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It's hypocrisy for right-wing to be anti-Vaxx yet against abortion.

Because they love to spout off about government getting involved in controlling our bodies and all about "choice". Yet, this is the same group of people who have no problems with government telling women how to control their bodies in regards to abortion.


Oh boohoo you can't kill a baby once there is a heartbeat. Cry me a fucking river


Spare me the crocodile tears. Right-wing could care less about the welfare of babies/children when they were the ones who love bombing countries illegally and killing women/children/babies. This is all about CONTROL over women's bodies from rich, white men in government.


No control is all the vaxx bullshit your side pushes and now you want carte blanche to murder babies without a medical cause.

Personal responsibility learn it


Except it's the government's responsibility to protect its people. Vaccine mandates and mask mandates are one way to ensure that. It's not "personal responsibility " if their reckless actions harms others.


So you agree government should protect the unborn as well and protect babies from their reckless mothers.

Thanks for playing


*Couldn't care less


It's practically a textbook definition of hypocrisy. You could also say that they cannot tell the difference between community health standards and personal (or what SHOULD only be personal) health choices.


That's a common theme with these people. They LOVE to tell other people how to live their lives, yet when it comes to their own personal lives, it's a grave insult or "government intrusion".



They both kill people.

That is my stance.

The Vaccine is FAR from proven.

Abortion is proven.

SO, you are clearly dead wrong.

Pun intended.


Vaccine IS proven though. You're wrong.


I think you mean it’s hypocritical for the left to fully embrace fascism with vaccine passports and mandates then scream at the top of their lungs over abortions as “my body my Choice”.


It's not fascism because it's the government's responsibility to protect its people. Mask mandates and vaccine passports are measures to combat the disease.


Masks don't do shit and vaccine passports are the equivalent of "show me your papers". The current government hates its people and are only loyal to the future of the nwo.


Except they do "shit". It's scienfically proven.


Hitler also had a responsibility to protect the German people from a "health crisis".

It's fucking fascism dude. The government is using corporations to enforce the laws they legally cannot...what do you think that's called?


Except viruses are a threat to health (and actually kill you). Jews are not.


If you think you'd be hiding Anne Frank in your attic, don't delude'd turn her into the Stasi in a second. Don't think you're not a nazi just because your outgroup isn't based on a religion.

Except viruses are a threat to health

But with covid 99.8% of the time, this is not the case.


Rational thought and consideration of the evidence isn't in their mentality so anything goes.


Indeed. The right-wing loves to resort to emotional fallacies.


It's hypocrisy to want vaccine passports but not voter IDs.

Vaxports are wayyy more racist than voter ID.
