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So, overturning Roe vs Wade ended up backfiring on Republicans.

"Nationally, VoteCast showed that 7 in 10 voters said the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade was an important factor in their midterm decisions. It also showed the reversal was broadly unpopular. And roughly 6 in 10 said they favor a law guaranteeing access to legal abortion nationwide."

AP News

The anti-choice religious fanatics are a loud minority.


It is not about republicans. It is about psychopath people who financially benefit from the medical industrial complex keeping on making loads of money off of people needing medical care. The psychopaths who control american politics made it so dumb and/or psychopath democrat voters think that they won abortion rights in the election but bringing back the abortion debate was really just about making it so democrat voters completely ignore universal healthcare. Not one democrat even spoke about universal healthcare during this election. Democrat women really do care for abortion and forsake universal healthcare to get abortion.


"If a woman "accidentally" aborts a baby she has by way of sexually pleasuring with the medical instruments used to abort a baby then no court of law can prove that her intentions were to abort her baby and the court would have to believe what the woman says about sexually pleasuring herself"


"Abortion will always be legal in the USA even if made illegal by USA law."

I'm beginning to suspect why you're obsessed with psychopaths!


Democrats don't care about universal healthcare? Lol


Christ. Imagine having this pile of nonsense swirling around in your head and thinking "You know what? I need to post this online so many others can read it"




I’ve read his/her nonsensical reply three times and still can’t wrap my head around it! A woman is aborting a baby, but it’s okay because she’s getting off on it? Well, all righty now! Gotcha…I think.😳


I truly have no clue what, if any, point he was trying to make with that incoherent rant.


Homo Beto got beat by 11points in Texas and abortion was all he talked about in campaigning.


Did you really use Texas to try to make a point? lol


The democrats will be gone from Texas for many more years.


The Republicans had this in the bag and they got greedy. But I guess when you have Christofascists calling the shots, eventually they will miss the forest for the trees.


The Democrats are to blame! The Democrats are to blame! The Democrats are to blame! The Democrats are to blame!

Some lefties challenged some state's restriction of 2nd trimester abortions. RvsW suggested ~20 weeks was reasonable. Backfired and ended up in the supreme court.


the republican judges were always planning to overturn rvw. c'mon, son


”Nationally, VoteCast showed that 7 in 10 voters said the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade was an important factor in their midterm decisions.”

Well, it just goes to show how STUPID they are! The SCOTUS stated abortion is not a U.S. Constitutional Right.🙄 The 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade established a constitutional right to abortion under the “due process” clause of the 14th Amendment, which the court previously said includes a right to privacy. Say what?

Due Process:


Fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement.”

Right Hand = Fair treatment from our judicial system, but

Left Hand = Abortion

To repeat: Due Process = Abortion

The ruling means that right no longer exists on a national level and returns the question of laws governing abortion to the states.

As stated they returned the whole kettle of fish back to the states.
