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Trump’s AG, Barr heading to jail

"Here’s the thing about the Trump regime’s infinitely corrupt and autocratic would-be takeover of the United States: it was only going to work if he won a second term. Now that he’s lost, things are instead going the other way and quickly imploding for all involved.

That includes Bill Barr, whose time as Attorney General has been one big long series of acts of obstruction of justice. Now it turns out Barr wasn’t just getting Donald Trump and his friends off the hook; he was also running some serious side cons. For instance, Reuters is reporting that as soon as Barr became AG, he had the Department of Justice back off from criminally pursuing one of his own clients.

Barr’s personal financial motivation in this instance pretty much proves he’s guilty of felony obstruction of justice, and a jury won’t have much trouble coming to that conclusion. While this is far from Barr’s most egregious crime in office, it may be the most provable one.

This means that unless Donald Trump preemptively blanket pardons Bill Barr on his way out the door, Barr is facing serious prison time. Even if Trump does pardon Barr, the fact that they’ve acted as co-conspirators in some of these crimes could be enough to get Barr’s pardon overturned in court. No wonder Barr has been lying low. Also, it’s notable that people within the DOJ are now leaking Barr’s dirty secrets in an attempt at finishing him off."


While we're at it we should do a freedom of information request for any documents that might relate to his father Donald Barr and Jeffrey Epstein, and also William Barr's time at the C.I.A. in the mid 70's which coinciding with Epstein's first employment the Prep School in New York City run by Barr's father. LOL... fat chance, right?

Barr's father published a science fiction book in 1973 which had sexual slavery of minors as part of it's plot... while he was still the headmaster. And that's just for openers. Barr, Sr. was in the precursor of the C.I.A. (the O.S.S.) during World War II, so he likely still had many contacts in the agency which certainly helped his son get his first job. Epstein died of a highly suspect "suicide" in a Federal prison under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice which William Barr was in charge of as AG. Not to mention Alex Acosta (architect of the Epstein sweet-heart deal) also turning up in Trump's administration, Alan Dershowitz (named as a john by one of the Epstein accusers) getting deeply involved in Trump's impeachment defense, and Trump's own seemingly close friendship with Epstein at one time. Maybe nothing there.. but man, that's a lot of smoke. The Clintons might be involved too, but they aren't in the White House at the moment.


First of all, let's see how many idiot dems call out your obviously biased source.

Oh look? Nobody. Hypocrisy proven once again.

That's it? Didn't Obama cover for his lying wingman Eric Holder? He was held in contempt of congress for not being forthcoming. Obviously he lied and he should've been held accountable for Op. Fast and Furious, right? So why aren't you yelling and screaming about that?

Once again, hypocrisy is proven. Now STFU.


I'd be more interested in this hypocrisy shit you type if it wasn't your response to every revelation of Trump related corruption/theft. Talk about irony.


Perhaps if you idiot dems treated both sides the same, everything wouldn't be a hypocritical event.

I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Since you have no rebuttal, I assume you know your hypocrisy is true.

Now watch me be clairvoyant again. You're going to claim ignorance to the whole thing. Watch!


Calm down dear.


See. I told you I'm clairvoyant! Now STFU.


Have you looked in a mirror? You have a bunch of shit all over your face.


It's better not to look directly at it.


That's because your mirror has a bunch of shit on it every time you open your mouth. Perhaps you should clean it once in awhile, yes?


Lmao Doggielemming this is a good one.


Doggie was Melaniamirror which was a new account when Doggie disappeared. Martoto's account is 3 years old.

MM disappeared after Biden won. Probably doesn't feel the need to be here any more.


Trump's gonna try to make either Barr or Giuliani his latest sacrificial lamb. Just like Michael Cohen.


That's possible, but I'm not sure what good it will do him when he no longer has presidential protection in 2021.

I still think Cohen is right in saying Trump will find a way to indict himself, possibly as early as December. He needs it done before Pence loses the ability to pardon him.


OP is playing leap frog with the (lack of)facts.


Another loser leap frogged to the ignore list.
