that turns out. As it stands even with that in place explain why on average do whites make more money? The consensus is not always honored simply because a politician supports it quote unquote. Lots of the things politicians support is hogwash anyway. You openly dismiss anything a liberal president supports and say it's fake and their intent is that matters. That's how I address that point. It's just fluffy bullshit you going to that means little.

Nope I want transparency.


1. I know the type of asshole you are. Judging you based on your constant trolling, is not an assuption, but a reasonable conclusion.

2. I think it would have turned out quite well. We would NOT have built up a massive industry that makes money by finding "racism" and attacking people. The blacks that succeeded would have succeeded on the basis of their work and merit and no one would doubt that. Generations of division would NOT have occurred.

3. Your justification for being a fag, is noted.


Likewise. You told someone to kill themself.

Yeah I'm not buying that. Sorry.

Your insult and non sequitur is noted and dismissed.


2. Why? Based on what?


Based on people. You widen a gap. Whites already make more money on average. That gives that much more of a head start and opportunity.


If people are being treated equally, then I would expect the gap to NARROW, over time as blacks who work hard and smart rise to middle class or above.

And without the weaponized... race mongering that we actually had.


Except that isn't the case. You are operating under the theory that if you work hard and are smart that guarantees your life will be good. There are smart hard working blacks that still struggle today. According to you they have the advantage do eny are they struggling if they work hard and are smart?


I am operating under the theory that if you work hard and smart that it is LIKELY that you will be able to avoid poverty in this country.

As blacks were disproportionately poor, the natural ability of people to improve their lot, would lead to large scale improvement from the ARTIFICIAL low levels they were at before.

As I never claimed that EVERYONE that worked hard and smart would have a "good life" thus, that some blacks work had and smart and still struggle, does not challenge anything I actually said.

It is telling that I talked about peopel generally, and you assumed that I was claiming something universial.


Likely but that isn't full proof or always the case.

By the victims who were hindered by laws not getting any help at all? Look outside bud it's a dog eat dog eorl out there. Especially if you have no help.

It does challenge it. You claim they have the advantage over whites. So if that is the case why aren't more of them flourishing and whites still make more money on average?

People in general is rather widespread dude.


1."Likely" means that the group as a whole will slowly drift UP, towards equality. So, the gap NARROWS.

2. "Victims"? With the laws of Jim Crow removed, the blacks in question are not "Victims" any more, but equal citizens with the full ability to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

3. Becasue despite the advantage of racist discrimination in their favor, other factors fuck them up.

4. In general is widespread, but not universal. So, I made my comment about the group, as a whole, not claiming everyone. YOu know that, you just admitted it. So stop playing stupid.


Not so sure I believe that would happen.

Not talking about today. I'm talking about the ones who were still alive and well during the past jim crowe laws. You are playing dumb now.

So then what else is it then? So obviously there are other factors holding them back and it isn't just discrimination in their favor.

You play dumb also. And you generalize so much it's hard to keep it straight.


1. You asked me what I BELIEVE would happen. So I told you. So, now you know. So... what?

2. I was also talking about the blacks of then. With the jim crow laws removed they are no longer "victims" and are free to improve their lot.

3. The big one, imo, is the government intervention to drive fathers from the home.

4. No, I don't play dumb. And as we are discussing big issues, you should not be surprised that I am discussing GROUPS.


Which is why I responded in a civil manner. I disagree with you. Now what?

That's not a true statement. Emmit Tills mother and others are not victimless because laws afterwards treat them better. That's like locking up a prisoner for 20 years for a crime he didn't commit. Then just going well hey you are out now right? I mean oops!

Ok and how do you fix that?

You are all over the place. So no I disagree I am surprised.


1. I don't know. YOU asked the question. DId you have a reason for asking?

2. Till would still be dead, his mother would be sad. Blacks as a whole would be free to improve their lot. That would be good and better than what actually happened which has led to increasing resentment and strife.

3. Stop doing that. Stop celebrating single mothers. Stop demonizing men. Better trade and immigration policies.

4. Blah, blah, blah.


Yeah I wanted to know your stance.

No don't dude step. You don't want any compensation for those people. Which is bullshit.

Who is demonizing men? Also single mothers being shamed isn't good either. Better a single parent household that is stable than an abusive one where parents are together.

Your stupidity is noted and dismissed.


2. Compensation leads to division and entitlement. It has not been good for them or for US.

4. Society, women, feminists, ect. Yes, single mothers being shamed is a good thing.


What if the single mother came out of an abusive relationship? What's the purpose of shaming that?

Should single fathers also be shamed?


2.Discourage bad behavior.

4. Single fathers are not the problem.


2. "Bad behaviour"? What should couples do that fall apart?

4. You know it takes two to tango, right? A single mother also means there was a father.


2. Think of the children.

4. And there you go, going after the men, just like that. Took you l ong enouggh. lol.


2. And the same for the man. What if the relationship was abusive?

4. What? I asked you why the single mother is somehow more inherently at fault than the single father?

Why is the man not equally to blame?


I am replying here in public to let the thread know how much of a repulsive, piece of shit misogynist he is. He decided to DM me.

According to Corbell, single fathers are never to blame. It's always the woman who holds all the blame when they break up.




Not remotely. You are a piece of shit misogynist who makes excuses for deadbeat dads and automatically assumes a single mother caused the end of that relationship.

And how is it they should be "shamed" anyway? Should a man who is separated from his partner, and children be "shamed" also?


said the liar.


What am I lying about?

Not remotely. You are a piece of shit misogynist who makes excuses for deadbeat dads and automatically assumes a single mother caused the end of that relationship.

And how is it they should be "shamed" anyway? Should a man who is separated from his partner, and children be "shamed" also?


I'm left with the amusing conclusion that you don't think there's anything wrong with deadbeat dads that disproportionately afflicts the black community.


You are a shit talker.


I'm left with the amusing conclusion that you don't think there's anything wrong with deadbeat dads that disproportionately afflicts the black community.


There are racists all over the world and not just against blacks. Racism will never be eradicated.


Thanks for pointing out the obvious. So because it will always exist we shouldn't try to get rid of it as much as possible?


No that's an assumption and bullshit. Plenty of people have used that compensation for great things. Your baseless assumption is dismissed.

Society doesn't as a whole shame men. That's bullshit. Men have the same legal rights as anybody else does. How is shaming single mothers a good thing? I come from a single mother and my mom worked hard and instilled great work ethic in my family. Sometimes single moms have an unfortunate accidents like I don't know maybe the husband dies from an unfortunate circumstance like a car accident. Yet you think it's ok to shame them for being single because of that? Wow quite telling, that's rather disgusting and vile!


Are you unaware that just about everything to be seen on the Talmudvision depicts men (white men especially) as ineffectual buffoons who need women to help them avoid blowing up themselves or the world? No one can rationally argue that that's not the case. Commercials, sit-coms, comic book movies, they all operate from that perspective, and every young man growing up in America has that message subliminally imprinted on him. Go to a store like Walmart and see the t-shirts for young girls that read, "Girls rule, boys drool!" and then search for the equivalent t-shirt in the boys' section. We'll wait here for you. Denying that men are second-class citizens in the world of pop culture and entertainment - sadly the milieu in which almost our entire population resides - is a mendacious lie.

As for men having the same legal rights as women, tell that to a divorce court judge. Tell that to young college-educated men who can't get hired because they don't tick the right boxes on their applications.


In comic book movies most of the heroes are straight white males. Iron man, Captain America, Thor, Star Lord, Wolverine, Doctor Strange, Spiderman, Bruce Banner, Batman etc. I could go on for days. As far as Walmart lol. Seriously that's your proof that society hates men? I haven't been in a Walmart in years. I don't like shopping there as it's a terrible company to support. Once women heroes outnumber men in comic book movies or even equal white straight men get back to me. So your claim white men are not positively represented in entertainment is a flat out lie. Don't worry you guys have your little YouTube echo chambers that validate your feelings. You will be fine. Also just for giggles there is a boys rule and girls drool T-shirt on the Walmart website. I searched it just for you. You should be happy now right lol?

Isolated incidents don't count for the general majority. That's something people like you love to use.


In comic book movies most of the heroes are straight white males.

Last I heard, some of them have been neutered, emasculated and sissified. And in some cases, converted to fudge-packers.


Get back to me once gay men, women or people of color outnumber them as a whole.


No need to wait. They already have.


Cite your fact. It's not true but go ahead provide evidence for this claim.


"Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"


Who watches commercials willingly in 2024?

Sitcoms are dying. It's not 2008 anymore.

Comic book movies? Who gives a fuck? Are you 13? There's way more to modern TV/film than the MCU. Get a broader pallette.


I don't partake in any of those. Haven't been to a movie theater since 2007, don't watch TV, dropped sportsball a while back, although I unfortunately get exposed unwillingly to commercials while watching online videos. Nonetheless, there's no way to escape being at least moderately aware of what the popular zeitgeist is. For example, I have to walk through the break room at work several times a day and witness the utter filth on TV; I also have TVs pointed at me in the gym, etc. And so the firehose of cultural rot is still washing over me. And it's all geared toward denigrating straight, white men. It's cliched to even say that these days but with each passing year it only becomes more accurate.


>For example, I have to walk through the break room at work several times a day and witness the utter filth on TV

How is modern TV "filth"? And are you judging it purely by network TV? TV of any repute has moved to Netflix, Amazon, Apple, HBO, Hulu etc.

> And so the firehose of cultural rot is still washing over me. And it's all geared toward denigrating straight, white men.

It really isn't. You don't know anything about the breadth of modern TV.


Oh, OK. If you say so.


I do. What TV do you actually like? How is it "filth"?


1. Handing out money, sure, it benefits some of the people you give it to. And it has caused division and entitlement that is tearing this country apart. Your dismissal is not good enough.

2. Sure it does. Society shames men. Your denial is fucking absurd.

3. I don't give a fuck about "Sometimes". Are you claiming that most single moms are because of "unfortunate accidents"?


So because some people take advantage you take the help no one approach?

Not as a whole. As it stands men have equal rights.

I know you don't. You said we should Shame them period. Fuck off with that! No I'm taking into account everything where as you aren't.


1. I said nothing of "Taking advantage". I said the act of compensation leads to division and entitlement. Please address what I actually said instead of making up shit.

2. Sure it does. Society shames men. YOur denial is fucking absurd.

3. Are you claiming that most single moms are because of "unfortunate accidents"?


Only among certain people. So because that happens among certain people don't help anyone?

The point stands men have equal rights.

Asked and answered. I will answer it one more time. No. I however take into account all scenarios where as you don't.


The point stands men have equal rights.

Not anymore. You really are in denial.


Couldn't provide proof of your claim huh? Get back to your cave bud. No one needs your input.


I don't need to. There are no universal rules and laws that requires it.

You should try some critical/independent thinking and do your own research.


What you can claim without evidence I can dismiss without evidence. Thanks for that.


Evidence can be falsified.


1. Among our society as a whole. That is the end result of attempts at "compensation" so, don't racially discriminate in favor of one group at the expense of another. Help? What do you mean by help?

2. Men are demonized and blamed for many ills that are NOT their fault, while women, especially single moms, are given a pass for shit that IS their fault.

3. Laws and policies are made for based on the rule not the exception. "Unfortunate acccidents" are not the rule, they are a rare exception. The way that you lefties run away from the norm and want to make policy based on oddities, is your brain dealing with the fact that you know your policies are bad.


Help the victims who were affected by that discrimination. Don't play dumb.

The point stands men have equal rights.

Nope it's taking into account every scenario. Something you conservatives don't want to do. You think one size fits all. So then that means single fathers should be shamed also right?


1. Yeah, I got that. BUt what do you mean by HELP.

2. i see your desire to move the goalposts. That is your brain dealing with the fact that it knows what I say is true, that our society demonizes men. But you refused to admit it.

3. I am willing to discuss "every scenario", but policies is set based on the norm. You can argue for EXCEPTIONS if you think a certain scenario warrents it, but your desire to ignore the norm to focus on the oddballs, is your desire to avoid dealing with the reality of the situation(s).


You are playing dumb. Compensation is help.

No goal post was moved. You just can't argue against the point l. The point stands men have equal rights.

You said you didn't give a fuck about the exceptions. So I call you on your bullshit. You just lied again!


1. No, I'm trying to get to specifics. You want to take money from white people that did NOTHING wrong, and give it to black people, many, most?, all? that suffered nothing. That breeds division and entitlement.

2. a. Society shames and demonized men. b. Men DON'T have equal rights.

3. I doubt I said THAT. But I do want to set policy based on the reality of an issue, not on the weird oddball cases that you people use to avoid the reality of the issue.


Wow for the millionth time the victims of racism from those laws. I'm not talking about today. Did Emmit Tills mom deserve compensation?

The point stands men have equal rights.

So you are lying about what you said?


1. Till's mom is dead. Has been dead for quite a while. you want to keep giving money to black people today that have never lived under jim crow.

2. SOciety shames them, and they do NOT have equal rights.

3. Fuck off. I want to set policy based on the reality of an issue, not on the weird oddball cases that you people use to avoid the reality of the issue.


I asked you specifically about the past. Notice you won't answer you evade it. Did she deserve compensation?

Men have equal rights the point stands. You have no legal standing making that claim..

You said you didn't care about those scenarios. I caught you in a lie.


1. Dude. I've answered both questions. My point stands. The "victims" of those laws are really old or dead, and your position is not to limit the "compensation" just to people with real direct issues, but to all blacks.

Whether than have an issue, or just black skin.

2. "Legal standing"? LOL. shit talk. IN the real world, men are demonized and shamed and do not have equal rights. Your denial is shit talk.

3. FUck off loser.


Yeah you said they shouldn't get any. Which is bullshit. Nope I'm talking about those victims and your approach is just that of an asshole. If you were in that position you wouldn't have that mentality.

The point stands men have equal rights. You can't come against it and I love rubbing that in your smug face. Funny you want to shame single moms but not single dads. I like the double standard you have.

Your lie is noted scumbag. Must be nice to evade every time you get cornered.


1. The more you shit talk, the LESS sympathy I have for the people you are supposedly advocating for. And that is not just me. We are DONE paying for shit our ancestors did NOT do.

2. Men are shamed and do not have equal rights. Your denial is just revealing you to be a dishonest bad faith actor.

3. I've forgotten what lie you are pushing here and don't care. Fuck off.


You never had sympathy in the first place. Don't bullshit me. It's okay though since you want to play that game I will do the same. I don't care what you are going through.

The point stands men have equal rights. Notice you have no proof they have no equal rights. The point stands.

Lol you haven't forgotten. You said you didn't care about unfortunate scenarios.


1. Wow. Now you are reading my mind again. What a shit talker you are.

2. They are shamed, demonized and do not have equal rights. Your denial of this common reality is just revealing you to not be a serious person.

3. BUt I did. I do remember that you are a fuckingn asshole.


No that was apparent when you said you wanted no compensation for them. You literally said that you idiot.

The point stands men have equal rights.

No you claimed you didn't care.


1. My explanation explained why. YOu are pretending to not know that, and inventing your own self serving reason. You also were pretty vague about which generation of "victims" while I was clearly speaking of the whole populations over time. So, really everything you just said was shit.

2. They are shamed, demonized and do not have equal rights. Again all you have is shit talk.

3. Except I'm not. I'm a nice guy. You are the asshole here.


Your explanation explaining why doesn't change that you want no compensation for them. No I specifically asked about the victims who were affected by racism of that era. I have that quote pinned and can link it for you. You just lied about what I said. Quit lying!

Nope prove it. Otherwise the point stands. I want proof that as a whole this country doesn't have equal rights for men. Not isolated incidents. This is the part where you refuse to provide any evidence and evade it.

Nice guys don't tell people to kill themselves. Yet you claim to be Christian? Is that how Christians behave?


1. All you have done with generations of attempts at "compensation" is to divide this country against each other. You are inflamming and worsening racial conflict, not healing it.

2. Equal rights is YOUR attempt to set a bar. I said men are demonized and shamed. And I am sure that any link or argument I provide supporting my point about rights, you will dismiss, because you are a dishonest troll boi.

3. Sure we do. Nice doesn't mean meek or weak. Mistaking niceness for weakness is hte type of mistake that piece of shit people make.


And you don't care about what victims go through. You are fine with Emmit Tills mom getting the shaft. It's ok it ain't me so tough shit.

Exactly no proof. So the point stands men have equal rights in the real world. I don't care what your opinion on what the world does I want proof men don't have equal rights. This is exactly what you do when someone claims the country is racist. So I sm using your logic. Oh and you also said they don't have equal rights. Nice try but I caught you.

No. Especially just for trash talking. Tell me where in Christian teachings it condones doing that? You can stand up for yourself and be strong without telling someone to kill themselves.


1. I want to heal the wounds caused to this nation by racism and racist oppression. You want to worsen them.

2. Everyone reading this knows that men are demonized, shamed and do not have equal rights. YOur denial of this reality is just you showing yourself to be a shit talker.

3. Yes, we do. That you want to be a shit talker and be treated with a civility that you do not earn, is you being a pussy.


No I think that's you. Not offering any compensation for victims is an awful strategy.

Proof otherwise the point stands.

No that's not what nice guys do. Not to mention Christian people. I give what I get. You insulted me first.


1. Supporting discrimination and oppression of white people TODAY for shit they had nothing to do with, to benefit black people who were never victims, is CAUSING racial strife, and you support it.

2. Nah. You know it, I know it, everyone knows. it. And they know you are a troll for denying it.

3. Sure it is. NIce doesn't mean weak. Only assholes think that it does.


Nope I support the victims of that era getting compensated.

The point stands.

Standing up for yourself in a civil way isn't being weak.


1. And that'sa lie. You want this to continue forever, even though the vast majority of benefits are going to people who were never "victims".

2. Nah. You know it, I know it, everyone knows. it. And they know you are a troll for denying it.

3. When the person you are talking to, is a complete troll boi fag, like you are, being civil to them IS weakness.


A "nice guy" who justifies throwing baseless accusations of pedophilia at others purely because you don't like the person.

You are a piece of shit.


Oh wow he did that also?


Yes, I made a thread on it if you check my profile. He was not the original claimant, but he justified it purely because he doesn't like me.

He has also implied I should be physically attacked in the same thread.


Interesting. So this guy is a true scumbag then. Even bigger than I originally thought.


Correct. Your troll behavior deserves pushback.

YOur desire to behavior like a soulless piece of shit and then be treated with a civility you don't earn, is you being a fag.

You can keep asking this same question. The answer won't change.

you don't lilke it?

Be less of a piece of shit.


>Correct. Your troll behavior deserves pushback.

So lying about me is pushback is it? A moral person openly justifies lying?

You hateful, fascist piece of shit.

>You can keep asking this same question. The answer won't change.

I don't give a fuck. I don't answer to fuckstain wankboys like yourself. You are a violent thug who has suggested I should be attacked, and suggested I should be censored.

You are a hateful anti-american scumbag.

>Be less of a piece of shit.

You are a revolting wankstain with the morals of an amoeba. I take no lessons from you on anything.


So, why do you keep talking to me so much?

I never come looking for YOUR posts. You come looking for mine.

If you don't want to be treated like I treat you,

a. don't talk to me, OR,

b. just don't be a complete cunt when you do so.

Follow either of those two rules and you can be happy.

IF not, you have no one to blame but yourself.


If I see you claim morality, I will remind you that you are a repulsive hateful and immoral sack of shit who wants to assault me. Since you justified calling me a pedophile, and suggested I deserve to be physically assaulted I see no reason to ever be civil to you again. Scumbag.

I don't care what you do. You are a violent fascist thug, and I have every right on a forum with limited rules to remind you of that if I so choose.



I like that in your own mind, the possiblity of "not being a complete cunt",

is not even a possibility you can entertain for even a second.

That is pathetic. It shows a self image that has to be complete shit.

You should try to do something about that.


>I like that in your own mind, the possiblity of "not being a complete cunt",

Whether or not I am a "cunt" doesn't matter. Threats of violence and lies are wrong to matter to who they are. You continue to be a hateful piece of shit.

>You should try to do something about that.

I'll do whatever the fuck I like, fuckbrains.

I will talk to you however I like because you are an anti-american fascist thug.


No, my point was that you know that you can't do it.

YOU know that you CAN'T, talk to someone, without being a complete cunt.


Come on, can't you see how sad that is?

And by sad, I mean, like "i laugh at how pathetic you are sad", not "I cry because I feel your pain sad".

Just to be clear.


>YOU know that you CAN'T, talk to someone, without being a complete cunt.

I talk to plenty of people without "being a cunt". You just characterise anyone who disagrees with you as being a "cunt" because you are an anti-american violent thug who wants to assault anyone who he disagrees with.

You can shove your bullshit psychoanalysis up your ass, you hateful scumbag.


Yet your response was your response. YOu completely ignore dthat as an option.

As though it twas NOT an option.


Why should I treat you nicely when you accuse me of being a pedophile and tell me I should be assaulted?



Becuase you are the one whining like a fag over the way I treat you.

So, I'm telling you how to avoid that kind of treatment.

You don't want this kind of treatment, one answer would be for you to NOT be a complete cunt when talking to me.


>Becuase you are the one whining like a fag over the way I treat you.

Just pointing out what a nasty, hateful piece of work you are.

>So, I'm telling you how to avoid that kind of treatment.

Like fuck am I going to grovel to you or anyone for how you treat other people, you fascist piece of shit.

>You don't want this kind of treatment, one answer would be for you to NOT be a complete cunt when talking to me.

I never was, you are just a sensitive cry-bully who throws his toys out of the pram when met with any pushback. This deceit is part of your lie to justify your nasty treatment of others.



Dude. I'm not interested in more shit talk from you.

YOu were whining so I gave you the obvious fix.

TWO of them, in fact. YOUR choice.

So, that's that.


I don't care what you say. I will point out, when I feel it appropriate, what a vile piece of human scum you are.


Your call chief. Just try not to whine like a fag when I give you the same kind of treatment in return.

It looks SO bad when a supposed "man" starts some shit and then whines like a fag when he gets some shit BACK.


>Your call chief. Just try not to whine like a fag when I give you the same kind of treatment in return.

I have never accused of something like being a pedophile. Not remotely equivalent.

>It looks SO bad when a supposed "man" starts some shit and then whines like a fag when he gets some shit BACK.

I didn't "start" anything. You just hate people (and others) because we disagree on political issues, and use that as justification to be a repulsive hateful piece of shit. At no point did I ever start hurling abuse at you. You were abusive and hateful first beause you are a fascist, anti-american piece of shit who thinks I should be assaulted and justifies lying about me.

I will continue to ask others if they think behaving like you is appropriate.



Listen, i know that a lot of lefties, are so used to spewing their shit talk attacks at people that sometimes tehy are not even aware that they are doing it.

I don't care. YOu talk shit, and talk shit on me,
or shit like that, whatever.

I will treat you as you have earned.

Ditto if you are NOT a complete cunt.

That's all. Nothing really more to discuss here. Talking about it more won't change my answer.


>Listen, i know that a lot of lefties, are so used to spewing their shit talk attacks at people that sometimes tehy are not even aware that they are doing it.

And yet you can't even name any of this "shit talk" and how it somehow justifies you knowingly spreading lies about me or others being a pedophile.

>I will treat you as you have earned.

That you think political and social disagreements justifies abuse makes you a unrelenting scumbag. Genuine fascist mentality.

I will not stop pointing out how much of a hateful vile insect you are.


And all you have is shit talk.


>Listen, i know that a lot of lefties, are so used to spewing their shit talk attacks at people that sometimes tehy are not even aware that they are doing it.

And yet you can't even name any of this "shit talk" and how it somehow justifies you knowingly spreading lies about me or others being a pedophile.

>I will treat you as you have earned.

That you think political and social disagreements justifies abuse makes you a unrelenting scumbag. Genuine fascist mentality.

I will not stop pointing out how much of a hateful vile insect you are.


Corbell makes excuses for deadbeat dads.

Single mothers = evil, should be shamed

Single fathers = taking responsibility

At least in Corbells mind.


Yeah he's a gigantic scumbag.


It's not a lie at all. You are telling yourself that because you know I'm right.

Nope the point stands. If it didn't you would have offered your proof by now. You have none to prove men don't have equal rights. I can backup my claims you can not.

Again not sure any Christian teachings would back up your claim on that.


Times a changin', back to the good o'l days.

Yeah, and Hillary used terms like Super-Predator.


Wow. That's weak. Pretending hecklers are being throw out, not because they are hecklers but because they are black.


Race-skism is BIG MONEY now. That's why the lies continue.


Yeah, they are scum of the earth.
