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Then what happens?


The righteous themselves will inherit the Earth. The one’s that had put their hope and faith in Jehovah God, are the beneficiaries of this promise. The world and its practices will pass away; and the former ‘things’ will not be brought up into the mind or heart. The wicked influences will no longer exist. Satan the Devil will be taken away from mankind along with the one’s doing his bidding. Peace, joy, harmony and the original purpose will be enacted. Adam and Eve lost this; and mankind has suffered to this day! Jesus was the repurchaser of what was lost; and HIS kingdom will never be brought to ruin. After this is established, on Earth, ALL those who died has an opportunity to be brought back to life. Living in a world that is free from this wicked influence. The one’s that receive this resurrection have done ‘good things’ while they were here on Earth. Those who did ‘bad things’, forever asleep in death, forgotten!
This is the ‘truth’ about Jehovah’s promise to mankind. His original purpose will be established. He Himself will govern mankind along with His Son Jesus Christ.
Every tear will be wiped away from every human eye. Righteousness and peace will reside in the Earth! Death, mourning, out-cry and pain will pass away, is the utterance of Jehovah! The former things will pass away!
That is what will happen!


Got a date?


No. Soon.


Like, next Tuesday?


In your lifetime. Is that soon enough...?


“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." - Matthew 24:36


That is a true statement and scripture...but the fact of the matter, is, we are living in that time and era!


People have been saying that since Jesus said it. The fact of the matter is, no one knows. It could be next year or in a thousand years. I believe it will be sooner than later, but that's just my opinion.




An interesting scripture many ways
Jesus was talking with His disciples...HE said, “My Father”!
Many pray to Jesus.
‘My Father”?
Who is that?

I didn’t give a date...or an hour. If you want scripture that backs what I said, I could do that for you?


If you feel like it, please do. There have been MANY crackpots over the centuries that said they had scripture to back their failed claims too.


Matt 24:3-12
2 Tim 3:1-5
1Thes. 5:3
Mark 13:4-8
I’m not here to debate. Take it or leave it. That’s a choice for ALL!


Rev. 21:3,4


I get what you're trying to say, but none of that conclusively proves that it will be in our lifetime.






Things are beginning to look like the prophesies as portrayed in Revelations though. If we wait until it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and I have no idea how that could happen, we will have waited too long. The onus is on us to recognize and infer.


So first you say in my lifetime and now according to your own scripture you don't know.
I feel chuffed that if I die tomorrow and the world doesn't end, a lot of people will be very disappointed.


You don’t have to believe anything. Trust yourself on all issues. Put faith in you. Call me anything you want. Argue, debate, denounce everything that comes your way. Be a skeptic. Be cynical. Be stubborn. Hate everything that you don’t understand.
Soon means soon in the stream of time. Rely on the a broken system. Trust your politics leaders. Deny all the turmoil that exist.
From 1940 to 1960, these one’s are called Baby Boomers. From 1960 to 1980, these one’s are called Gen X. From 1980 to 2000 these one’s are called Millennials. From 2000 to 2020 these one’s are called Gen Z...the last letter of the alphabet! What’s after that?
Nothing! So, there’s your timeline. You decide! Or, choose not too. You have that right. You make that decision. You will see, hear, feel, breathe the END of this wicked world! As to when, in YOUR lifetime like I said! I’m done with you sir. Rock on!


Why my lifetime and not for someone who might die, say, tomorrow from old age?


I lived next to the Watch Tower for a year.

Really nice folks, surprisingly way less kooky than my JW neighbors I lived next door to growing up.


Some take things to an extreme. It’s not easy becoming or being a JW. It’s difficult to stand straight in a crooked world. That’s why they look so odd. Shedding the woes of this system takes determination. Many slip away on the littlest of things. Functioning in a sick world is a challenge.


Um, question: are you a JW?


Trying real hard!
A daily struggle!
A lifelong struggle with a fear of not measuring up!


Ever wonder why a raven is like a writing desk?


Not really


There's a range of views about thia


Please stop the BULLSHIT. 💩💩💩


Hit your mute button boss! If your eyes and mind are on the brink of spontaneous combustion!
No I won’t stop...move on


What a pompous wind bag.


Just keep reporting every one of his religious posts that he posts on this board. There is a specific board for him that he refuses to use. Seeing religious posts being flooded on this board is no different, and probably worse, than seeing political posts being flooded on the general Discussion Board.



That escalated quickly. Just from what has been communicated here he doesn't look like the pompous one.


(THEY) cry foul and want censorship control when (THEIR) ideas and beliefs aren’t at the forefront of ‘things’. Forcing their views and opinion on other’s but never open to anything. Guilty of what they accuse others of doing. Sociopaths. Narcissist. Control freaks always pointing fingers at others. Blaming everyone and everything for their lot in life. It’s a disease! A mental illness. I’m pompous in his eyes because I’m standing up for what I believe in. Expressing these beliefs are an irritant to them, because they can’t control my mind and tongue, or, my fingers in this case...


Should I hold off buying Christmas cards this year?


Sure, why you have enough money, a job?


But if time is running out, then buying Christmas cards will be a waste of time (depending on how quickly the time will run out).


You can deny anything and everything. That is a choice we all have. You can believe or chose not to believe as well. Today, everything is the same as it was 5-10 years ago? Life and mankind has gotten better? Governments have finally worked things out and everyone is prospering? Things are excelling at a rapid pace. Food shortages. Unrest. Talks of nuclear war. Civil unrest worldwide. Pestilence. A minute is still a minute, an hour is still an hour. Time is running out for people to turn away from doing what is bad. Doing what is wrong. And finding and serving the only true God, Jehovah. He is not going to put up with wicked mankind and this system of man’s government, that has failed miserably, much longer. Time? Belief? Truth? Continue on in your ways if you choose. Enjoy your Christmas. Drink yourself into oblivion if you want, if one chooses to do so. Mock me, mock God, have fun in doing so. You’ll hear the alarm soon. You’ll see the demise with your own eyes. Soon. And you will be begging for a little more TIME when that day arrives. Take care Mr. King...


Just wondered if you had a specific date so I can plan ahead.


No. But, make your plans accordingly. Stock up on food and water. That’s a start...for survivalist of all sorts. I guess ammo is on that list as well...


I’ll just send people my love instead.


Sounds good
