MovieChat Forums > Politics > Black gunman on the loose after shooting...

Black gunman on the loose after shooting 6 yr old girl.

A manhunt is underway near Charlotte, North Carolina, for a man who reportedly shot and seriously wounded his 6-year-old neighbor and her dad when a basketball rolled into his yard.

Robert Louis Singletary, 24, should be considered armed and dangerous, Gaston County Police said. He’s 6-foot-2 and about 223 pounds, with brown eyes and black hair.

The accused black gunman had also been accused of attacking his girlfriend with a sledgehammer last December.

Media says racism was not involved.


Obvious “obviously-not racism” is obvious.


if you take away afromurican crime statistics from our numbers we one of the safest countries on pare with Iceland. Sadly, these "brothers" have made our country dangerous as hell...


A black man shot a white person? You'll need to be more specific, that happens a lot...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


I would say the guy has a more arrest record than that or it is a democrat town with no police in it except to write speeding tickets.


So, the shooter perp was 24, so approximately born in 1999. Formative years spent with Barack Obama's glorious two terms being front-and-center. And though Obama was largely a successful administrator, was never angry, poked fun of himself and his heritage and sang "Amazing Grace" for mass-shooting victims, how was he portrayed by the Right? How does he continue to be portrayed to this day by you scum-fucking rednecks?

Something else happened to the populace during that time. The racists revealed their true colors and didn't look at him for the content of his character. And they continue to do so even with these very half-wits typing under the cloak of anonymity on moviechat. They question his citizenship, his birth, his motives, his tan suit, etc. The primary proliferator of the Birther conspiracy, 45, used it as launching pad for his own campaign to replace him.

Sometimes racism (living under it) can be involved, even when a perpetrator is not explicitly targeted by the innocent folks that pay the price when he/she snaps.

None of us knows what is going on with Singletary, except that he needs to face justice. Perhaps he was racist. Perhaps he was abused. Perhaps he faced racism. Perhaps he was a misogynist. Perhaps he was a latent homosexual. Perhaps children playing is some kind of psychological trigger of trauma.

Perhaps he's sick and tired of Bubba, BICKSURN and other ingrates on the web. Be careful who you piss off, you mutant chode thumbsuckers.


Is that you Chad? You have been missed greatly.


Obama was a race baiting asshole. I agree that watching Obama probably had somethign to do with this anti-white racism loon becoming what he is today.


I can attack rednecks for their violence, and I hope you'll approve.
You can attack inner-city gang-members, and I'll approve.

But you guys want to instead use instances of black crimes to propagate a racist mentality towards Africans Americans. Or, you may already have that mentality, which is likely. You are the flip side of the coin for those posting on some BET hip-hop gangsta website article about, "Fuck the police. Kill Whitey". You are exactly what you're afraid of, and you're ruining it for all for the rest of us.

How could anyone see Obama as a race-baiter? He didn't even really acknowledge it. He was just a guy w/ great people skills and a top-notch education who was doing a job, and working hard. He focused on things like human rights, healthcare, and terrorism. His successor ran on a platform of questioning his citizenship, which is ridiculous. Nobody has forgotten.

I'm done talking to you study hall dipshits. Go ahead and plan your response in detention. Your opinion of me matters not. I'm talking to the readers of these message boards. Stand up to MAGA... they infest this place which is meant for cinephiles, and it is time their so-called "contributions" come to an end.


1, Obama accused MCCAIN, of using racism in his campaign. That was pure race baiting. He was an asshole. ONE EXAMPLE.

2. I've said nothing remotely similar to "fuck the police, kill whitey". Though I do appreciate that you are aware that exists.

3. MAGA and Ciephiles overlap. Nicely. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. And you choose to post in the politics section, so don't whine at getting a political response.


Trump accused Obama of not having a birth certificate. Why did he only do this to Obama? Sounds like race baiting to me.


Really? Sounds like wishful thinking to me. ON the other hand, Obama flat out LIED about what McCain was doing, using the Race Card. Filthy race baiting asshole.


Trump flat out lied about Obama's birth certificate. So use the same logic you do to excuse Trump to look past Obama's actions and you should be fine.


Your whataboutism is noted. THe fact remains. Obama is a race baiting asshole.


And by that logic so is Trump. Trump is a race baiter as well. Your concession is noted again.


Oh look it's either another weakass pathetic white liberal racist who thinks black people don't have agency over themselves, in which case you people never cease to amaze me with your bigotry of low expectations "poor little black guy is unable to control his emotions because racism, so murder and violence is justified from him because he doesn't know any better."

Or you're a weakass pathetic racist black person trying to diminish the violence of other black people because you're a racist POS defending a violent man because of the colour of his skin. In which case gfys.

Either way I consider your opinions to be lower than shit on my shoe.




More retarded strawman nonsense. Screw Singletary. You think I'm going to bat for him? I'm attacking you guys for succumbing to the media, who distribute these stories for ratings. It's a business. You can't comprehend it for the commercial product that it is (to rile you up and make you insecure enough to buy more TidePods to eat during the break) and you're instead weaponizing a tragedy to frame crime as a black-on-white, reverse-racism issue to attack Democrats. And you're using, of all places, Wilmington-fuckin-North Carolina like all those folks are clamouring for leaders like Biden, Harris and Pelosi. Singletary could be a gun-nut that voted Trump for all we know & bought an extra assault rifle when he lost... yes, LOST. And he never received a popular vote either time, which only happened on a handful of times in history for the electoral college winner.

People die and kill everyday. You need to understand that this is going to happen all the time in a nation of 350 million, and it might not even get to the national news—only local most times. For instance, did you know that the redneck MAGA town where I'm from had a 'R' dude run for mayor, and when Biden voters flipped the county due to the Trump disasters, they took his 'D' mayoral opponent across to the finish line? All the nutty gun-shops had his "For Mayor" posters all over their building and they had to eat crow.

Do you know what happened next after he lost? He threatened his wife with a firearm, beat her, was arrested, and shortly thereafter committed suicide. Until now, I never mentioned it as a national political issue that has anything to do with federal policies on Capitol Hill or him being Republican.


Tldr go smd


Wow! Are you ever deluded!


gunman is on the loose still and protests are about to start.
