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US does not support Taiwan independence

The Biden Fascist administration has feared that the election, transition and new administration would escalate conflict with Beijing.

JoeTato has worked to smooth relations with China, including agreeing to talk through differences on security matters at a California summit with President Xi Jinping in November.

U.S. President XiJoe Biden said U.S forces would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, his most explicit statement on the issue, drawing an angry response from China that said it sent the wrong signal to those seeking an independent Taiwan.

President Xi has spoken!


Taiwan's election is over, and Bozo reiterates the US DOES NOT SUPPORT TAIWAN'S INDEPENDENCE, which has been the official position since Nixon tossed them under the bus to cozy up to the mainland. Only 13 nations recognize Taiwan as an independent nation, and what a collection of nonentities. So explain to me our schizophrenic "Policy", we sell them arms to maintain what? We talk war with China to maintain what? An independence WE DO NOT RECOGNIZE? All while we adhere to a "one China policy" officially?

Once again, Xiden proves his undying loyalty to the CCP..


>Only 13 nations recognize Taiwan as an independent nation, and what a collection of nonentities. So explain to me our schizophrenic "Policy", we sell them arms to maintain what? We talk war with China to maintain what? An independence WE DO NOT RECOGNIZE? All while we adhere to a "one China policy" officially?

The US selfs Taiwan arms to deter Chinese aggression against them, and prominently (or notably) to protect their microchip industry that the US does not want falling under PRC control. When did the USA ever talk about "war" with China?

>Once again, Xiden proves his undying loyalty to the CCP..

How does any of this mean that Biden has any "loyalty" to the CCP?


Joe said he would support the annexing of Taiwan: U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday the United States does not support the independence of Taiwan, after Taiwanese voters rebuffed China and gave the ruling party a third presidential term.

That why they call Joe, China Joe.


No, that's LITERALLY historical US policy on the matter. You clearly know nothing about the one-China policy of the USA. The US official policy is that there is one-china, but it stops short of endorsing Beijings claim of Taiwan.

You literally did exactly what I thought you would do.


Thats not what that means. One-China policy refers to 1 child policy. I think you are misinterpreting the Official Chinese policy of One-China. Basically China does not endorse one Taiwan but sees it as a threat to democracy which is why China Joe does not endorse democracy in Taiwan.

You figuratively fell into my trap.


>Thats not what that means. One-China policy refers to 1 child policy. I think you are misinterpreting the Official Chinese policy of One-China. Basically China does not endorse one Taiwan but sees it as a threat to democracy which is why China Joe does not endorse democracy in Taiwan.

No, it doesn't. Are you this ignorant?

Did you click the link I sent you?


Skavau is right on both counts. Bubbagutt is much more
ignorant than I ever imagined. That's the kind of
misinformation that would come directly from mainland China.

> The United States switched diplomatic recognition from
> Taipei to Beijing in 1979 and has long said it does not
> support a formal declaration of independence by Taiwan.
> It does, however, maintain unofficial relations with the
> self-governed island and remains its most important
> backer and arms supplier.

If the Chinese were to attack and take the island, the result
predicted for be that the US would bomb Taiwan's
semi-conductor industry. We have allowed Taiwan to take
over the chip manufacturing technology, though almost all
of the hugely expensive precision machines that enable the
technology come from Europe or the US.

We are desperated and expensively trying to duplicate
chip manufacturing plants in the US now retroactively.
I don't know how the US is stupid enough to continuously
find itself in these scrapes where we are dependent on our
enemies or countries threatened by our enemies for this

There is a Pacific nation alliance to protect against China's
expansion to Taiwan and elsewhere. Japan feels under
threat as well.

Skavau might pounce at my opinion that the Pacific threat
from China was/is orders of magnitude greater than the threat
from Russia, particularly now that we have driven Russia
into China's sphere.

Bubba belongs in prison where he will soon be able to
harass Trump like he harasses the truth here inline.


I couldn't have said it better. Xiden needs to pick a lane and stick with it.


The USA has never openly promoted Taiwan's independence as official policy.


can we get our money back? we either support Taiwan or we dont. this is confusing...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States has announced $345 million in military aid for Taiwan, in what is the Biden administration’s first major package drawing on America’s own stockpiles to help Taiwan counter China.

The White House said Friday the package would include defense, education and training for the Taiwanese. Washington will send man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, intelligence and surveillance capabilities, firearms and missiles, according to two U.S. officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.


Libtoids: Can we have it both ways? lol


The Taiwanese would certainly, almost certainly, declare independence at this point - but China has made it repeatedly clear that they interpret any declaration of independence as a repudiation of the "one China" agreement, ie, a justification for them to attack Taiwan. Taiwan is a small island with 23 million people. China is a massive country of 1.4 billion.

Therefore Taiwan would rather keep to the uneasy 'status quo' halfway house they're in, so as to not get bombed and invaded by China. The USA and the west broadly support this situation too, as we also have no particular desire to see this happen.


You are absolutely correct here of course. It’s unfair to criticize Biden for saying exactly what every administration has said back to Nixon. I saw that running survey that just 5% of Taiwanese want to explicitly declare independence because they know the consequence of doing so. This is the real world we have to live in. People don’t appreciate what triggering a war with China would do. The question growing every year is how to keep China from triggering that war because the world’s tightrope on Taiwan is barely working anymore.


>can we get our money back? we either support Taiwan or we dont. this is confusing...

You continue to demonstrate that you know NOTHING about the Taiwan issue. Taiwan themselves don't even declare independence.

>The White House said Friday the package would include defense, education and training for the Taiwanese. Washington will send man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, intelligence and surveillance capabilities, firearms and missiles, according to two U.S. officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

Yes, it's to dissuade hypothetical Chinese military aggression against Taiwan.


You continue to demonstrate that you know NOTHING about anything without internet scriptures.


What "internet scripture" did I reference there? How is my observation here wrong?





Biden in the last few years has said the US will react if China moves on Taiwan.
Starting at least back when Pelosi visited Taiwan against China's threat.

Reuters: Biden says U.S. forces would defend Taiwan in the event of ... › world › biden-says-us-forces-...
Sep 19, 2022 — The statement is U.S. President Biden's most explicit on the issue, drawing an angry response from China.


No US president has officially supported Taiwan independence. What's your point?


iMO, it is good for US to support Tawain's surival as a seperate entity from China for practical natinoal security reasons.

It would be good to support INDEPEDENCE, for them, BUT, I would not want to have a war with China without a real NEED to do so, so playign some stupid diplo word games seems reasonable.

On the other hand, let's remember that CHINA is the assholes that created and lost control of the covid virus that caused a global pandemic.

AND that they are the worst trading partners of all time and should be FUCKED jsut for that.

So, imo, we should great reduce trade with China and fuck them.


We could reduce trade with China. We already have millions of new illegals that we can put in factories. Pretty much everything I touch in my house is made in China. Its crazy.


Reduce trade with china. Deport all illegals. Shut down all new immigration.


Agreed 100%.
