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Sen. Feinstein (90) faces health questions after being told how to vote.

TERM LIMITS!!!! This is so embarrassing as a country!

Clearly she is short a few sticks of RAM and her CPU's underclocked. Old age is clearly getting the better of her. Talks slow, struggles to express herself clearly and is told how to vote. We need term limits stat!


Instead of term limits, just do age limits. 52-62. Max 10 years as a “public servant”.

Wealth caps on anyone who serves in office. 5 million. You wanna serve, you’re gonna be middle class.

Never once have I seen a Democrat lemming weigh in on this topic. Because their masters are fine with the status quo. If Trump wins a 3rd term it’ll suddenly be a problem.


Democrat lemmings are not allowed to talk about anything other than Trump bad. They dont want to end up like the Capitol police officers.

Age limits or term limits would be the best thing to do.

President - 8 years
House - 12 years
Senate - 12 years
Supreme Court - 15 years

Wealth caps is a great idea too. They are public servants, you are not meant to be ultra rich serving in Congress.


seems like a good idea to me...not sure why dems are against term limits....


And morons will still vote for that old bitch.


I don't think they'd vote for her again and doubt she'd even run. Everyone can see she's on the way to (or already at) dysfunctional decline, even her voters. No zombie kings or queens in the house & senate please.


She got this far and that's what we thought about Biden.


Dems dont have a choice. They have to vote for whomever they are told to vote for. They dont want to end up like the Capitol police officers.


She won't die in office like that Supreme Court Judge. But the Latinos in California will not let her have an ugly statue like that judge has.


she will prob live to 98...


She is not seeking reelection in 2024 but she clearly needs to resign now. I don't know what the solution will be but the Neo Cons & Neo Libs won't leave office until they die off.
