MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why the 80 million dollar verdict agains...

Why the 80 million dollar verdict against Trump is bogus

As you read this keep in mind I have a Paralegal certificate which I had to pass 7 classes for including an internship at a law firm. Trump has every right to defend himself and say the charges are not true. Almost every dependent says this. By saying charges are not true almost all defendants are implying that the person attacking them is a liar. This is the extant of the Trump’s “personal attacks” on the woman. As for the death threats from Trump supporters bogus ABC brought up that’s not Trump’s business. He did not direct his supporters to threaten this woman. They acted out on their own.


As you read this keep in mind I have a Paralegal certificate which I had to pass 7 classes for including an internship at a law firm.

Sounds like you're more qualified that Trump's lawyers. Probably why he keeps losing. Well, that plus the being guilty.


Your ignorance is showing. In civil cases if a defendant loses he is liable. Only in criminal cases can a defendant potentially be found criminal.


88 million


The Left is up to dirty tricks again? Does the sun rise in the East?

Let’s clear this E Jean Carroll situation up for everyone who doesn’t understand how things work:

- Trump has never been convicted or even investigated for what she accused him of.

- She doesn’t know what year it happened, and has even been caught in a few lies.

- She brought the dress forward, but the dress didn’t even exist in the years she claimed it happened.

- Trump was not on trial for this. He was on trial for calling her a liar and other names.

- The Jury is from a far Left district, so Trump had no shot at a fair hearing.

- She didn’t make these accusations until 20 years later. She even said she fantasizes about it happening before.

- The only reason she could even sue was because democrats changed the laws for 1 year in New York. The law was changed the day Trump got out of office.

- She wasn’t going to sue until anti Trump people talked her into it and offered to pay.

The whole case is a farce but that won't stop the Loony Left from screeching.


Well said. Even brought up some points that I was not aware of and I know a lot. Not just about this but about everything.


- E Jean Carroll has accused several men of raping or sexually assaulting her including a babysitter’s boyfriend, a dentist, a camp counselor, an unnamed college date, an unnamed boss and CBS chief executive Les Moonves - Per The National Pulse This is why she’s not credible.

- Tweeted in 2012 that she was a MASSIVE fan of the apprentice. How many rape victims are fans of their rapist?

- Tweeted that "Rape is sexy." Named her two dogs "Tits" and "Vagina". Tweeted about learning sex tips from her dog!

- The description of the event matches an episode of "Law & Order."

- George T. Conway III was her council to go after Trump.

- Her case was funded by Democrat Jeff Epstein buddy Reid Hoffman who also backed Nikki Haley.

• They didn’t believe Paula Jones vs Bill Clinton
• They didn’t believe Tara Reid vs Joe Biden
• But they believe E. Jean Carroll vs Donald J. Trump


He actually did direct his supporters to attack and threaten her.

Mob bosses eventually go down.




No he didn't.


Everyone knows it was a sham. It’ll be tossed in appeals. Her Democrat rectum attorneys will be counter sued and forced to pay fees just like happened in the Stormy Danials “case”.

Anyone with an opposing view can be put on ignore. They aren’t a human. They’re either a bot, or a braindead rectum lemming unworthy of acknowledgement.


Trump went beyond just denying the charges. He attacked her reputation by defaming her. The link provides details.

Trump was found liable for defamation and the thing to do was NOT repeat it. Notice how the $83 million lesson finally stopped him from defaming Carroll, again.


He didn’t defame her. She is a lying slanderer and will not see a single cent of that $83m.


Keep deluding yourself.
