MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump will run if

Trump will run if

the economy hits a bad patch, or the pandemic is still with us, or there is some other bad news we don't yet know of, because he has no ideas, no agenda, no philosophy from which to govern by, no principles except "What's best for me!" F him!


Trump's time is done. His momentum is slowing down, and his constant pushing of his vaccines is causing him to lose supporters every hour.

The next three years will be the rise of the DeSantis Republicans. Those running on ending covid, fortifying the Constitution and freedom, will be the next generation of politicians.

It's already started at the local level with city/town governments, and school boards.


☝️ This pretty much sums it up

For real though, why is Trump trying to make the vaccine his legacy? You can't trust any of the elites.


Because he is chock full of hubris. He was a great policy maker, but his demeanor got in his way to often and people wouldn't work with him.


I think it's the opposite. He'll run after everything is back on track like he did in 2016.

But I agree it'll be because he has no ideas, no agenda, and no philosophy from which to govern by.


I think he's too old now. He'll be 78 in Nov of 2024 and that's as old as sleepy Joe. I personally think a President should be under 70 years of age but I don't know the exact number. Reagan was starting to slip a little during his second term.


The GOP has no ideas. They're just racebaiting. No goals nor agenda. They only say things to make their constituents angry or fearful.


You just described your own cult.


Infrastructure bill, BBB, Voting Rights legislation, fighting climate change, creating electric car infrastructure, national healthcare, college tuition moratorium to name a few.

Your turn. Name present GOP agenda.


Your first two are just socialist spending monstrosities which will add trillions to the national debt (you may call it infrastructure but that doesn’t make it so), when you say “voting rights” you mean “voting rights for illegal immigrants who will vote DemoKKKrat”

The GOP agenda is: Lower crime, a secure border, a strong stance against Islamic Terrorism, lower taxes, more personal freedom, a strong economy, not indoctrinating children with racist Marxist ideology, etc.


The GOP complained about Obamacare for years, but when they finally had the power to replace it with something better, they had no plan and left it alone.

Secure border? The only reason the GOP brings up the border is because they know you hate Hispanics. Most illegals fly in and overstay. Racist fear-mongering. Still no wall which they never intended to build, but you all are stupid.

Crime? Domestic terrorism and crime increased when the GOP was in power! Just more fear-mongering on Fox.

Furthermore, domestic terrorism is the greater threat - not Islamic - according to the FBI and national security experts. But, Trump defunded all programs against his racist supporters. Biden restored funding and personnel.

Lower taxes? The GOP lowered taxes for the rich repeatedly so now working-class pay higher taxes than a minimum wage earner. More meaningless GOP talking points. Biden is the one trying to reverse that wrong.

Personal freedom? You mean more GOPers hospitalized and dying from covid? I think you're stupid for wanting to die, but whatever.

Stronger economy? The GOP weakened the economy with severe recessions under Bush 1, Bush 2 and Trump. Clinton, Obama and now Biden repaired the damage.

Teaching that slavery, Jim Crow, and genocide against Native-Americans happened is truth. Something you fear because it makes you uncomfortable.

You're uneducated and allow yourself to be easily manipulated with talking points on rightwing media.

National debt? More BS. The bipartisan GAO already said it's not true after crunching the numbers.

"Socialism" is a trigger word they use to get Simpletons like yourself to vote against your own best interest. BBB will lift millions out of poverty.

Voting? You take zero time to verify any of the nonsense you hear on rightwing media. There are more democrats in the U.S. and the only way for the GOP to win is by preventing democrats from voting.

The GOP use fear & hate to manipulate you. You do no research on your own


You’re wasting your time with these dunderheads. But damn, that was a thoroughly great post!


Thanks. I continue to hope.

Their ignorance harms the entire country. It takes little time to fact check talking points.


Also you're definition of "fact checking" is: Find someone else who shares the DemoKKKrat cult's viewpoints and then try to pass that off as objective and non-partisan.


LOL and now you’re palling up with moviechats village idiot. You must be proud.


Non sequitur, I also never said the Republicans were perfect and I am still pissed at them for not standing behind Trump and doing the right thing by repealing Obamacare.

Nope, it’s more along the lines that I don’t want drug dealers and sex traffickers coming in, I want people to respect our laws just like I have to respect everyone else's border laws (in case you care Mexico's immigration laws are far more restrictive than ours). And BTW none of the illegal immigrants have been screened for Covid, it is the biggest superspreader event in the country thanks to President motherfucker. Also playing the race card is cowardly.

BLM and Antifa are far bigger threats to us than those stupid 1/6 trespassers. Liberal cities have “defunded the police” and as a result crime is going up and people are dying which you don’t seem to care about. Also are you seriously trying to blame Trump for a rise in left wing terrorism? The DemoKKKrats decide to act like terrorists and insurrectionists and that’s Trumps fault?

Trump lowered taxes for everyone who pays taxes, don’t try to say he didn’t because I am middle class and I got a tax cut under Trump, I think I know my finances better than you do. And when you raise taxes on corporations they don’t pay the tax hikes, they raise their prices and lay people off which hurts the poor and the middle class, we get to pay for Biden's tax hikes and we are doing it now at the pump, grocery store, etc.

No, more along the lines of having the right to do with your body that you think is right and not having some DemoKKKrat tyrant telling you you have to inject your body with experimental drugs. Also vaccinated people can still get Covid so your premise is nonsense. I noticed you said that unvaccinated people should not be admitted to hospitals and be left to die. Despite the fact that's evil in every sense of the word the reason hospitals are overwhelmed is because nurses had to be fired due to Biden's vaccine mandates despite the fact that they risked their lives when the pandemic first started, and that's how Biden repays their bravery. Sick and disgusting and if anyone wants people to die it's yourself and your cult, your cult leader even rationed anti-body treatments from Florida because he was jealous that Governor De Santis was doing such a great job at dealing with Covid, he decided to kill Floridians to make himself look less bad.

Wrong again, until Covid the economy was the strongest it has ever been, Trump saved us from the disaster of Obama and now Biden is repeating the same mistakes.

That stuff is already taught and it should be. The DemoKKKrats want to teach that white people are inherently racist oppressors and that black people are automatically victims because they are black, they want to teach children to hate each other because of their skin color and to hate the country. No one legitimate wants to take slavery, civil rights era, etc out of the curriculum, it is already there even in the reddest of red states. You are purposely being disingenuous. Due to left wing teachers students are now being separated by race and the white kids are being shamed and yelled at for being white, which is the very definition of racism.

Actually you are wrong, it is universally accepted that the bills the DemoKKKrats want


To pass will add trillions of dollars to the economy, Biden is lying when he says “it won’t cost a cent”, he’s saying that so people will rally behind his socialist take over and then we’ll just be fucked.

The GOP doesn’t want to restrict anyones right to vote unless you shouldn’t be voting in the first place. DemoKKKrats want to give illegals voting rights because they know they will vote for them. Make no mistake if it seemed that illegals would vote Republican then DemoKKKrats would automatically pull a 180 like they did on their stance on rioting and immediately want voter integrity laws. The voter integrity laws that the DemoKKKrats are bitching and moaning about are literally less restrictive than the voting laws in Biden’s home state. If anyone is trying to suppress voting rights its your cult.


That sounds all nice and fluffy but ALL of it is fraud and lies of the highest order. The Democrats think people are too stupid (you actually are, as well as being liar in chief) to see that they're putting lipstick on a pigs asshole.

And why do I have to pay for some leftist's liberal arts degree, when they signed on the dotted line that THEY would pay for it?


I am really starting to think that KKKeelai doesn't even believe his own bullshit, there is no way anyone can be that stupid. What's scary is people like yatzo actually agree with him.


There's a few of these reprobates that I wonder about but leftists ARE that stupid.


You’re right, these are the same people who claim to care about minorities but then want to “defund the police” which will disproportionately victimize minorities. You can’t make this shit up.


Their whole ideology is fatally flawed and contradictory. There's plenty of real world examples of it's epic failure but they're blind to it.


You’re an idiot.., so get used to it


You can call a banana an apple all you want but it doesn’t make it an apple.

I am the furthest thing from an idiot, I am an independent, rational, objective source of truth and reality. You are a brainwashed DemoKKKrat cultist which is why you are aligning yourself with the village idiot. The sooner you admit your obvious bias the sooner you can come back to reality.


No…, you’re an idiot. Now go to bed


You just described yourself, now go back to your safe space and leave the internet.


Better yet, F you.


I want to see DeSantis run. If Trump tries to run the Democrats will cheat again with massive voter fraud. I also see riots coming back and Anitfa & BLM will turn into death squads targeting white males.


Yep, and the DemoKKKrats will take a 180 once again on their moral principles and rioting will all of a sudden be OK once again.


If they attempt to riot again like they did in 2020 I predict we will see a lot of Kyle Rittenhouse like cases.


Libtard Logic:
- We are going to defund the police so you don't get police protection
- You don't have the right to bear arms so you don't get to protect yourself
- If someone tries to kill you and you defend yourself then you are a "white supremacist" and you deserve to go to jail.

So basically we just have to sit there and allow BLM to murder us.


That logic from the prosecuting attorney in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial
was insane. Glad he was acquitted.


LOL the prosecution was utterly pathetic, they did the defense’s job for them. What was really fucked up was when the prosecutor pointed an AR-15 at the audience. That’s a violation of even the basic rules of firearm safety: Treat every weapon as if it is loaded and never point it at anything you aren’t willing to destroy.

I am so proud of the judge and the jury for doing the right thing and not allowing themselves to be intimidated by the death threats from the left.


LSD tonight idiot?


Nope, just thinking rationally as always


Any links on that “massive voter fraud”?


He's an ego maniac. Love him or hate him...he's going to be the Republican nominee in 2024.
