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Democrats reveal master plan to steal 2024 election.

Someone leaked the dems master plan to steal the 2024 election and how they stole the election from Trump.


not too surprised really. it was all orchestrated by the Clintons and The Biden Family Crime Syndicate.


All I'm seeing is stuff about vulnerable voting electronics software.


I know, its crazy. Who knew voting software could be hacked.


But we know it was hacked, and the guy who invented it set it up that way to sway elections [illegally] in favor of one or another candidate. Are you saying Trump's going to give the Democraps a taste of their own medicine through the voting machines?

Look, I know doing it the legal way isn't working, but are we really going to have to lower ourselves to their level to beat them at their own game? I don't feel comfortable about that. You know the FBI would be on Trump's ass in five minutes if they even suspected he'd try that, whereas they haven't done a damned thing about 2020, which just shows you who owns the FBI, and it ain't the American People.


Doing the voting way isnt working.


If Trump cheats and wins in 2024 the election will be investigated. But if he loses, no one will care. If he wins, the investigation would reveal that he rigged the votes. Basically, its a no win situation for Trump, he has to do it the legal way.


Yeah, and yet the Democraps get off scot-free and get to lie about fixing the election again. The only way they're gonna remedy the cheating, is if all Republicans set up Election Integrity squads that watch every single polling place and stop the mules. We'd have to use the model DeSantis used in Florida to make the elections fair again.


All I saw was a bunch of technologically clueless geriatrics saying loudly it could/was be hacked.
(and one securtiy expert admittedly)

There is still no evidence it was hacked , much less that it had any effect on the election.
the recent billion dollar settlement tells you thats true.


All I saw was a bunch of democrats whining about how voting machines can be hacked.

Over the last two decades, the election technology industry has become highly concentrated,
with a handful of consolidated vendors controlling the vast majority of the market. In the early
2000s, almost twenty vendors competed in the election technology market.4 Today, three large
vendors-Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCiviccollectively provide voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all
eligible voters in the United States.
5 Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these
vendors, with very limited "information availabl~ in the public domain about their operations and
financial perfonnance."6 While experts estimate that the total revenue for election technology
vendors is about $300 million, there is no publicly available information on how much those
vendors dedicate to research and development, maintenance of voting systems, or profits and
executive compensation.


We've officially entered the era of the hackable election.

Yes, It's Possible to Hack the Election
Slight meddling in some swing precincts in swing states could tip the scales.

Here’s how hackers can wreak havoc on Election Day

The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. The reason? So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public. Those modems connect to cell phone networks, which, in turn, are connected to the internet.

Dominion: ‘Our voting systems cannot be hacked because they are not connected to the internet!’ Maricopa Co. AZ audit confirms the EMS system was connected to the internet.


All electronic voting equipment can easily be hacked because all such equipment must receive programming before each election from memory cards prepared on election management systems which are computers often connected to the internet running out-of-date versions of Windows.

A few weeks ago computer scientist J. Alex Halderman rolled an electronic voting machine onto a Massachusetts Institute of Technology stage and demonstrated how simple it is to hack an election.

“I know America’s voting machines are vulnerable,” J. Alex Halderman firmly stated, pausing to lift his head from the page he read to look up at a phalanx of U.S. senators, “because my colleagues and I have hacked them—repeatedly—as part of a decade of research studying the technology that operates elections and learning how to make it stronger.”

“We’ve created attacks that can spread from machine to machine like a computer virus and silently change election outcomes,” Halderman continued. “We studied touch screens and optical scan systems.” Then, emphasizing each next word with a staccato delivery and direct eye contact, he stated: “And in every single case, we found ways for attackers to sabotage machines and to steal votes. These capabilities are certainly within reach for Democrats."


you didnt close your last quote pair. which is hurting my programmer's ocd.

Hence i dont know if
" These capabilities are certainly within reach for Democrats."
is something you tacked on , or this "computer scientist" is actually a maga conspiracy nut - as specifying democrats would imply.


My bad, I hate OCD. Just copy n pasted from the internets. I heard there is a over a Gig of information about how to steal an election.

Instead of championing free speech, the U.S. actively persecutes journalists and whistleblowers. I’ll pardon brave truth-tellers like Julian Assange and investigate the corruption and crimes they exposed. This isn’t the Soviet Union. The America I love doesn’t imprison dissidents. #FreeAssange #Kennedy24


Fox recently paid close to $800 million for the lie you're now promoting on MC.


In Dec. 2019, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Ron Wyden, and Mark Pocan sent letters to the three private equity firms that own the largest voting machine companies in the US expressing their concern about the industry's "vulnerabilities" and "lack of transparency."

Senator Elizabeth Warren published an article on her website on the vulnerabilities of the United States' election system titled "Strengthening Our Democracy" on June 25, 2019:

"The harsh truth is that our elections are extremely vulnerable to attack: Forty-two states use voter registration databases that are more than a decade old. Laughably, in 2019, some still use Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Twelve states still use paperless machines, meaning there’s no paper trail to verify vote counts. Some states don’t require post-election audits. And ten states don’t train election officials to deal with cybersecurity threats."


Most trump supporting fox viewers who believed said lie likely aren't even aware that the $800 million dollar payout by fox was BECAUSE of fox lying...since fox never admitted to lying, and instead, actually couched their televised explanation of the payment in yet another lie about it being due to them just reporting what they think everyone should consider "newsworthy" election process reporting. - Eyeroll -


They want to believe the lie. Anyone can read the emails between Murdoch and Fox talking heads.


Remember when the dems stole the 2020 election and no one cared.


Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General:

The department has secured more than 600 convictions for a wide range of criminal conduct on January 6, as well as in the days and weeks leading up to the attack.

We have secured the convictions of defendants who fought, punched, tackled, and even Tased police officers who were defending the Capitol that day.

DOJ secures longest sentence yet for convicted Jan. 6 defendant
Peter Schwartz has been sentenced to 14 years behind bars.

Four Proud Boys Convicted of Sedition in Key Jan. 6 Case

The verdict was a blow against the far-right group and another milestone in the Justice Department’s prosecution of the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol.


Who was the Special Counsel in charge of the investigation?


I remember that republicans and their supporters have been trying to project their own attempts to steal elections onto Democrats for years now, and the only people who don't care that they're trying to do it are republicans and their supporters. ; )


Investigate and make sure there was no chicanery.


Bubba, you truly are the master of the bait-and-switch post edit!


I misspelled a word so I corrected it. Sounds like your claim could libelous.


I notice JoWilli edited his comment too...I don't blame him seeing how he said he might vote for Biden!


Imagine a world where we all claim we want the truth. Then Julian Assange leaks the truth, and we jail him for many years. Jack Teixeira leaks the truth, and we arrest him, try him and say that truth was classified.
speaks the truth as the world moves toward World War 3, we call it lies, Russian propaganda and go after him, when we all know that no one wins those wars and there is no glory in the grave, no life in the graveyard, only billions of dollars for the military industrial complex.

Many people claim to be seeking the truth, but in reality, all they do is to become tools for the propaganda.

They come to Washington vowing the drain the swamps but they get so comfortable that they just become part of it. Now, they are flying with the President on Air Force One, they are live on Sundays shows, they wear nice suits, eat at cool restaurants, go to the gym, do yoga and meet beautiful people at happy hours as they drink champagne. How can they abandon that new lifestyle?

Speaking the truth now means they will embarrass their new friends who will ban them from their circle. And so they conform.

People who watch them see it. They've become part of the elite and don't give a f.. about the people anymore. The people then turn their backs and begin to watch people like Tucker Carlson.

With no viewership, they begin to slander him, brand him a liar, a racist, a Russian hack.

Or they're surprised
has just won an election. How can that be? It must be the Russians, they say.

They continue to chase the shadows unable to understand that they have abandoned the people and the people have turned their back against them, whether they believe it or not.

You know, I have lived long enough, and got white hair by the way, to know that whether here in Washington D.C. where I am writing this, or over there around the country where you're reading it, the truth remains that trying to get rid of Carlson will not solve their dilemma.


It's customary to give credit to the source when you copypasta!

Here, I'll help you out...You're welcome!


Joe Biden’s notecard doesn’t just tell him which reporters to call on, it includes what order to call on them in and what PRE-SUBMITTED questions they’re going to ask.

Democrats are an embarrassment. The fact that their constituents are okay with this makes the entire democrat party a giant joke. They don’t even address it. When you talk to a democrat about it, they get offended and either call you names or start crying about the bad orange man.


Following his non sequitur with one of your own...Nice! Here's another:


What are your thoughts about elections being hacked?


Perhaps I will share such thoughts when you post actual evidence that elections are being hacked...Until then enjoy this non sequitur!

"Bobby Watkins explains a very simple method to use when removing undesirable trees from your property. The hack and squirt method is a very effective way to remove any unwanted trees. This method allows sunlight to reach the forest floor and encourage growth of native browse vegetation for wildlife."


Elizabeth Warren published an article on her website on the vulnerabilities of the United States' election system titled "Strengthening Our Democracy" on June 25, 2019:

"The harsh truth is that our elections are extremely vulnerable to attack: Forty-two states use voter registration databases that are more than a decade old. Laughably, in 2019, some still use Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Twelve states still use paperless machines, meaning there’s no paper trail to verify vote counts. Some states don’t require post-election audits. And ten states don’t train election officials to deal with cybersecurity threats."

Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., discussed her concerns with the three main voting machine manufacturers in the 2020 HBO Documentary, Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections:

“We’re very concerned because there are only three companies. You could easily hack into them. It makes it seem like all these states are doing different things, but in fact, three companies are controlling them.”


With countless varieties and a range of delicious flavor profiles, there’s no question that tomatoes are the perfect addition to just about any dish. Tomatoes are extremely versatile and are great for grilling, roasting, sautéing—even on their own as a healthy snack. Whether it’s a meaty Beefsteak or a small but snappy cherry tomato, adding these antioxidant powerhouses to your meal can add a much-needed burst of flavor.


So you agree that the 2020 election was stolen? When presented with facts, dems go silent.


[–] Bubbathegut (13361) 2 hours ago
So you agree that the 2020 election was stolen?

Nope, just taking a page from your playbook and posting non sequiturs...

I shall repeat my answer to your original question:

"Perhaps I will share such thoughts when you post actual evidence that elections are being hacked"

How's that rape trial going?


If all women tell the truth, then Joe is also guilty of sexual harassing and raping 11 women.


Well then, put him on trial!


He is a democrat and is infallible. It will never happen. The Bidens and Clintons are too powerful and will make people disappear if they try to prosecute them or their family. People have been investigating Hunters laptop for almost 4 years now.


It also boasts 8-inch retractable wheels that make it easy to transport and maneuver from storage to garden. Not to mention, it has a powerful 212-cubic centimeter engine.

This device has no problem traversing rough or rocky soil. It even comes with a generous 2-year limited warranty and a lifetime of technical support from Champion’s very own experts.

The Champion’s handle-side controls make it easy to make adjustments. It also features an integrated low oil shut-off sensor for enhanced longevity. Keep in mind that it is gas-powered and features a standard 0.9-gallon tank.

Overall, this compact tiller aerates soil effectively. It also has some serious power and can churn through rocky soil with ease and control. With that being said, it’s easy to see why we named this our best garden rototiller.


New evidence has emerged buttressing the credibility of Tara Reade’s claim that she told her mother about allegations of sexual harassment and rape related to her former boss, then-Sen. Joe Biden.


New evidence supports the claim that she told her mother about allegations of sexual harassment and rape?

Wow! Sounds like a smoking gun for sure...LOCK HIM UP!



women are liars.


Glad to hear you think so!

[–] Bubbathegut (13421) 2 days ago
New evidence has emerged buttressing the credibility of Tara Reade’s claim that she told her mother about allegations of sexual harassment and rape related to her former boss, then-Sen. Joe Biden.

[–] JoWilli (10078) 16 minutes ago
women are liars.


so do women tell the truth or do they lie?


Don't paint with such a broad brush! Obviously there are honest women and dishonest women, just like there are both honest and dishonest men, Republicans, Democrats, politicians, plumbers, lawyers, redheads, Christians, and literally every other classification of people...Even Trumptwats!


which ones lie or tell the truth? is Jean or Tara a liar?


The jury will decide...


there was no jury trial for Tara, why?


Because she didn't sue, duh! Perhaps that speaks to the relative credibility of the two cases...


so basically Joe is guilty of raping multiple women? I assume he would want a trial to clear his name?


God damn you people are dumb!


not dumb, just want justice for all women that were raped by democrats.


Winning! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣So I guess Marla wasn't his type either...

'Jurors hearing E. Jean Carroll's civil suit against Donald Trump on Thursday were shown a deposition video of the former president confusing the accuser with his ex-wife Marla Maples.

"It's Marla," Trump said during a deposition for the case when shown a picture of him, Carroll and Carroll's ex-husband in the 1980s. "That's Marla, yeah. That's my wife," Trump continued before being corrected by his lawyer, Alina Habba. "No, that's Carroll," Habba said.'


"She is a sick person, in my opinion. Really sick. There is something wrong with her," Trump said.

“I handed [Biden] the [gym bag]. He greeted me. He remembered my name. And then we were alone,” Reade outlined her allegation against Biden on a progressive podcast that aired last week. “It was the strangest thing. There was no like exchange really. He just had me up against the wall. I was wearing like a skirt, a business skirt. I wasn’t wearing stockings. It was kind of a hot day that day, and I was wearing heels…I remember I was wearing a blouse, and he just had me up against the wall. And the wall was cold. It happened all at once…his hands were on me and underneath my clothes. Yeah, and he went down my skirt but then up inside it, and he penetrated me with his fingers, and he was kissing me at the same time, and he was saying something to me. He said several things. I can’t remember everything he said.”

Lucy Flores alleged that Biden “smelled her hair and gave her ‘a big slow kiss’ on the back of her head at an event for her 2014 campaign

Amy Lappos, has alleged “Biden touched and rubbed his nose against hers during a political fund-raiser,”

At a 2012 at a fundraising event in Minneapolis, Hill alleges that Biden rested his hand on her shoulder, and then started to move it down her back, which left her feeling ‘very uncomfortable.'”

“Only he knows his intent,” said Hill, adding, “If something makes you feel uncomfortable, you have to feel able to say it.”

Biden hugged her “just a little bit too long” and laid his hand on her thigh after she shared a story of alleged sexual assault.

“It doesn’t even really cross your mind that such a person would dare perpetuate harm like that,” Caruso said. “These are supposed to be people you can trust.”

Sexual assault survivor Sofie Karasek says Biden violated her personal space in 2016 when he held her hands and touched his forehead to hers at the Oscars, a moment captured by photographers and praised in the media.


"Sen. Kamala Harris, who was announced as presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s running mate on Tuesday, once said that she believed women who accused Biden of inappropriate touching.

"'I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,' the California senator told reporters in April 2019. Biden had been accused by a number of women of inappropriate touching and kissing, including by a Nevada politician who said he came up behind her at a 2014 campaign stop and kissed her on the back of her head."

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., had once said she "believed" women who accused former Vice President Joe Biden of offenses ranging from inappropriate touching to rape.


Tara, Lucy, Amy, Sofie and the rest of them should sue him then! As I'm not a Biden supporter, this stuff is completely meaningless to me...Why don't you understand that? I hate these threads that migrate all the way to the right, so I'm out! Enjoy the rest of the rape trial...


they tried, but were threatened by the left. the media said they were all liars. I guess as always dems are not held accountable. even Clinton got away with raping a 19 yr old intern. Hilldog didnt seem to care too...


so basically if a woman is raped and it doesnt go to trial it means she is lying? your mom and grandma must be proud of you.


Maybe there should be a public trial for Joe? He needs to defend himself.




All electronic voting equipment can easily be hacked because all such equipment must receive programming before each election from memory cards prepared on election management systems which are computers often connected to the internet running out-of-date versions of Windows.

If a county election management system is infected with malware, the malware can spread from that system to the USB drives, which then would transfer it to all the voting machines, scanners, and ballot-marking devices in the county.

Most U.S. election systems are programmed by local county election officials or third-party vendors, who plug previously-used USB drives into computers connected to the internet before plugging those same USB drives into the optical scanners, tabulators, and voting machines that collect, count, and determine election results.


Alaskan Giant Polar Bear is an enormous white bear, much bigger than a Kodiak Brown Bear, that is a creamy white and has hair on the pads of its feet is mentioned in Alaskan folklore. One woman from Kodiak Island remembers vividly how her father once killed a giant white bear with hairy paws. She insisted it was nothing like a Kodiak bear.

The Alaskan Giant Polar Bear is also sighted in Greenland, Alberta and Quebec. One couple reportedly saw a giant white bear with two heads in their gondola ride in Alberta in the winter time. Another sighting is in Quebec when a French elder woman was sitting inside a restaurant drinking hot chocolate when she saw a huge white 'mass' of fur running down a hill. An expedition found nothing.


no one in their right mind would ever vote for a dementia patient.


“To see a former and potential future president of the United States confront all these legal issues at once is bizarre,” said Jennifer Horn, a former chairwoman of the New Hampshire Republican Party and a vocal opponent of Mr. Trump. “But what’s really disturbing about it is that he’s the front-runner for a major political party in this country. And you can’t just blame that on him. You have to blame that on the leaders of the party and their primary base.”

But the investigations could cause Mr. Trump real harm. If he is convicted in Manhattan, where he pleaded not guilty to 34 felony charges of falsifying business records, he could face up to four years in prison. Criminal charges in Georgia and Washington could come with steeper punishments. And the New York attorney general’s lawsuit against him — which accused him of deceiving lenders and insurers by fraudulently overvaluing his assets — could exact a heavy financial toll.


I would still rather have Trump then the person we currently have. inflation and mass murders are up 1000% and Joe approved of a small incursion of Ukraine.


"inflation and mass murders are up 1000%"


Damn, you're even worse at math than you are at reading comprehension!


1,000 mass shootings in 1,260 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like


Do you understand how percentages work? Apparently not...

'Mathematically, "percentage" refers either to numbers or ratios that are expressed as fractions of 100. They're usually denoted as "%" or "percent." An example of a percentage is 65% or 65 percent. They might be further represented as simple fractions or decimal fractions (i.e., 65/100, 0.65).

The term "percentage" is formed from two small words: “per” and “cent.” Cent is a word with Latin and French origins and translates to "hundred," therefore "percent" literally means "per hundred." Calculating percentage means finding the share of a whole in terms of 100.'

Hope this helps! 🙂


It's good to see one of you folks on the side of common sense gun laws, perhaps you should write to your elected officials...

Also, you do realize that Trump was still president 1260 days ago, don't you?


we already have common sense guns laws and some states have red flag laws. how do you stop mentally ill people from killing other people? there is a law that says you cant drive drunk but people still do it and no one is trying to ban alcohol or vehicles.


Have you learned your percentages yet?


we already have common sense guns laws and some states have red flag laws. how do you stop mentally ill people from killing other people? there is a law that says you cant drive drunk but people still do it and no one is trying to ban alcohol or vehicles.

its also against the law to murder another human being but people still do it.


How's the rape trial going?


still innocent, hows that war going?


Still kicking Putin's ass!


wow, thats great. I have heard the war will be over by june and Putin will pay restitution to everyone affected by the war.


Great news!


Are you sure the trial is going well? This doesn't seem like the actions of an attorney who's confident in his case...But hey, I'm no lawyer!

"According to a report from ABC7, Donald Trump attorney Joe Tacopina has requested a mistrial in the case in the Manhattan courtroom where writer E. Jean Carroll has accused the former president of rape and defamation."


Why is Russia only capable of hacking US elections when republicans win?

How do we know Russia didn't hack 2020? We should spend the next 3 years investigating this...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Good question, but according to resident geriatric democrats. Russia only hacks elections when Republicans win.

I am still waiting for Joe to investigate the chicanery he talked about.


Why don’t they just hack everyone’s elections and make Putin king of the world. Obviously a 1st world country like the US must have the most secure elections in the history of ourdemocracy™️.


Obama also said that our elections are unhackable®™.


See 2020 for the answer.


Public Enemy Number 1: Donald Trump

Public Enemy Number 2: Tucker Carlson

Public Enemy Number 3: Republican Voters, White People, and Christian-Conservatives

*courtesy of tvfan


In 2016, Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff of California, the House minority leader and the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called on Congress to investigate Russia’s “hacking” of the election. The next year, Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., argued Michigan’s votes should be discarded, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., refused to say whether Trump was a legitimate president, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said she believed Russia “altered the outcome” of the election. Meanwhile, Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., tried to have it both ways, calling Trump “legally elected” while simultaneously claiming his election was “illegitimate.” Two years after that, Democrats were still using the same rhetoric, with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., saying Russia “hacked our elections.”

Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
11:44 AM · May 16, 2017

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., was among seven House Democrats who raised futile objections to the Electoral College count by Congress in January 2017 that certified Trump’s victory. They tried to argue that the election was tainted by Russian interference and voter suppression. They were overruled because none of their objections had required support from a senator.

Youngkin said, "In 2016, Democrats suggested that the election was stolen." He was referring to Trump’s victory in the presidential election.

In an October 2020 interview with The Atlantic, Clinton said, "There was a widespread understanding that [the 2016] election was not on the level. We still don’t know what happened … but you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’"

Democrats spread the FIRST BIG LIE.

