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There's Nothing "Common Sense" about Gun Control

Lefties LIED about gun bans working in the UK and AU. Made no difference!


On this episode of Common Sense Soapbox, Bubble Man argues for “common sense” gun control to cut back gun violence. The only problem is, there’s no evidence to suggest his proposals would solve the issue.


Not sure where he made that graph based off on but the strongest evidence it works is there is no common mass shootings let alone mass shootings itself AFTER those bans were enacted like there is in the US. Pretty obvious they did these bans after such horrific events.

Literally from 9-10 per decade to 1-2 per decade after the ban >_>

Clearly it's been going down throughout the years and hovering around 2,000 from 4,000+ of before.

Like seriously, how hard is this to figure out?


But, you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! There’s a big difference between the U.S. and other countries. The 2nd Amendment…the “Right of the people to keep and to bear arms, shall NOT be infringed!”

If we permit the “powers to be” to nullify the 2nd Amendment how much longer would it take for them to begin nullifying/reworking the rest of the Amendments? The “camel nose under the tent” adage.

Instead of going after an inanimate object, zero in on what has changed in the American psyche which causes people to commit these horrendous murders. What causes a thug in Orlando to slaughter 6 people and a little dog with a baseball bat?

In the mean retrofit the schools with security as our nation’s courthouses and airlines do with scanners. Fortify the classroom doors by making them remote controlled by the teacher. After the last bell automatically lock the exterior doors. Late for school? Ring a bell and be observed by camera before granting permission to enter at which time security would escort said pupil to class.

There are “fixes” without stripping us of our Inalienable Right to “Keep and bear arms.”


in other words "NOO BUT!!! BUT BUT BUT!! I DONT HAVE A GOOD REASON! BUT THE 2nd!!"

must be nice to be a conservative and shut off your brain entirely and argue from emotions

"Instead of going after an inanimate object, zero in on what has changed in the American psyche which causes people to commit these horrendous murders. What causes a thug in Orlando to slaughter 6 people and a little dog with a baseball bat?

Yaa thats why the US army is armed with baseball bats instead of guns..... and if that thug would have had a gun he would have likely killed more. THATS THE POINT DUMB DUMB


" how much longer would it take for them to begin nullifying/reworking the rest of the Amendments?"

Why do you think they are called "amendments" ?


Why do you think it's called the "Bill of Rights"?


You need to study U.S. history before sounding off!

”Personal rights held by an individual which are not bestowed by law, custom, or belief, and which cannot be taken or given away, or transferred to another person, are referred to as “inalienable rights.” The U.S. Constitution recognized that certain universal rights cannot be taken away by legislation, as they are beyond the control of a government, being naturally given to every individual at birth, and that these rights are retained throughout life. To explore this concept, consider the following inalienable rights definition.”

”The framers of the Constitution acknowledged the inalienable rights of man in this powerful phrase from the Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

”The founding fathers intended the government of the new nation to have the sole charge of protecting the inalienable rights of its citizens, and made that clear as they stated:

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government …”

While there is not a specific list of rights that are considered inalienable in the Constitution, there are some rights that are generally accepted as natural rights of man. The list is extensive, and the following are but a few:

To act in self-defense
To own private property
To work and enjoy the fruits of one’s labor
To move freely within the county or to another country
To worship or refrain from worshipping within a freely-chosen religion
To be secure in one’s home
To think freely”


I agree with one of the comments to your link:

”I love how they’re constantly in the state of superposition of “you don’t need a gun! That’s what law enforcement is for!” And “these cops are too militarized and need to be defunded!”


I have NEVER found a real world example of anyone saying
"these cops are too militarized and need to be defunded!"

Everytime someone says "this politician / civic leader wants to defund the police" they are talking about budget cuts pure and simple


”these cops are too militarized and need to be defunded!"

The “militarized” part occurred in Ferguson, Missouri. The “defunded” part came about in 2020 by BLM thugs and inane leftists.

”Everytime someone says "this politician / civic leader wants to defund the police" they are talking about budget cuts pure and simple.”

Oh no they aren’t! What do you think occurs when there are “budget cuts”? Personnel are also cut! There are those who are demanding no more police and replace them with social workers! You don’t live here so you don’t have a right to tell U.S. citizens what to do. We separated ourselves from King George III decades ago!


"The “defunded” part came about in 2020 by BLM thugs and inane leftists."
This is true , the phrase was coined by criminals and a tiny (and crazy) minority of left extremists

The right would have you believe that anyone not voting for trump wants to abolish the police.

"Personnel are also cut"
True , but not because the budget holder wants them to have less money , just because there is less money.
I'm sure in all cases of police being "defunded" by budget cuts the city providing the money would be happy for the police to have infinite money IF it was available.


You liberals don't even have the balls to stand behind your own words.


” The right would have you believe that anyone not voting for trump wants to abolish the police.”

Not so! You had to get that dig in there, didn’t you?

When the left said “Defund the police!” they meant exactly what they said! Do away with police and send social workers!


"Do away with police"

of course they didnt . why tf would any political party left or right "Do away with police" ???


Dammit! You are ignorant on the facts! You don’t live in this country yet you propose to know every thing which occurs here!

”Last year, a majority of the Minneapolis City Council vowed that it would defund and DISMANTLE the police department. But a lot has happened in the nearly 18 months since.”

” Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who was a major backer of the “abolish the police” proposal, absurdly and counterintuitively blamed the Minneapolis Police Department for the huge uptick in violence.”

”House ‘Squad’ members unveil bill to defund police and give reparations”



”Calls to reform, defund, dismantle and abolish the police, explained.”


"Lefties LIED about gun bans working in the UK and AU. Made no difference!"

Its working fine here in the UK thanks,
It wont work in your USA for the simple reason there are 300 million guns in the country already.




Well , I do have two chainsaws , even if no guns , so im not totally defenceless.
Could get a shotgun if I wanted to jump through a lot of hoops.


You are defenseless. You are brainwashed into defenselessness. We are not.


maybe you've got a gun to defend yourself , but then so has everyone else nearby , so same boat really eh?


We don’t have to worry about the thousands of others…just the 1 or 2.


No, not really.


Remember when the US tried banning alcohol and an entire network of organized crime sprung up as a result? Well, ban guns and you are going to see a new network of organized crime to the likes the world has never seen before.

Perhaps the police and government security should lay down their weapons first, and we'll see what happens then, and go from there.


omg a two minute long video by some right wing loser. it must be true!!!!

there is evidence. the entirety first world nations.

left wing cities with strict gun control doesn't work because there's no national system. The laws may have been effective, but they are ruined by nearby red states, or in general easy access to guns due to a lack of regulation.

ITS A FACT. its happening in Canada too. 85% of guns confiscated in crimes here are from the USA.

Meaning Canadas domestic gun policy is SO EFFECTIVE, they have to get easy to obtain cheaper US guns and sneak them in. Thats not a weakness in our gun policy, its a bleedover effect from a shit gun policy in the USA.

you conservatives keep coming back to get embarrassed over and over again on the same issue


The country is awash with guns.
There is no way in hell they can be controlled now retrospectively.


Im inclined to agree. it would need a MASSIVE unprecedented multi-pronged "cleanup process". The entire system would have to fundamentally change. taking decades to implement and show even minor improvements. but even such a thing would unlikely succeed even if republicans played ball


It will never happen. If it does, we'll have a severe shortage of liberals and criminals in no time. Which is a good problem to have.


Embarrassed? We're embarrassed we have to keep having the same argument with ignorant children like you.


Speaking of lies:

"Lefties LIED about gun bans working in the UK and AU. Made no difference!"
