MovieChat Forums > Politics > Every day the Democrat "news" media grow...

Every day the Democrat "news" media grow more bonkers...

… they actually want violence. They want a race war and a civil war.

Trump was correct. They really are enemies of America.


Trump incites this crap knucklehead!


Only among you lunatics. You all could use some lithium.







It's so obvious that I've created a timeline to track all of this crap. But it's probably just scraping the surface.



If Trump wins we are headed for a hard reset on politics in America. I don't know what that'll entail yet but when the Democratic party openly campaigns on racism and violence its not going to end well.


Seems to me that having the "let's let black criminals get away with whatever crimes they want to commit because all whites are racist" is a sure-to-lose strategy. And then there's the fact that they want open borders and free healthcare for them all. That also should spell defeat for them.

I guess it's true. Never underestimate the stupidity of US voters (if senile Joe wins and assuming they don't manage to steal the election like they want to).


Three bald-faced lies, and you think this is a winning strategy? As long as American citizens understand right from wrong and lies from truth, people like rump should never have an influence in politics, other than in backwater states that ask for more federal aid than they contribute, and have the worst education and career opportunities for their citizens.
I hope to god the majority of people (who btw voted for Hillary not donald) can see a charlatan divider at work. What a freekin' joke this past four years has been, absolutely shameful.


Good level headed post.


LOL I guess the liberal media is all alone in calling for defunding of police right? and making it look like cops are out there just shooting innocent black dudes for fun.

And I was watching the first Dem debate when (to my surprise) they were asked if they would give free healthcare to illegals and EVERY ONE OF THEM ROSE THEIR HANDS. Everyone knows that they want open borders. Everyone but you it seems.


None of that nonsense will happen.
Biden is not a liberal extremist, hes a level headed centrist.


You really think he will last 4 years? I doubt he will last more than 1 month. And that crazy bitch will be president. She's to the left of Bernie Sanders.


1 month?


We will see how he does in the debate.

If he finds an excuse to skip the debates it will prove to me that he's far worse than we think.


Why would he skip the debates at this stage?




I just watched him speak live and he was far more coherent then Trump ever was!


Having a teleprompter does wonders.

Sure Trump ad libs a lot that makes is hard for slow people to keep up.


A lot of slow people are Trumpers, who love his character assassinations, repetitive nonsensical rhetoric, promises he'll never keep, and all with a fifth grade vocabulary.

This is pathetic, he has to go!!


Actually I was referring to you.


5th grader?


No I doubt you're a 5th grader but then...gotta wonder.

I was talking about slow people.

You seem slow. You had to ask why Biden would want to skip the debates. LOL


When did they stop being bonkers?


More bonkers. They've gotten worse. They seem to have taken the same attitude as late night "comedy".

Basically "yeah we're completely biased and if you don't like it too bad"


Yeah, the media has been awful the last 4 or 5 years. They've caused more division than Trump could ever dream of doing.


Trump wants a civil war. He's the one sending police to breakup peaceful protestors, and sent federal agents to Portland to beat veterans and attack activists with tear gas. He said and did nothing when armed Operation Gridlock activists threatened the Michigan governor.


You are either willfully ignorant or delusional.

Click on the link provided by "Daggerboard" earlier in this thread. Scroll up.


I'm just going by the actual footage on the news. You are delusional for thinking democrats can make things worse than they are.


Don't you know the "news" has become nothing but propaganda?

The link he posts has actual footage from the "news".


Yes, they've said they want to punch him, but he's threatened dissenters several times in public. Why are Dems worse than Trump? By the way, they've never actually hurt him. CBS News is the real news. You only watch right-wing slanted material, so all of your news is propaganda.


I'm surprised that you think CBS is any different than all the others. It's all bullshit.

Have you heard about what a load of bullshit the Russia hoax was?

No because the media are nothing but liars for Democrats.

Skip the audio forward 2 minutes. (as if you'll listen, loser)


So, anything that shows Trump as he is and criticizes anything is fake news? So your Dear Leader can't make mistakes? That sounds like an cult mentality to me.


Believe me Ben Shapiro rips Trump all the time. Insults and makes fun of him. Pretty much everyday.


What a laugh. CBS --- the network that fires anyone who dares to report anything negative about a Democrat or mentions the bias of the "news" media.

Sharyl Attkisson

Bernard Goldberg.


You think Ben Shapiro is actually trustworthy. His entire platform has a regressive republican bias.
He catastrophizes anything he doesn't agree with, even if it doesn't directly affect his family. If your news can be valid, mine can't be worse. I hate these double standards. Trump is allowed to treat his opponents like dirt, but they aren't allowed to counter his attitude. Angry conservatives showing up at the Michigan Capitol with guns is considered an act of free expression, but people peacefully protesting police brutality are trampled and beaten in the streets. Where's the consistency?


All you say is mumbo jumbo or lunacy.

Rioters and arsonists aren't brutalized enough in my opinion. If the asshole that blinded those federal agents guarding a federal courthouse could have been singled out I would have been happy to pull the trigger to shoot him.


There's a difference between protests(which the vast majority of gatherings are) and riots, which are caused by separate entities taking advantage of the chaos. The police specifically ignored the riots - to preserve their own safety at the expense of others - and targeted peaceful crowds. If you think police brutality is warranted, you are inviting totalitarianism.


I'm beginning to shift my opinion of you way over to you being a lunatic.

Do you make up your own lies or get them from someone else?


Exactly, before 2016, there hasn't been protesting and riots in a long time. Trump started this mess. Without Trump I guarantee you BLM riots and looting would NOT have occured this year.


"occured"? LOL It is spelled occurred! Your spell check still screwing with you? haha

So you finally ADMIT that "peaceful protesters" were looting Uh, that's stealing in case you have trouble with the big (two syllable) words.
In your twisted world, "I'm mad, therefore I have a right to steal." What an a@@hat (yeah, I know, ghetto slang, just trying to talk to you on your level)

The only thing you can "guarantee" is the stupidity that pours forth from your pie hole on a daily basis! lol


Yeah avoid the main topic just when I prove you wrong and turn it into a spelling topic. That's how you run away from all your problems? You're not fooling anyone.

So wut doo you have to sey abowt Donald Crump provoking riots by being incompetent?? Lol


Oh dear, Matilda, I should avoid your posts because I get a muscle cramp from laughing so hard. But I can't help myself. You are so entertaining.

How did I avoid the main topic? It's concerning rioting and looting, two of your favorite past times from what I can infer from your rants. From your posts you seem to be just fine with violence and destroying public and private property.

BTW-I just loooove that last sentence. I see your spelling is finally improving! LOL Did you learn how to spell BARACK yet? Dummy!

A President "provokes" riots? Look up the word provoke, have someone read the definition to you and eplain it to you. YOU only provoke laughter. Dummy!


Oh really?

Can you name one.....JUST ONE time in America when riots and "violence" were taking place during Barak Obama and Bill Clinton's term?

I'll wait😏


You misspelled Barack, dummy! LOL

I'd "wait" for a post where you could spell every word correctly, but I'm not immortal.


Matilda is a woman isn't he? Or she.


Matilda says she's female. No reason to doubt that. I do doubt her claims to be a teacher though. A teacher must know more than the five year olds she attempts to instruct.

I'm guessing Matilda hasn't yet figured out how to operate play doh.


Pj, I'm still waiting on that vocabulary homework you owe me. You have until midnight to turn it in, or else you fail your quiz. Lol

"Go dew yur homwerk lol"

To respond to your claim, I doubt that you quit your job, I suspect you got fired. But with your first grade maturity level, I can't expect you to admit to anything like a grown person.


Oh Matilda, how in the world could you CORRECT my vocabulary homework? You'd have to know vocabulary first!

And how the hell does not turning in homework mean you FAIL a quiz? You have gone from making very little sense to senseless. I'm starting to think that the only thing you did in a classroom was empty waste paper baskets and sweep floors. What a dummy!

To respond to YOUR idiocy, you may recall I said that there were budget cuts and that's why the school district eliminated teaching jobs.
But I am totally sure that a pathetic loser like you MUST assure herself that others are failures too so as not to want to swallow a bottle of sleeping pills.

But actually you may not recall what I said because, like I indicated the other day, you appear to have the memory of the common goldfish. They forget things in a matter of minutes.

And there you go, swimming around in your little bowl, lost and looking for directions!


Pj, I'm still waiting for you to tell give me ONE riot example that occured when the Obamas and the Clintons were in office.

"Yoo hav two anser my question with owt changing the subgect. Lol"


I did. I did some Google searches and all you had to do click on the links and look.


Oh yeah I forgot, Karen Trump lovers tend to go crazy and throw hissy fits when they don't get their way


You're only proving that you're not interested in actually seeing what you said you wanted. So shut the fuck up.


I don't have to shut up. You can't make me. It's a free country and I have a right to free speech.

You should know about that. Lol


OMG "You can't make me"!! LoL Said by little children on playgrounds everywhere!

I'm starting to realize that 30 isn't your age, it's your I.Q.

You have rights? I guess your goldfish memory forgot that you once told me in no uncertain terms that we DON'T have rights in this country. We have privileges.


I'm starting to think that your real age is actually 12. No 40-50 year old is as childish as you unless they have some type of mental disability. Lol

Posting stuff on moviechat that offend cry babies like you doesn't violate any "privileges". It just proves that you need to grow a pair.


LOL again! You remind of the kids we used to play with in our neighborhood. If they didn't have an original insult, they just copied someone else's!

You keep doing just that. This time when I say I'm starting to think 30 isn't your age but rather your I.Q., you reply with your own, "I'm starting to think" response. haha

Well at least you've 'started to think". But what took you so long?

And again, the insults just fly over your head at warp speed, don't they? My reference to privileges was to remind you of the dumbness of an earlier post of your!

You maintained (the idiocy) that we don't have rights, we have privileges. That's when I countered with the comment, Gee, I never read about the Bill of Privileges in Civics Class.
Apparently sarcasm goes over your pointy little head too!
Violating privileges? Where do you get this stuff?

And I need to "grow a pair"? A pair of what? I told you I am female. I guess you flunked biology too. Dummy!


I'll show you the same this I showed PJ.

It's an example of your people being "decent mature adults" lol enjoy.


How do you know she's not a Democrat? You don't.


Because 90% of people like that are Trump supporters. It's the fat obese clown who brags to everyone that he doesn't need a mask. Lol

YOUR president literally behaves like a 9-year-old rebellious punk. He's a little boy in an old man's body.



They don't know. If he evaded taxes why aren't the IRS going after him?

These are questions a person with an IQ above your room temperature IQ would ask.


Considering he's been under one of the longest tax audits in history (according to him), I'd say the answer to your (idiotic) question is a resounding yes.


It's just more fake news to try to help out feeble minded Joe. It won't work.


Matildygirl- OMG- You are finally showing us how smart you are! LOL


Let's see how smart you Trump bootylickers are. I think this woman looks like you? What do you think pj. I thought you people NEVER threw hissy fits. Lmfao.


Hey Matilda dummy, can you read simple English? zaq123 did the Google search. Click on the links or STFU.

Why is Trump responsible for riots? Click on the little link in your head and answer that!

I thought this was a free country. People can act like irresponsible a@@holes if they want. YOU obviously do!


Hey PJ pissface! Look at this. Then tell me how smart and great Trump lovers are. I thought your people never threw fits 😅😅😅😅


Oh wow! I AM so glad that I don't live in your neighborhood! Doesn't take much to enrage you, does it? LOLOL

You "thought" Trump lovers never threw fits? You actually have thoughts? Where and when did you read that millions of people never throw fits? Who the hell is the Trump supporter who ever made THAT claim?

Only dim bulbs like you assume that everyone in a group acts the SAME! Isn't that your main criticism of Republicans? We "all" assume "all" people of color are criminals. Good Lord, it's an insult to dummies everywhere to call YOU Dummy. At least they mean well.

Sorry crybaby, but I don't take the blame for what others do. I've never rioted, looted, or broken the law.

We are all responsible for our own actions. Just like I'd never assume all the Biden supporters here (or the ones I do know personally) are childish, brainless a@@hats just because YOU are!

Your newest name for me!! LOL First you come up with the "oh so clever' poophead insult. Yeah, lots of thirty year olds talk like that! Well the ones who weave baskets in the group home's rec room do! haha

Now you've graduated to "pissface". OMG, you are a riot! Tell me, is that part of your ghetto talk? Dummy!


Trump lovers riot and throw little 2-year-old hissy fits just as well as you say BLM protestors do and I proved it with the video clips I showed you. Truth hurts doesn't it!!!

But your brain is soooo
"full of rocks" and maybe even cocaine that you'll never understand. No wonder your imaginary husband harassed and stalked you. You're such an easy target and it's hilarious. I bet you had no comeback for him except to point out his spelling errors. Lol

I'll probably run into you at Walmart one day with your blonde Karen haircut tossing grocery items on the floor like the bitch in the video.

Oh wow!! What POWERFUL words. A grown 50-year-old middle aged woman calling someone a "dummy" on the internet. I think I overheard one of my 3rd grade students say that to a classmate. I benched him at recess.


LOL "Trump lovers riot!" Oh well Matilda made her grand pronouncement , so that settles everything.
I'm guessing you're just mad because they are copying BLM. Rioting seems to be their department.

I must say, you remind me of my ex-husband though. He turned out to be a nasty, foul mouthed bully, just like you. He didn't discuss things rationally. He attacked. You're just the distaff version of the abusive man.

Yes he was a lousy speller too! How did you guess that? My "comeback" however was a great divorce lawyer who took him to the cleaners! haha

Please do the men of America a huge favor and stay single!

Your latest "clever' insult? I do cocaine??LOL You really ARE desperate for an insult, aren't you? Dummy!

The irony of you being offended by the word 'dummy' when you've moved on from "poopface" and graduated to pissface is too rich to be believed!
Where did you overhear that one? You must be taking notes at the playground. Now stop following little kiddies around and go buy a dictionary. Dummy!


Horsesh##. Just another lie to incite division.


No you are.
