MovieChat Forums > Politics > Good thing this is the US and not Japan ...

Good thing this is the US and not Japan !

Shoot some holes in this theory, that fewer guns means fewer gun crimes and murders. (Wow, that's some heavy math I can't wrap my mind around.)
Is Freedom and the 2nd Amendment the Freedom to be afraid for your life on a daily basis? That you are a better gun-slinger than some other rando?
Nope, gunning up and open carry is the solution to a peaceful society. smh


You can stop using Japan as a example since they have never allowed any immigration into the country. They only have in the most part one religion. That guy that set off the gas in the subway is a example of not really a good idea of having several religions.


Talking gun control, not religious fanaticism. Raw numbers not discrete events.


If you want to buy a gun in Japan you need patience and determination. You have to attend an all-day class, take a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95 percent.

There are also mental health and drugs tests. Your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. Then they check your relatives too - and even your work colleagues. And as well as having the power to deny gun licences, police also have sweeping powers to search and seize weapons.

That's not all. Handguns are banned outright. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed.

The law restricts the number of gun shops. In most of Japan's 40 or so prefectures there can be no more than three, and you can only buy fresh cartridges by returning the spent cartridges you bought on your last visit.


Yes, this is pretty harsh for gun-loving USA, but I hope it illustrates the simple idea that fewer guns means fewer gun deaths in the aggregate.
As far as I know, Canada blames their gun deaths on the US because it's so easy to smuggle illegal guns from the gun happy neighbors. Maybe they should build a wall or something.


Like in that Braveheart movie. If you want to change the US you will need to breed out the thinking to do it.


What the hell does Braveheart have to do with anything?


If you don't watch movies you really should be on this board.


Well then I really should be on this board, even though I DO watch movies (??)

What do movies have to do with this Politics board? If you care to explain what you mean about Braveheart, feel free. But it's a fictional movie that doesn't even reflect it's own historical time period. Just because some line pops up in a movie, doesn't mean it's wisdom we should all acknowledge.
And I reiterate, this is a Politics board, not related to film unless we choose to make a clear link between the two. Feel free to make film references, but they aren't germane to the root purpose of this board.


That English King was wanting to change the fighting in Scotland so he made a law that any English lord over there could take the woman on her wedding day and sleep with her.It then his idea would be the child would think english not scottish.But like in that anti hillary movie 13 hours. Always stay strapped is a lesson to live by.


" Just because some line pops up in a movie, doesn't mean it's wisdom we should all acknowledge. "
no , but if someone references it and says "this applies really well to this situation" ...


Thats a big word for somebody whose having a tantrum because a film was mention in the politics section of a film website.


lol. Just because you had to look it up doesn't mean it's a "big word". Only to you maybe.


I'm aware what it means, having heard it used a few times in the past I "extrapolated from context"

Its just amusing to find less commonly used words used to make a pointless nonsensical keyboard warrior rant post look intelligent


I use big words because I know them and they fit. Take it as you will.
Who's having a fit, other than to point out the US is gun crazed and a complete aberration in the modern thoughtful world? If thousands of needless gun deaths doesn't get you excited, what does?


I totally agree with you on gun control , and replied as such.

I just think you are getting a little bent out of shape ( aka losing your shit) about someone using referencing a view expressed in a movie to make their point.
On a movie site no less,
and it doesent matter wether its fictioanl or not, it could have been a Riggs quote from Lethal Weapon , its the content of it that matters , obviously.


Sadly, you're a dumbass and don't know WTF you are talking about.


Don't be sad, just look in the mirror and repeat your words. My, we certainly are getting somewhere, aren't we?


To be fair, you have to remember that even though there are fewer gun deaths, other areas of crime will rise. For example in the UK there is like high crimes of knife and acid attacks although survival rate of knife attacks would most likely be higher, probably. Easier to shoot with a gun anyway than run around slashing people as quickly as possible. At least there is no beheadings in the US like in France.


Less death though. That's the bottom line that 2nd amendment purists can't wrap their heads around. You can't kill as many people on a knife rampage as you can with an AR-15 or a sniper rifle like the Las Vegas shooter pulled off. You just can't even if you're a knife fighting expert.


I agree , thats a good system.
Its not one that can be employed in the US though as the country is absolutlely swamped with guns,
So the "fewer guns" part of " fewer guns means fewer gun crimes" cannot be implemented.


I really rail against the argument that it's so far gone we'll never get it under control. We have to try, even if it's baby steps.
I feel like we are just tools for the gun lobby to make $$ off of when a rational society would say get that crap outta here.
It's like the opioid epidemic. Sure, they have a place and there are arguments for their use, but the slippery slope tipped WAAY too far in how they infiltrated our lives. Same with guns.


Are you seriously afraid for you life on a daily basis? There is a 0.00000143% chance of being the victim of a mass shooting. Fact is, the vast majority of gun crime is between rival gangs and suicide. So to answer your question, yes, I take my Constitutional Rights seriously and am a strong supporter of 2A.

And if somehow the 2nd Amendment was repealed - which is basically impossible - there are still more guns in the US than people. Banning something doesn't make it go away. Comparing us to Japan is wrong on so many reasons. Maybe you could explain why Switzerland is awash in guns, yet doesn't have high levels of gun crime like we do?


Hey, my friend, I'm up for a reasoned debate on just about anything, and I don't consider myself the biggest brain here. Not by a long shot. But I'm so frustrated when the 2nd Amendment is used as a blanket endorsement of easy access to guns as compared to the rest of the world. The evidence is obvious in the numbers, and the carnage isn't just statistics. People are dying by their own hands and committing single killings out of passion and anger because of easy access to guns.

I'm personally not afraid for my life on a daily basis, but a lot of people are, and that they live in impoverished areas doesn't mean it doesn't matter what happens there. And I'm not talking about Mass Shootings. I'm talking about the daily grind of having guns in any criminal's and angry person's hands. Gun manufacturers have become rich beyond belief at our expense, we've been used like tools to their end. The Founding Fathers did not foresee our current society, and claiming the 2nd A gives us the right to gun up like frightened peasants while simultaneously creating an unstoppable military while blaming intentionally disenfranchised citizens for not going along with it all is madness.


Although I'm a supporter of 2A, I'm not the "no compromise type." I believe in many common sense measures like universal background checks, no sales to those convicted of domestic violence and even red flag laws, which a lot of people have a problem with. I also understand that more guns mean more deaths, but I don't think law abiding citizens should have Constitutional rights taken away because some people break the law. I can understand how easy access can frustrate some people, but a right is a right and if you're familiar with the process of a Constitutional Amendment, its not possible, at least not in our lifetimes. Perhaps in a few generations, the opinion will shift.

Shootings in impoverished areas are certainly a concern and I feel for the victims. Personally I want stiffer penalties for those caught in possession of an illegal firearm. Often times, all they receive is a slap on the wrist. I believe there should be strict mandatory minimums to set a precedent that it won't be tolerated anymore.

With all due respect, I dont buy the argument that the founding fathers didn't expect advancement in firearms when they wrote the Constitution. I mean, I'm sure people said this same thing in the 1800's when revolvers and lever actions guns became available to the public. The 2nd Amendment has changed a lot since it was first written. It was always about the militia, but the Supreme Court has recently ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, unconnected with service in a militia, for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, and that the District of Columbia's handgun ban violated this guarantee. In laymens terms, any "common use firearm" is covered under the 2nd Amendment.

I could go on forever about this, but I won't, however I would like to say thank you for keeping it civil. Thats often not the case with this topic. And my ears are always open on how we can improve safety, short of a ban.


I thank you as well for being decent in your argument.
I admit to getting triggered often times which seems to be the point of "trolling."
But I have a hard time letting "the bad guys" win just because they don't mind getting dirty and I try to be above the ugly stuff. I care about what happens to our country and don't want to sit by while it goes up in flames.
I don't contribute on Politics just to piss off the opposition, I'm trying to make it clear some of us don't endorse the agenda of the what I call "wrong wing" (because there isn't anything "right" in the common sense of the word).

But again, thanks for being decent about this debate.


"I don't contribute on Politics just to piss off the opposition, I'm trying to make it clear some of us don't endorse the agenda of the what I call "wrong wing" (because there isn't anything "right" in the common sense of the word)."

Haha I hear ya. I don't come down here often myself, although since the election, there have been some entertaining posts.
