MovieChat Forums > Politics > πŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈ This thread is a Pillow fight! πŸ˜‰

πŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈ This thread is a Pillow fight! πŸ˜‰

My Pillow is finished

Everything's comin' up Milhouse!


Ahh yes cheer on the ruination of a business and someone's livelihood because you don't like their political beliefs. Such liberal tolerance


Political beliefs?
You mean the β€œstolen election”?!






MyPillow guy had no problem attacking and ruining the Dominion Voting Machine business! He's getting a taste of his own medicine.



Be prepared to become a cult leader. After all, Q was only joking, too.


Did I stutter? The Lindell reckoning and Rush Limbaugh is dead within the period of a week, it must be my birthday.


He ruined his own business. The free market did it's thing.


You still don't know what the free market is do ya dumbass


Lol, you're still triggered by the free market. Keep drooling.


Go wrestle an AIDS patient in a thorn bush


the free market really incresed his profits.

Its the other company that he shit on that is suing him that is his problem





Why is you pillow finished? WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT!?! You didn't beat it with your dick, did you?


just googled this.
This is fantastic.
Shame Dominion arnt suing Trump directly though , he is surely more to blame for baseless lack of faith in their voting machines than this pillow maker is.


I believe it's because a presidential candidate has special protections when it comes to lying that his subordinates do not have, especially if he does his lying while president.

They went after Giuliani and Powell first, and added Lindell to their list.


These are the Democrats we are taking about. My gut says they are 100%.,guilty

Suing to me shows a form of guilt.
Banning people who bring up election fraud shows guilt.
The lack of media interest shows guilt.

Now on the flip side.

When Democrats brought up Russian collusion is was not denied by the media. People were not banned. Trump didint sue for deformation.

The actions of the Republicans and Democrats are polar opposites.

And how long did the 2020 election fraud investigation last? Days.

That shows more guilt.
Within days investigations were complete, courts threw out claims in hours.

Democrats control the media
Democrats control silicon valley
Democrats control the courts

The abuse of power is not what America was built upon.


Democrats control the media
Democrats control silicon valley
Democrats control the courts

wow how did that happen?
Republicans must have took their foot of the gas eh?
so what do Republicans control?


The Democrats started playing a game the Republicans never thought would go this far.

Like I said the Democrats control silicon valley and the media.
They have the power to not share news on tv and ban people who bring up information they disagree with.

Democrats also control the courts, Google judged and prosecutors refusing to charge rioters .
In this crazy liberal pact, prosecutors and judges are not charging certain groups.

How long were the investigations that looked into the 2020 elections.
Within days investigations were wrapped up and thrown out of court.
At that speed, it makes the Democrats look more guilty.

Imagine not being able to bring up russian collusion. being banned for using such terms and when it went to court the judge looked at it for a second and said , no, no russian collision.

Democrats control college academia
Democrats control hollyweird
Democrats control the FBI

And if you go against them, they will try and make.sure you never work again.
They threaten you and your family.


Democrats control the media
Democrats control silicon valley
Democrats control the courts
Democrats control college academia
Democrats control hollyweird
Democrats control the FBI

Again , If the democrats control all this what have the republicans been doing?

If your definition of "Democrat" is someone not on board with trumps completey unfounded election fixing fantasies , then yes ,that list may be true

But i'd like to think that all the non "crazy extremist " republicans also dismiss trumps lying allegations and admint hes went too far


Trumps claims?

The reason why trump claimed these things were because of the information brought to him.

Did you see those nice old women vote counters who went on tv and said boxes of Biden votes felt different, made from different paper, folded differently?

Or the mail delivery drivers who said ballot delivery across states were sketchy.

Mail in voting has never been secure, you can find hours of video of Democrats years ago talking about the holes in mail in voting.

Then the dominion voting system. Not secure, lots of questions there.

The Democrats do control all these things and the Republicans have fallen behind in the battle.
Like I said Republicans never thought Democrats would go so low or obtain absolute power.
The Democrats took things to a whole new low.

On a side note, the capital riot.
Why was this anti trump guy john Sullivan at the head of the mob barking orders?

The same guy is on video and the conversation with his accomplice sacker goes.
She tells him you were right, you were right.
He relies I could not talk about it.
She relies are you recording which he responds I will delete this?
That sounds like prior knowledge to me? No

This John Sullivan guy received thousands from CNN.

What is the anomaly of having a cnn paid shill and anti trump guy at the forefront of the capital attack?
This guy talks to police and convinces them to leave before it gets violent and the police walk away.


I'm sure Michael Moore or somebody will make nice documentary looking into all those wild conspiracy theories, maybe with some supporting evidence.
I'll watch that , but for now there no proof of jack is there?

You know what the real kicker is for me - Trump actually admitted he was going to make a load of totally unfounded fraud claims up earler in his presidency. Months before the election he said
"If I dont win , it will be because the election is fixed"

What a thing to say.


No proof jack is there?
Who is jack? Lol


There is 100% video evidence of a anti trumper leading the mob, convincing officers to leave their post. Saying he couldn't talk about it prior. Will delete damaging audio.

And no one cares to answer why a anti Trumper, someone cnn pays at the head of the capital riot?


Are you saying that all you staunch right thinking republicans were tricked into
storming the palace and act of treason
by one guy on the opposing team?


I am not saying anything. I am asking questions.

What was a anti trumper doing at the forefront of the capital riot?

What is he payed for by CNN?

Why is he on video in a conversation with someone telling him, you were right, you were right?
He responds I could not talk about it. I will delete this?

Could it be possible a rogue group lead the charge and ordinary people walked in freely?

Could it be a mix of the far right and far left?




What was debunked?


My pillow is Finnish.


Gather up guys, we're rasslin'!

In the style of the ancient Greeks of course.

Never mind the man in the gabardine suit. His bowtie is definitely not a camera.


Let's play kick the can.


Good Pillow, David Hogg's pillow company, has a site. You can't buy them yet, but you can sign up to be put in the queue so you're notified when pre-orders are available.


I reckon I'll buy a few of these. Further decimation of My Pillow is surely a cause we can all rally around.


Come to think of it, I do actually need some new pillows. Mine suck.


I'm pretty sure you all wanted to talk about pillows. Do you really lose your gusto that quickly? Could it perhaps be that Mike Lindell is not worth defending?


Interesting that Mike Lindell starting making pillows, considering cokeheads don't sleep very much.


I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed? I think you can in Europe.


I suppose I do have one unembarrassed passion. I want to know what it feels like to care about something passionately.




I wonder how Mr. Lindell is sleeping these days. A good pillow only takes you so far.


I heard Mike wanted to call the company Mein Pillow, and despite it being a company primarily comprised of Nazis, they ultimately decided the optics were bad.


Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning.


Are you a crazy person? Why do you keep replying to yourself?
