MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden shakes Schumer’s hand, ‘immediatel...

Biden shakes Schumer’s hand, ‘immediately forgets’ and waits for another

It's becoming a real life Weekend At Bernies as the 46th US President. Outstanding!

This is the saddest thing I have ever witnessed in the history of sadness


"It's becoming a real life Weekend At Bernies as the 46th US President. Outstanding!"

I hope they bring in the two black guys from the sequel pretty soon. They were hilarious, at one point the one guy is checking out goats "he's becoming a goat" and the other guy thinks he's talking about a hot woman so he inadvertently checks out a goat himself. When those guys show up, the sadness will be turned into funny.


I haven't seen part 2 in ages. just remember they used voodoo to bring bernie back to life, maybe thats what happened to Joe?


That sounds almost as bad as when jowilli2 was answering jowilli's posts. So much "irony."


Short term memory loss. Common for people in the declining years.


and getting covid twice isnt helping. he has literally no idea whats going on.


Does this express your lost sense of purpose?


I think so, it gives me something to do. since everyone posts about Trump, I thought I would post about biden.

you can clearly see his mind fading away, honestly, its sad to watch. the same thing happened to my Aunt, every week she would forget something, til eventually she didnt recognize anyone.


Believe me, I've seen it.

( mostly in Republicans ) ;-)


more than likely, as I have said before, we dont need 80 yr olds in Congress.

we need term and age limits in place .


I hear your opinion, but it comes out of nowhere.
It is not related to or in the trajectory this discussion,
nice how you guys just like to inject your opinionated non-sequiturs everywhere
and act like there is nothing to see here. What's to see is a deliberate inefficiency
of discussion.

OK, that said, I disagree with term limits. Biden is capable of doing the job, and actually doing it better than Trump and without having to try to blow up the government and incite the citizenry to civil war ... that is all on the Republicans who's put a gorilla in office if they thought the could get what they want.

Being a Democratic Socialist, like Bernier Sanders; I get contemporaneous emails and video links from Bernie almost every day and Bernie is mentally faster and more adept than almost anyone in the Senate. He knows his limits and what he wants to accomplish and how not to alienate people so he gets knocked out of the game or blows it for the people. I don't know it that is possible or not, but I would vote for Bernie as long as he is much better than average.


knowing what we know now. Bernie would be a much better choice than a certified dementia patient.

also, responding to posts these days is pointless, even if I give an honest reply. someone will just call me stupid. I gave up years ago trying to have a civil conversation so I just say whats on my mind. I used to spend 30 minutes to hour sometimes writing up a genuine reply to someone, only to have it ignored or get the famous "you are stupid" response.

I am a independent and will vote for whomever is the best choice. I have gone on record saying I like Yang and Tulsi.

here are my suggestions for age and term limits:

President - 8 years
Senate - 12 years
House - 12 years
Supreme Court - 15 years

age limit for any position is 80. once you hit 80 you have to retire.


> knowing what we know now.

For me it is knowing what I always knew.

I like what Yang says, and wrote in his book, but I think the country would be a fool to put him in as President. He is a scammer. Tulsi I think is incoherent on the issues and her platform is nothing that far away from someone else who would be a better choice. Lots of what she says I just do not agree with or believe in. He is not experienced, defined or supported enough.

As for the term limits stuff, that's not the way the system was supposed to work. It's age discrimination, and it should be the voters' choice whether they think someone is senile or not. Biden was a good choice. I don't like him, but he is just slightly above average for American Presidents, and I include Obama in that. I've written the White House saying I will not support him for President in a second term - but not because of his age.

Bernie, I'd vote for if he was 102.


> knowing what we know now.

Trump would be a way better choice. but then again, he would be blamed for anything bad that happened. so its a catch 22.

Yang has some good ideas but no one would vote for him because he is not part of the establishment. Tulsi has tons of great ideas and is a completely sane democrat. no one would vote for her because Hillary would tell everyone not to vote for her.

if you are a no on term and age limits then you are going to have 85 yr olds making laws that can last generations and effect the younger generation, 20 somethings. as long as people keep voting in the same ole rejects then nothing will ever change. people were never meant to have a life long career in Congress and become multi-millionaires.

Joe has 50 plus years of political experience but still cant fix America.

Trump, I'd vote for if he was 105.


> Trump, I'd vote for if he was 105.

Trump is 150 ... the same age traitor Robert E. Lee would be if he was still alive today, mentally.

It is a very simplistic way of looking at the Presidency, i.e. that words said in books or on the campaign trail carry any more hint or weight as to what a President would, could or might do should they become President than product advertisements do about the reality of the products ... they are all mostly lies.

I like Yang and often listen to his interviews or videos. Like I said I read his book - online on YouTube for free. Some good ideas, mainly not his own.

Tulsi Gabbard is too marginal. I've never liked her, and she has never come out with any real policies, just a bunch of ideas that pander to those who she is trying to get to vote for her ... which is my main problem with her - guilt by association. The folks who like Gabbard are generally about as marginal as Trumpers, they have no business in American politics at all and just seek to express rage, hate and tear things down.

People don't vote for legislators based on their age, they vote for them because they serve their political ideals, or many who are duped into just thinking they do.

Better to take money out of politics than age, and besides, as I said it is not the way the system is supposed to work, and it is discriminatory.

The solution to bad politicians can be a lot of things, but discriminating by age is insignificant.


Jill is lucky with not having to waste money on a library. Jow won't even remember he was president when he leaves office.Really if they can make Obama born here, they can make Biden look like he can function right.


JFC the fake president is a freaking Alzheimer's patient.


“Almost every gun in existence is semi-automatic lmao." Lil’ Bitchsurn 8-1-2022


Pitiful! Just pitiful! But, what’s even more pitiful is the fools on this board who believe Biden is the one making the decisions. A few weeks ago the poor guy turns around and talks to the U.S. flag. In this clip he instantly forgets Schumer shook his hand. He stands there waiting for a handshake because he forgot he had one. His hand was still outstretched when Schumer turned back to the podium. Look how confused Biden is when he puts his hand to his face. It’s as if he’s wondering “Why didn’t he shake my hand?”

There are so many instances like this and it’s frightening to have the most powerful man in the world at the helm. Reminds me of Titanic’s Captain Edward Smith who was said “to have become confused” after the mighty ship struck an iceberg. The Bidenites are fast sinking this country, so stop with the accolades! We’re so far down we can only go up! Take off those rose colored glasses! People are hurting! The Bidenites put us there!

Yet, we have the damn Bidenites on this board and elsewhere who mocked an over 70 year old man for holding onto a rope while walking down a ramp! Did you mock Biden for falling 3 times walking up Air Force One’s steps? Hell no! I for one was grateful he wasn’t hurt. Most of you Biden lapdogs don’t have any idea what it’s like to be in your 70’s! You damn hypocrites also mocked Trump for holding a glass with two hands! At least he didn’t look like a deer caught in headlights as Biden does due to his dementia. He does that because he’s concentrating on the prompter. He doesn’t dare divert his eyes. He would forget where he was reading.

BTW, I’m 79 and I walk carefully down a ramp. I also hold a large glass with 2 hands. I was my husband’s caregiver at age 77. I currently assist my lifetime friend who uses a walker while holding my glass with 2 hands. I’m not inept, but grip loss becomes a factor in old age. Balance can become a factor so we learn to walk more carefully. Falling can be a death sentence.
