MovieChat Forums > Politics > Joel Koskan, who ran for SD Senate, plea...

Joel Koskan, who ran for SD Senate, pleads guilty to 2 counts of felony incest

Joel Koskan, who ran unsuccessfully for state Senate in 2022 and days before the election was arrested on charges relating to child abuse, pleaded guilty to two counts of felony incest Tuesday morning.

He was sentenced in a Hughes County court room to 10 years in the South Dakota State Penitentiary.

"This is the first part of the healing process," Judge Margo Northrup said during the hearing.

Koskan, 44, originally faced felony child abuse charges for acts that allegedly took place between October 2014 and October 2016, according to court documents filed in November. He exposed his victim, a now 20-year-old woman, to "sexual grooming behaviors."

Republicans do claim that they are the family values party.


You mean there's absolutely no variability among populations that represent particular professions or have particular political viewpoints? Do you know how easy it is to lampoon the Democratic Party for their hypocrisies based on actions and words of its individual members? See AOC's recent urging for Biden to ignore a district court ruling. Democrats do claim that they are the ones "preserving" our democracy. Apparently, part of that preservation involves allowing the Executive Branch (when led by a Democrat) to reject politically unfavorable court rulings because judges can't order the military to do their bidding like the President can.

Do you get paid to shill for Democrats or do you actually do this pro bono and of your own volition?


Hate is a hell of a drug...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Your drug of choice it seems.


Do they still claim to be all about those family values after putting serial cheater Donald Trump in the White House?


His failed marriages were certainly a strike against him. We, his supporters, certainly hope that such behavior is behind him.


Lol yeah exactly. Claim to be about family values and then support Trump? Yeah makes total sense.


Politics makes strange bedfellows. That you lefties pretend to be shocked by this, is just trolling.


No we just see through the hypocrisy of the right. Yet again you try and cover up for Trump. Pathetic.


Banging porn stars probably doesn't help, but since this marriage basically amounts to a business transaction, it will probably last so long as he stays rich.


So if she's 20 in 2023, and he's 44 in 2023, in 2014 she was 11 and he was 35.

"acts that allegedly took place between October 2014"

it seems to me the grooming happened before she was 11.

What is the relationship between the two? Father and daughter? Where was mom?


Your Fuhrer, Joe Biden, showered with his 12 year old daughter when he was 50.
