MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do libs hate Trump but love Zelinsky...

Why do libs hate Trump but love Zelinsky?

Let's take a look at them....

Trump is a TV star with zero political experience who became president under questionable circumstances that turned out to be bogus.
Zel. is a TV star with zero political experience who became president due to questionable circumstances.

Trump was a wanna be dicktator who did his best to attack democracy.
Zel. is a wanna be dicktator who is attacking and taking away democracy.

Trump had a corrupt admin.
Zel has a corrupt admin of a corrupt country.

Trump did not start any new wars as president though he did keep us involved in ones which previous presidents, Dumbya and I'll-Bomb-Ya, had started. (Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, etc.)
Zel had been bombing Russian separatists in the Donbas region breaking the Minsk accord and now he is involved in a war which America helped to start by provoking Russia into invading.

With all these things that both have in common you would think that the libs would hate or love both of them.
I don't get it.
If they think Trump is so bad then why would they love Zel who is just as bad or even worse?


"Zel. is a wanna be dicktator who is attacking and taking away democracy."
He is? you mean the martial law , or was he always doing that?

The difference , for me , is two things:
Trumps an illiterate moron with no idea how to run a country and dangerous "ideas"
He is an extremely unlikeable compulsive lying egomainaic

whereas Zel is doing his best to save his country from a hostile invasion

its a fair point that Zel could be a dangerous wannabe dictator , or corrupt , but its just not as prevalent .

Being president in wartime must be the most difficult job imaginable ,
whereas Trump just spent a couple of years playing in the white house like a toddler in a play pen - and threw an infantile tantrum when his toys were taken away


Great post👍


"its a fair point that Zel could be a dangerous wannabe dictator , or corrupt , but its just not as prevalent ."

That's because the corporate MSM will hide truths about him, such as him oppressing certain media, to push for a pro war agenda.

He made a death threat against an NBC reporter who showed some truths, which is rare for them.

He also banned CNN when they showed Ukrainians giving Nazi salutes to their Nazi soldiers.
(Which brings up another comparison that I will post below.)


> Trumps an illiterate moron

Speaking of illiterate ... you mean "Trump's an illiterate moron "? ;-)


I notice that it's often conservatives who are always rallying around the individual instead of the platform. Especially Post-Trump. They are always missing the forest for the trees!

As a progressive or liberal, I have opinions on individuals in power & try to be as educated as I can, but the honest position is... who the hell really knows what's going on w/ these people? Can we even know? Obviously they are often stragetic & savvy as are the folks who represent them, & they know how to play the role & work situations to their advantage. This is how they accumulated power in the first place. Our choices may occasionally be misplaced, but we take comfort in knowing the system has term limits in place to allow for course corrections. I'm bewildered that these term limits don't seem to apply more in Congress or the Courts as well, but that likely does contribute to more consistency. If we were throwing everyone out every 2, 4, or 6 years, then nobody would ever exceed beyond being a mere political novice w/ a few opinions & votes cast on the floor of the Capitol.

Somebody has to hold the position of President of whatever country, & there are going to be a million things to say about that person no matter who. This is the conservatives' (& some dim-minded liberals) favorite pass-time, especially online.

However, a well-rounded citizen will not be blinded by a particular individual, & instead look at the situation impartially & say, hey, look, a breach of NATO territory essentially means WWIII. All these players are the most sophistated & technologically advanced of first-world countries. They have access to biological, chemical, & nuclear warfare, etc. Fortunately, Ukraine is not a NATO country, & it can be a proxy war, which must have been part of Putin's & the current Russian Politburo's calculation. The policy for the West needs to be, embrace Zelenskyy & Ukraine, otherwise the aggressor will be unchecked & may go beyond former Soviet terrority & into the West.


tRump does Putin's bidding and Zelensky stands up to him.


Trump, a self made billionaire and the former president of the most powerful nation on earth did the bidding of the leader of a former communist shithole that can't even beat its neighbor's ass??? Is that what passes for logic in your world???


Trump is not a wannabe dictator. That is obviously a hysterical emotional perspective with no basis in reality. We voted for Trump because we're tired of the lies of career politicians and the corrupt establishment. People like the Bushes, Cheney, Romney, McConnell, etc..


He brought up the idea of wanting to serve more than two terms.

He did not concede the election and did all he could to fight to stay there being very reluctant to leave when he had to.

Trump is not a career politician and thought running the country is supposed to be like running his company.
He does not recognize the constitution or the checks and balance system we have in place.


Trump had Nazis/white supremacists who liked and supported him.

Zel has Nazis who are fighting in the war for him.


White supremacists always vote conservative. It means nothing, unless democrats use it for political fodder. The Klan vote is meaningless.


Zel keeps Putin's hunger for world domination in check.



Putin is not looking to take over the world.
Where do you get this shit from?


Of course, he is!

He and the Russian people want to be a world power again like they were as USSR starting with returning former Soviet countries back under Russian control. You need to listen to his speeches and pay attention to Russian culture and current affairs. Putin is in Africa, Asia, Latin America and has invaded several European countries. The Ukraine war will likely weaken Russia.

The cold war for the past few years is autocracy vs freedom & democracy. You haven't been paying attention to world affairs.


If you want to educate me, be my guest.
Provide links to back up your claims.

Are you not aware that NATO has been pushing itself closer to Russia and breaking the agreement that it would not cross a line which it has?

Supposing you are right then would you deny that America is a dominating world power that starts and gets involved in wars for it's own greed?


DeSantis was just read the riot act by top Republicans for his cozying up to Dictator Putin propaganda and lies.

Thankfully, 70% of true Americans support Ukraine and 90% have a negative opinion of your Dictator Putin.


And that 70% are a bunch of brain dead morons who eat up the propaganda and lies the MSM feeds them which is not surprising.

Americans love wars and violence and there is something wrong with that and it needs to change.


Nothing wrong with mainstream news which follows ethical guidelines to report accurately unlike your lying Ruport Murdoch who admitted he had his talking heads lie about Jan. 6 because your cult fears truth.

Americans love freedom and democracy except for a small extremist group who prefers tyranny and would welcome Dictator Putin ruling them.


You really are nothing more than a troll who makes up things and likes to gaslight themselves into believing lies.

I used to think that between cons and libs, it was the libs that were anti war.
They are not.
You are pro war and you support the killing of civilians and the Nazis that are fighting with the Ukrainians.


More of your Putin talking points. He can use a few good men for cannon fodder like yourself. Why don't you volunteer to fight these "Nazis" that Jewish President Zelensky supports?

This is a gift for you to printout and hang on your bedroom wall:
You're welcome!



You are just a troll who is full of shit.


Freedom-loving Ukrainians fighting for their freedom against your tyrannical dictator Putin who has driven hundreds of thousands to flee Russia.

That's a fact, Jack!


Ukraine is not the innocent victims as you like to think they are.

They were bombing and killing innocent civilians in the Donbas region breaking the Minsk accord.
Before you come back with your usual bullshit of why didn't they just leave, they had every right to stay there in safety.
If you really want to know why they didn't leave, feel free to find out.

Go ahead and reply if you must but I am not going to read it because you are full of shit.


I support Ukraine's right to defend themselves from Russia.


And I support Russia's right to defend the civilians of the Donbas region which the Ukraine was bombing and murdering breaking the Minsk accord.

I would rather not see anyone defending but if Ukraine cannot follow a peace agreement, then Russia did what they had to do.


And I support Russia's right to defend the civilians of the Donbas region which the Ukraine was bombing and murdering breaking the Minsk accord.

About 25 civilians died in the Donbass in 2021. How many civilians have died this year?

What would Russia do if a region broke off and declared independence?

And what does the Donbass have to do with them trying to take Kyiv and bombing Lviv?



Not "the world", but revanchism for Eastern Europe is strong within Russia.


Idiot. He can want in one hand and shit in the other, I know which is gonna fill up first. Are you really that clueless?


I bet you’d love a dicktator.


Plagiarism or double post?

Signed, million man.
