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Most Unvaxxed (Edited) Healthy People Who Get Covid…SURVIVE!

”To date, there have been 51.2 million cases of COVID in the U.S. and over 806,000 Americans have died, the New York Times reports. People of any age can contract the virus and while most recover within a reasonable amount of time, the chances of dying increases greatly with certain factors. LetsGetChecked's Executive Director of Epidemiology, Dr. Gwen Murphy, Ph.D., MPH says "It is important to remember that the majority of people who contract COVID-19 will recover within a few weeks.However, those with underlying medical conditions are at an increased risk of developing complications and this risk rises with the number of medical conditions that a person has. A full list of conditions which might increase your risk of developing severe COVID-19 is available at the CDC website."


Most People Who Get Covid…SURVIVE!
Originally it had almost a 95% survival rate. Now it's up to almost 99.7%. What do you suppose has changed in that time frame?


every time the virus mutates it gets less deadly, and people are taking Trumps vaccine which was made available because of OWS.

thank you President Trump...


Read my OP title again. I stated “healthy” people. I should have added Healthy Unvaxxed People which has nothing to do with the vaccine. They survive without the vaccine! I will Edit to make it more clear.


Yet we're dehumanized for not taking the shot.


i rather be dehumanized by the mainstream sheeple than deal with those side effects they have in store for em


I would too but this all leads us down a very dangerous path.


yup that is actually what they want and is there main goal of this virus. have the people fighting between themselves while israel and their mosssd blackmail our political leaders with impunity by using their poor child sex slaves. we are all victims here but they are using their media manipulation to paint a different story


99.97% survival rate and that’s when hospitals were counting everything as Covid deaths. Mean age of 53. People under 30 have zero reason to be forced into getting an untested, ineffective shot.


You nailed it! Hospitals counted traffic deaths as Covid deaths. The person was admitted with severe fatal injuries, lingered long enough to get Covid then succumbed. As per the chart what did the accident victim die from? 3 guesses anyone? A person was admitted for cancer surgery. Not a good outcome as it had metastasized. Only a matter of time, but gets Covid. 3 guesses to what was the COD!


95% of covid deaths were "WITH"... The numbers have to be audited.


98% survival rate, 2% death rate. Still, with 330m+ humans in the US, that's still quite a significant number. I guess it takes 5% or more for people to care.

Since the virus evolves to live with humans and not kill its host, it'll become less deadly over time and become I guess more or less the flu virus in the end. Makes me think we should get infected so it can understand our bodies better and partner up :o.


2% of the 330 + humans in the US haven’t died from Covid. Not all of the 330 + million have got Covid. It’s 2% of 6.5 million cases who have died, which is about 852K. Of those how many actually died from Covid?

”73% Of Americans Who Died From COVID Had This In Common”


”A study estimated that nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S. could be attributed to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure.
The findings give insight into how underlying conditions contribute to hospitalizations during the pandemic.”


Bump my OP. I just learned my friend’s sister who died in 2020 from heart problems, during the Covid craziness, had Covid listed as her COD!

Hospitals get more funding with so-called Covid patients.
