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Catholic leaders advance plan that could deny Biden Communion

In a 168-55 vote, US Catholic bishops agreed on Friday to draft a document that would detail the conditions under which Catholic politicians and public figures who do not follow church teaching on abortion and other issues may be denied Communion. President Joe Biden, the second Catholic president in US history, stands to be rebuked if such a document is approved in November due to his support for abortion rights.

"The Eucharist, or holy communion, is one of the most sacred rituals in Christianity, and bishops have grown worried in recent years about declining Mass attendance and misunderstanding of the importance of the sacrament to Catholic life.

But the move to target a president, who regularly attends Mass and has spent a lifetime steeped in Christian rituals and practices, is striking coming from leaders of the president’s own faith."

Vatican is pushing back though. I thought the Vatican had sole authority over all things Catholicism since it originated within the Roman Empire.


Does it really matter? All papists goan to hell AIR?


They'll chicken out when the Commies threaten them. Many of Trump's people did the same. The future of America is ShitHole.


I support the church with this.


This kind of fascist inculcation into every aspect of life that is corruptible is why the Catholic church is shrinking and soon to be out of business. Pope Francis is the new way, but the old guard dies hard if at all. Jesus never said anything about abortion, or a lot of other things, he said treat others as you would like to be treated. Even an actual repentant murderer can be forgiven by God, so what right do a bunch of fascist Bishops have attack the President of the United States on made up baloney.


I'm not into religion but I do enjoy religious music. Has the air of heavenly feel to the ears and brain with the chorus, hymns, etc. Oh and the architecture and color are amazing. Like orgasm for your eyes.


True, the greatest feats of mankind in my opinion are the great cathedrals. Having been there I was is despair when I heard that Notre Dame was burning. Funny, I am not religious at all, but the spirituality of building those monuments to whatever is out there is very very impressive. But, then there is nothing great that man does that man does not corrupt and eventually destroy.


Apparently several of the Kennedys are denied already.


Hmm, maybe one or two of the Kennedy's, certainly not that many. Also Biden has been refused communion before back when he was Vice President relating to abortion also. Looks to me like he's been down this road before where one will refuse and another will allow. Guess he'll be alright then.


I did 12 years Catholic schools, and IIRC you're supposed to be free of sin when you take communion, so really you need to do Confession right before Mass and then abstain from impure thoughts for like 45 minutes...


I can't believe we live in a world where people still people belive like this. Grown men sitting around debating if people can take a wafer. Adults taking the wafer and believing that's what gets them eternal life. Unreal.


Fine… If the Catholic Church is going to violate the separation of church and state to force member politicians to vote the way the church wants, then they should also lose their tax exempt statuses, as well.

Let them start shelling out taxes on all revenue and, especially, property and see how quickly they’ll change their tune.
