MovieChat Forums > Politics > I Don't Get It....

I Don't Get It....

U.S politics fascinates and terrifies me. I mean, you guys HATE each other. The amount of bile and vitriol you spout at one another is mind boggling. For the self proclaimed "Greatest country in the world" you sure seem more comfortable with this discontent than you do with trying heal and reconcile your differences.
Don't get me wrong, I adore your country. I've been there twice a year since 2012 and even as recently as January to visit family and will continue to return for as long as I am able.
But when it comes politics, man, it's gut-wrenching to see from the outside.




My Grandfather was born in The Bronx in the 30s. I was quite young when he passed but I do remember stories he used to tell about growing up in NYC, so Iv'e always had an affinity and fascination with the country. His father was Irish and they moved back to Ireland after the war.


I'm fine with being just one of the greatest countries in the world. The pandemic might currently make us not even eligible for that category.


What happened is the democrats elected a black man as president who won in a landslide. That caused a dark corner of the right wing to show its fangs. Over time, more right-wingers hopped on board and got behind a billionaire who claimed to be a crusader for their cause to undo everything Obama did. That billionaire won despite his opponent getting more votes.

Now instead of a dark corner of a political party being upset at the current administration, it's the majority of the country who are upset. And once again, the current administration is trying to usurp the will of the majority.


Coverage of U.S politics is quite extensive here. So we are all very well informed about goings on. But if I didn't know any better, I would say you guys are on the brink of a Civil War.


It's difficult to say. Assuming Trump loses and leaves quietly, things probably go back to normal since Biden is too boring and too centrist for any group to rise up against him. If Trump wins then all hell could break loose because once again the majority will have been usurped which is the kind of thing a democracy is designed to prevent.


The left is already burning down cities. They are just going to get more violent regardless of who win the election. This all started during O'Bama, and he did nothing but fan the flames.


The protest disguised as riots actually began after the Iraq war. There were pockets in 2000 following the controversial election, but it went full blown in 2004.

Now there's selfies.

Then there's camera's.

Put 3 people into a pit without any TV news camera''s just 3 lonely people in a pit.

Put 3 people taking selfies into a pit and have TV news camera's...then you have a "story". x2 x3 x4...

I blame the Internet for all this. People are always stupid. I would give half my salary to go back to 1995.

I'm okay with Netscape, message boards and chatrooms.

Twitter and Facebook I can do without.


What's more, none of them seem to give a single damn about what's actually fact and what isn't.

They will believe ANY story that suits their 'side' instantly and then stick their fingers in their ears and or deflect when it turns out to be untrue.

They'll support ANYONE, no matter how ignorant or stupid, who's on their 'side' just to spite the other 'side'. It's embarrassing to watch.


Civilised debate be damned!!


This applies to pretty much everyone, but continue projecting yourself as saints lol.


The hate only travels in one direction... Left to right.


Well you need to understand there is a communist revolution going on in our country. It started in the 60s and now they’re using every tool they have in their arsenal because Trump is a massive threat to their system. He represents the freedom loving god fearing American people. He represents the American dream for all. Communist Democrat party leadership represents itself. As happens with all communist systems.

If you want proof just search Trump/Russia collusion which never had any evidence and see how many links pop up on ABCNNBCBS. It will be in the millions. Then search Hunter Biden laptop whistleblower. It will be zero. The laptop is real. The evidence is real. The crimes are real.

A communist take over of the US is bad for our country and bad for the world. It will only benefit the billionaire elites.

If the US had an objective unbiased free press things would be completely different. 6 months of Democrat party Riots wouldn’t be sold as “mostly peaceful”. Both sides would be working together to tackle CV19, instead of the Democrats trying to exploit it for political gains. Ie a Covid stimulus our Democrat party Congress has healed up since June.

There is political strife in all counties at all times. We just happen to have the most media promoting it at the moment.


A communist take over of the US is bad for our country and bad for the world. It will only benefit the billionaire elites.

But isn't Trump a billionaire elite? And is only interested in what benefits him and his ilk? He is the king of reality tv and just like reality tv, that's what watching America for the last 5 or so years has been like. Cringing and watching through the cracks in your fingers. I firmly believe he does not have the majority of the nations interests at heart. In saying that though, I don't think either of these candidates are suitable to be "The leader of the free world". Surely both parties had much better options than these two? Neither of them can converse in complete sentences, for crying out loud.
Contrary to what some Americans believe, the result of the election not just affects it's citizens but also vast majority of the world. Shouldn't your leader be someone that the entire population can be proud of, that that is who is representing you, whether it be Republican or Democrat?


No he’s not. His policies have been directly responsible for the lowest unemployment ever for blacks, Hispanics, women. It was his corporate tax cuts and payroll tax cuts that allowed business to keep more money and thus hire more people and thus lead to record low unemployment.

The covid lockdowns have devastated small business owners who are overwhelmingly Republican. There was supposed to be a a second covid stimulus package passed in June. The Democrat party runs congress who’s in charge passing a stimulus package. Why haven’t they passed one? 10,000s of small business have been impacted, bankrupted. Why didn’t they pass a stimulus package? The answer is simple, it didn’t benefit Democrat leadership.

Who do all the billionaires bankroll? Bill Gates. Jeff Bezoz. George Soros. Oprah Winfrey. Mark Zuckerberg. Jack Dorsey. Michael Bloomberg. Tom Steyer. The richest people in the world bankroll the Democrat party. Why? Because they know the Democrat party is good for Billionaires. Because the Democrat party is for sale.

Republicans put freedom and the US Constitution first. Why? Because it creates more freedom, and opportunity than any document in the history of the world. There is no country that provides more opportunity for the average person than the United States. Communism. The Democrat party. The Democrat party media. Stand directly in the way of this.

Communism is centralized planning. It’s the elimination of freedom. You work, and the Communist/Democrat party leadership will spend your money because they know how to better spend it for your needs. Does anyone actually believe that besides Democrat politicians? Unlikely.


People in this country today have an obsession with being right at all costs, NO ability to see an opposing viewpoint, and are absolutely unable to compromise in even the slightest degree.

Basically, there are two parties of extremists, and you are right...they absolutely hate each other.

I have family and friends who are both liberal and conservative, and I would never consider removing them from my life because of their political beliefs, no matter how much I may disagree with them. It astonishes me that so many families and friendships are destroyed over politics. Life is too short for that shit.


“ People in this country today have an obsession”

This is due to 24/7 news/social media.

Social media is a sewer. It allows anonymity which creates an environment of extremism. It gives a voice to the most ignorant which does not have to be earned.

In the past you had to be educated and accomplished to have a voice heard by many. Now you can be any random idiot living in their parents basement.

This was supposed to be the Information Age but it has become the misinformation age. Via a corrupted education system, media, and internet. When you have no facts, no ability to persuade, you have to censor your opposition. And we all know which Communist Democrat party is leading the charge censorship.


I definitely agree about social media being a sewer. I’m cutting back myself as much as I can and getting back to the real world.

The mainstream media is also a sewer. I guess I am old enough to remember when the news just told you what happened, and not what their personal opinions are about what happened.

And I also definitely agree on who’s doing all of the censoring in today’s society. Censorship pisses me off to no end. I used to write papers about it in high school and college all the time. R.I.P. Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben. Lol.
