MovieChat Forums > Politics > How many speakers will the GOP go throug...

How many speakers will the GOP go through?

MTG is on a rampage again by filing a motion to oust him like they did with McCarthy. I guess they want a true MAGA aka far-right to do the things they want.



We want the Neo-Cons gone... do you not understand this?

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I cannot stand MTG or "MAGA", but it would be nice to have a Republican leader who would actually push for fiscal responsibility, national security, strong borders, and law and order.


Wish in one hand, shit in the other...

Follow the money.


Trump doesn't want any of that!

He has already said he wants the U.S. economy to crash. Also he wants weak borders because his campaign is focused on xenophobic fearmongering which he uses in ads and while campaigning.

Law and order under Trump is a joke considering how many laws he has broken and his open support of the Jan. 6 criminals incited by him to violence against police, our political leaders and our elections.

Trump is anti-national security since he is helping U.S. enemy Russia's former KGB-spy Putin who has spoken against our values and has attacked our allies and us. Trump has welcomed Russia to invade our allies in Europe. He is helping Russia by denying military aide to Ukraine. That aide is only 5% of our military budget and has helped weaken Russia economically and militarily and allows the U.S. to replace outdated arms with new ones.

"US spent 5% of its military budget to destroy half of Russia’s capability with the help of Ukraine

The Biden administration received Congressional approval for $40bn in aid for Ukraine for 2022 and has requested an additional $37.7bn for 2022. More than half of this aid has been earmarked for defense. The total US defense budget for 2022 is $715 billion."


Like I said, I can't stand MAGA (Trump and his sycophants), but to claim Biden is better is laughable.


Every U.S. president is better than Trump.


In other words, no more "controlled opposition."


A minority who wish to foist their will upon the majority, by any means necessary.

There's your MAGA.


You’re confusing the "woke cult" with MAGA.


Let's find out.
