MovieChat Forums > Politics > we need to think in ONES instead of TWOS...

we need to think in ONES instead of TWOS in regards to Political leadership

that the issue with both parties we need to think in ones instead why there is division still prevelant we must Unite both parties not continue dividing them.


You can't unite 2 sides when one of the sides has gone off the deep end and wants the other side to suffer and/or die.

That's where we are at, sadly.


Oh, the irony.


Exactly. We have went into a world of Black-and White thinking in Politics. If you are red, obvious proof you hate blue. If blue, obvious proof you hate red. It's quite sad.


Yah, make it violet.


The problem is that Americans are so used to over-stimulation
and arguing that we strayed from the mainstream, mostly due
to changes in the Republican party that cozied up to the super-
rich, starting with Reagan and his tax cuts.

Then W. Bush and Cheney always said deficits are not bad so
they jacked up the deficit with more tax cuts that did not help
the economy. Then there was Trump ... and all the while blaming
Democrats for it.

One party cares less for the American people than Hamas cares
for Gazans. Republicans. They only respond to the orders from
their billionaire insurrection planners.

Most Democrats are willing to condemn the radical Left today,
the ones who are demonstrating to support Hamas, which is where
I stand. I call that the extreme Left and I want no part of that.

But we have had the extreme Right that has been used since Nixon
and his Southern Strategy to dog-whistle themselves into office, with
tricks like voter suppression and Fox News propganda.

Fox News is so supportive of the Republicans that it ought to be
a registered lobbyist or be put out of business for violating compaign


There used to be compromise and respect for the other party among legislators. That changed when Gingrich and other Republicans decided to use obstruction as policy.

Then, Republicans became so extreme that they gave up on democracy. Project 2025, the Republican plan, is a blueprint to change the U.S. from a democracy into an authoritarian nightmare. They are the party of the rich who would be happy to pay no taxes and get rid of all business regulations and consumer protection.


Everyone here knows you're a pathological liar. Just stop.


Everyone here knows you're a pathological liar and troll. Just stop.


Wow! So cleaver!
