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Tucker's Bombshell seems to have

Ended all the useless J6 posts lol. Looks like we were right about that too...totally staged, and poorly executed honey pot.

Release for the political prisoners, now!

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It's another I told you so moment...

China virus came form a Chinese lab.

Jan 6th had help and was orchestrated by Democrat gov agencies


Like with the China virus the establishment sock puppets will now demand we prove the setup was intentional.


Its getting easier as the effects of vaccines which have had more time to gather data.

Their policies are clear failures, they have zero statistics to back up them up.

No cash bail a crime wave failure
Borders are beyond disgusting
College loan forgiveness

They are clear failures


This will be like the Covid origin thing, the Media, the DOJ, and the FBI will be eating their words AGAIN. Those who were convicted and sentenced will win appeals based on the actual tapes, not the edited ones used in their prosecution.


Clearly it’s just 40,000 hours of deep fakes.

We all know it was the greatest most gigantopithecus attack on democracy of all time.


Are you into physical anthropology?


I’ve been known to listen to Sasquatch Chronicles from time to time.


I guess then the thousands of hours of witness testimonies were lies?
All of Trumps cabinet members were also ?


Grand Jury Lead for Trump can't even hold her wad and destroys the whole case, and you think people won't lie?

My God, man.

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And Ivanas story?


Trumps dead ex-wife? Derangement syndrome runs deep...

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The other plastic woman Ivanka -she testified the election was legit and her father is insane


And she was elected as the authority on elections by whom...?

Why are you so against election reform so these claims can't be made again? Seems sus.

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Did you see his Rupert Murdoch thread? He can't understand the difference between opinion and fact.


Testifying under oath is opinion?


Yes dummy he was asked his opinion. Don't you read the tripe you type?


I’m against Presidents lying with zero evidence. Its reckless despicable and dangerous.


Why no posts on Biden then?


Only when he starts an insurrection


All he is showing is just some quiet moments when there are plenty of chaotic ones which other footage has shown.


All of us that voted for Trump knew from the very beginning that it was a strategic setup and then they covered it up.
The Democrats and RINO’s responsible should be arrested and jailed.

Now that Tucker Carlson is releasing video footage from January 6th, people are finally able to see with their own eyes that members of the January 6th Committee withheld evidence and that some people have been falsely persecuted and prosecuted.

Elon Musk reacted by slamming the committee and calling their actions ‘deeply wrong.’

What the Democrats have done is disturbing. They used January 6th to weaponize law enforcement against their perceived political opponents.

Elon Musk torches House Jan. 6 committee for ‘misleading the public,’ withholding evidence: ‘deeply wrong’

Elon Musk took to Twitter early Tuesday morning to criticize several lawmakers that sat on the House Committee Investigating the Capitol Riots on January 6th, accusing them of “misleading the public.”

Responding to someone else’s tweet that accused former Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. and Adam Kizinger, R- Ill., along with Congressman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., of being “liars,” Musk affirmed the lawmakers were guilty of withholding evidence and said their actions were “deeply wrong.”

“Besides misleading the public, they withheld evidence for partisan political reasons that sent people to prison for far more serious crimes than they committed,” Musk wrote.

He added: “That is deeply wrong, legally and morally.”

The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol released its final report earlier this year and formally disbanded.

Its report condemned former President Donald Trump and lambasted Republicans in the chamber for allegedly encouraging the riots that resulted in several deaths, injuries to law enforcement officers and others, as well as property damage.

The J6 Committee:

- Lied about how Brian Sicknick died
- Lied about Barry Loudermilk taking rioters on a reconnaissance mission
- Lied about Josh Hawley running away
- Lied about Ray Epps being a credible witness

Besides misleading the public, they withheld evidence for partisan political reasons that sent people to prison for far more serious crimes than they committed.

That is deeply wrong, legally and morally.


You've been radicalized into Q territory


You never have a complex thought....ever. Why are you even here?

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You’re In Q territory also
