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MSNBC: "high cost of milk, gas and rent 'not as important as losing your democracy"

Da fuq does this statement even mean? The US is a Constitutional Republic. This just sounds like a desperation, 4th quarter hail mary. These people are so out of touch with reality, they don't realize their unhinged, lunatic ranting only speaks to a fringe minority of voters that will never change their minds anyway.

Personally, I'm way way way more concerned with the cost of living, energy, and the economy. Unhinged, lunatic leftist talking points do not pay the bills.


Have you ever heard that we vote for representatives and executives like governors and Presidents?


A "democratic election based on majority votes" is not the same a Sovereign Nation that bases its entire governmental structure on universal suffrage, ie a "True" democracy.

It seems more like you need to educate yourself on how the US actually operates, and spend less time typing at the hip.


When Americans (i don't know what country you are from) speak of our democracy, it is commonly understood by anyone with more than half a brain to mean that we have universal suffrage for electing representatives to legislative bodies at the federal, state and local levels as well as executives such as presidents, governors, and mayors and in some cases sherrifs and judges and other officials. That is unless you just think you are smarter than others rather than the pedantic asshole that you are.


This is not a friggin' democracy, which is the equivalent to mob rule. It's a constitutional republic. Read a book. Learn the difference.


Are you opposed to citizens voting for our representatives? Do you consider that to be "mob rule"?


In a pure democracy, the majority rules and the minority is shit out of luck. Any student of history who's studied ancient Greece knows this. In a constitutional republic, the rights of the minority are protected.

I'd like to point out that a pure democracy, either rigged or legitimate, where the majority imposes their beliefs onto the opposition, by force if necessary, is exactly what democrats want.


Republic only means there is no monarchy. Even China, North Korea and Afghanistan are republics.

We are a democracy as per the U.S. government immigration and citizenship website:

"The United States is a representative democracy and its people play an important role in the governing process."

BTW, that's a citizenship test question. You should be kicked out of the U.S. for not knowing it.


Only a hybrid-Democracy, not full like in Canada although I guess the definition may be slowly changing.


Yes, the U.S. is heading towards illiberalism or more specifically fascism thanks to MAGA Republicans who know they don't have the votes in a fully functioning democracy.


You spelled democrat wrong, Keeliar.


“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”


Calling yourself a republic and actually being one are two different things.


Republic only means not ruled by a monarch. Nazi Germany was a republic.


Why are you even talking about a pure democracy? There is no pure democracy that rules by plebiscite in the world, and I've never met anybody who wants one.

The closest thing, though, are those who like to pass laws by ballot initiative. I've always thought this was bad governance.


I think I explained that in my post. Read it again.


They are either ignorant and stupid if they don't know what a true democracy is.

America will never be a true democracy. The goddamned Electoral College exists.


And that's one of the major reasons it exists and also why they want to abolish it. If their gang is bigger than our gang, they think they should be able to put us into re-education camps......or worse.


Correction - we vote for representatives and executives like governors and Presidents, who statistically do not represent the American people and what they want to see happen? That is not democracy or republic - that is just pure plutocracy, and in our case a plutocracy of kleptocrats who are rigging the country so they don't even have to work to steal everything that is not tied down.


"A false dilemma is a fallacy that misrepresents an issue by presenting only two mutually exclusive options rather than the full, nuanced range of options."


Exactly...and do these MSDNC idiots even realize how unhinged and loony they sound when they talk about this shit?

Obviously they don't...or they do, go home every day, and throw up at what they have become as people.


It's a disconnect likely caused by some psychiatric issue. There is just no way in hell this particular malady has not been studied in other circumstances, and those in the psychiatric community are well aware of what it is and that it is happening now. Probably even with them. If the psychiatric community were on the right there would be information galore coming from psychiatrists about it.


Nazi Soldiers during the Nuremburg Trials:


Yeah, not an excuse Buddy.


Sad thing is there are 50 million lemmings who believe this nonsense and voted for captain pantshitter.


In other words, "pay attention to our wonderful dog & pony show, not the dwindling balance in your bank account because of our incompetence".


This country has gone stark raving mad.

The Uni-party, as some have called it, i.e. both parties are doing the "F the people" two-step.

This twisted lie war of aggression in Ukraine is so sick, and so dangerous, it is hard to even imagine people so evil as to plan this out and work on it for a decade.

And then telling Americans that they are at war, but they don't have to fight, the Ukrainians will fight it for us, and all we have to do is buy into the fantasy of Russia's Evil Putin Empire, sit tight hoping the world doesn't explode into nuclear war, say good-bye to any carbon-dioxide reduction efforts to combat planetary hot-boxing, and send all our desperately needed money to Ukraine, both "the most corrupt country in Europe", and the cradle of Slavic democracy that US fascists are trying to nurture with all of our money.

Yeah, I'll believe that when Trump shits in the woods.

And you Bichy-dumf-- are trying to use this global paroxysm to insult Liberals. You effing useless dimwit.


And you Bichy-dumf-- are trying to use this global paroxysm to insult Liberals. You effing useless dimwit.

Holy shit, not only is your entire post tripe fantasy from your warped brain, but then you went ahead and added that little tidbit...invalidating yourself in the process.


Republicans won't cure inflation either. There's only so much government can do about that.


Yes they can, it's called stop printing money into the stratosphere and then sending it straight to fucking Ukraine...


The dems platform is baby killing machines.

They want to kill babies and send drag queens into schools.

MSNBC is stupid!
