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I think we should take money out of Social security

I say we should take the money out of Social Security to pay down the debt. It’s only fair. The older generations stole money from the younger by amassing a massive debt that did not plan to pay while they are alive.


Who told you this? Are you sure it was the individual Americans and not the corrupt leaders? Show proof individual Americans did this or be labeled a disgusting hateful scumbag.


Yes, surely it would solve our country's problems to have most of our seniors homeless. Let's make them all dependent on their kids and grandkids!


yes that would solve some problems


I'm not sure you know how Social Security actually works...

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Definitely. This dude thinks there's a giant safe stuffed with "Social Security" cash.


My Boomer Mom is the same way. She keeps trying to claim that "She paid her share for 30 years...", and I have to keep reminding her that when she was working, her SS was supporting my grandmother, her Mom. And now, my taxes are supporting her checks.

It's amazing how very very little the average American knows about how anything works in this country....literally mind-blowing.

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Are you going to personally return the money taken from my paycheck throughout the years?


Are you going to personally return the money stolen from the younger generation in debt interest?


You know who is stealing your money - the super-rich and the corporations.
Their tax cuts are taking a lot more out of your paycheck than Social Security.


the super-rich and the corporations

We really do need to have a talk about life-long democrat/republican politicians, and Big Pharma...

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It's obvious that you don't have a job or you wouldn't be so cavalier about the Social Security and Medicare taxes removed from hard-working Americans' paychecks. We expect our money to be returned to us. Period.


How come sometimes you're not stupid?


I'm still waiting for my Nahuatl language translation!


Pialli, notoka ItsGood2BeRight. Nitlazotla inin tlatolli pampa ka quetzalli ihuan sance. Nitlaxyeyekolistli nik ka yektik ipan inin se ilhuitl. Timoittazceh kintepan.

Tu punalez pendejo.



She wants to sleep, but he entered her house.

And translate each word in the sentence into English."

Solamente pendejo es tu! Y qiero mi frase!


LMFAO you're an idiot! You're wrong about everything! You didn't get one word right! I'm dying here!

I already gave you a beginner phrase. It's not my fault it's a lost language and you can't find a translator...hijo de la chingada.


Your original comment:

[–] ItsGood2BeRight:

My bloodline comes from great Aztec warriors. No white man's blood has ever infected our gene pool or lineage. I'm pure Nahua and even fluently speak the Nahuatl language.

To me, Caucasian means white boi!

My reply:
She wants to sleep, but he entered her house.

And translate each word in the sentence into English."

Your reply:
"It's not my fault it's a lost language and you can't find a translator."

Finally, you admit you're a liar! It's not a lost language! I easily found your googled phrase which is NOT what I asked. You don't know Nahuatl! You're a white supremacist who pretends to be POC while making racist comments! No surprise!

Your pretending to be Latino is a joke especially since you're clueless about them, too!

Your inane comment:
"Hispanic is a combination of Spanish and Mestizo people...both genetically Caucasian."


Wow, that is your reply? Obviously from my reply before this...I was totally misunderstanding what you were asking for. So either you're in the same boat I am in...English not being the spoken language at home...or you're just an asshole.

LMFAO you're an idiot! You're wrong about everything! You didn't get one word right! I'm dying here!

Funny how you ignore this. I thought from your original reply that you were asking me to just say something. Then I thought you came back to translate what I said. Hence me laughing at you. If you really know me here I miscommunicate with posters ALL THE TIME! Why? Because English wasn't my first language and my parents didn't speak English in the home.

I mean shit I just got slammed in my climate change thread for using the wrong word. If you really think I'm white I won't take it as an insult because that means my writing and grammar are getting much better even though I know I'm still a C at best.

BTW your whiteness shows how much you don't know about brown people. I'm not the only one who gets all worked up if you say we have white blood in us.


No more deflection. I'm still waiting for you to translate:

"She wants to sleep, but he entered her house."

And translate each word in the sentence into English.


I think anyone who tries to take money out of Social Security is human garbage that must be rounded up and thrown out of this country.
Old people have been paying into SS their entire lives, it's their money. Old and disabled people rely on Social Security to live.

Since I'm on my last warning with Mod5, I can't tell you what I think should happen to people who would cause harm to the old and disabled.
So instead I'll just post this clip from Vikings for no reason at all:
Mod5 I'm assuming that just posting a clip is permitted and doesn't violate the rules. If it does let me know and I'll take down the link.


How about we take money out of the welfare system instead? Most of the people in that group are just able-bodied lazy asses who are exploiting it anyway.


Nope, there are many people who need it and you'll be punishing them for the sins of a tiny minority of freeloaders.


Well good news! I got a job for you now. You are appointed to investigating every single person who has been misusing the system, including 7th generation, able-bodied welfare recipients, and women popping out babies just to get rich and neglecting them afterwards! If it turns out they truly have been playing the system, the kids will be taken away, they go to prison, and work off their debt to society. If they are genuinely needing the money, you leave them alone. Good luck in dealing with the fakes, it'll be a doozy, and chances are, many of them are black.


Here's the thing, I don't give a fuck about the freeloaders. There will always be some small percentage of people who abuse the system. It doesn't matter to me. It's hard for me to fathom why some individuals are so invested in searching for and investigating those they perceive as "moochers", or even resorting to defunding welfare programs and hurting the lives of vulnerable people just to punish a few. We should have a Universal Basic Dividend anyways, this way there would be no need for welfare.

It's curious how wealthy individuals who live off dividends from various corporations are often seen as smart investors rather than lazy parasites, despite being physically capable of working. Meanwhile, poor individuals who rely on government assistance are often stigmatized as such, despite many of them desperately needing support. This double standard is frustrating to witness. Frankly it's disgusting.


For an inquiring sure is closed off to learning new ideas that aren't socialist. 🤔🤔🤔

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I wasn't always a socialist. I was a conservative Republican once (before 2001), and a liberal Democrat (2001-2010), It's precisely because I have an open and inquiring mind why I am a socialist today. I recognize the deficiencies in, and failures of, capitalism and the political system that continues to prop it up.


They don't need $400 a week to buy frozen pizzas.

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And who are you to decide what they need or not? You don't know their situation. Mind your own business.


I like your idea, first we should stop spending so much on adventures overseas and especially Ukraine. If someone supports wars abroad and they are on social security they should be willing to give it up for the war.


If you want real justice, audit the money of each wealthy politician, let them keep the amount they would have earned if they only had been earning a proper senator's salary for that year, and everything else goes towards paying off America's debts.




You ought to education yourself on what Social Security is.
Also, quit trying to outdo Tucker Carlson in lies about stuff you don't believe.
If you don't like SS, you can always refuse it.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no "Social Security money"; it's all been spent by the people you voted for to run our government!


They will never see the irony you have stamped into the bedrock.

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